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Mirror vs trek

Posted: 2003-07-28 03:45pm
by Hitch Hiker
I hope no one has already done this.
which force would win
The Terran empire with the iss Enterprise
or the fed Uss enterprise with there fleet

Posted: 2003-07-28 07:18pm
by Uraniun235
The Terran empire is too inefficient.

Posted: 2003-07-28 07:37pm
by Howedar
Insufficient data.

Posted: 2003-07-28 07:57pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Presumably, the Mirror verse would have more then 13 Constitutions, because of its larger size, and they were technically equal. I give it to the Terran Empire.

Posted: 2003-07-28 10:23pm
by Equinox2003
I would say that the Terran Empire would win. They seem to be a
more military system than the Federation is. They have territory
under them, so they have shown that they know how to use muscle
to get what they needed done.
Of course, I would want the Federation to win, but I think that the
Terran Empire would win.
I'm talking about the glimpse of the Empire we see in the TOS
episode "Mirror Mirror" I never saw any of those DS9 shows
that had the Empire in them.

Posted: 2003-07-29 01:06am
by FaxModem1
In the DS9 ones, the Terran Empire had fallen to the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance and was using all terrans as slaves.

And then the Terran Resistance was formed.

Posted: 2003-07-29 01:42am
by Tsyroc
FaxModem1 wrote:In the DS9 ones, the Terran Empire had fallen to the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance and was using all terrans as slaves.

And then the Terran Resistance was formed.
True, but that is after Spock worked very hard to change attitudes in the Terran Empire. In the first DS9 episode with the Mirror Universe this change in attitude is supposedly a major reason the Terran Empire was weak enough to fall.

Posted: 2003-07-29 01:43am
by Sarevok
FaxModem1 wrote:In the DS9 ones, the Terran Empire had fallen to the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance and was using all terrans as slaves.

And then the Terran Resistance was formed.
It is possible that the DS9 mirror universe is a different one from the TNG one. There could be after all be an infinity number of parralel universes like the ones seen in the Farscape episode "The Halo". BTW have you read the novel "Dark Mirror" ? While it is not canon it is very good story about the mirror universe.

Posted: 2003-07-29 01:58am
by Tsyroc
evilcat4000 wrote: It is possible that the DS9 mirror universe is a different one from the TNG one. There could be after all be an infinity number of parralel universes like the ones seen in the Farscape episode "The Halo". BTW have you read the novel "Dark Mirror" ? While it is not canon it is very good story about the mirror universe.
That version (in Dark Mirror) of the Terran Empire is defiantely going to stomp the Federation.

It would be interesting to know if the Terran Empire went to war with the Dominion and how that worked out.

Posted: 2003-07-29 02:45am
by Sarevok
That version (in Dark Mirror) of the Terran Empire is defiantely going to stomp the Federation.

It would be interesting to know if the Terran Empire went to war with the Dominion and how that worked out.
That would definately make a good Star Trek show, unfortunately no one will ever make a show about the mirror universe.

Posted: 2003-07-29 04:50am
by Equinox2003
I have now heard that Vic Fontaine was alive, not a Hologram in the DS9
mirror universe. Can anybody tell me if this was done in a good way
or was it too much of a stretch to be entertaining?

Posted: 2003-07-29 05:10am
by Darth Fanboy
Vic Fontaine was the stupidest damn idea the DS9 writers had, it was practically Berman-esque.

EDIT: Spelling

Posted: 2003-07-29 06:31am
by Hitch Hiker
ive heard that Enterprise is based in the mirror universe as they have already incounterd the frengie and the borg. also wasnt the fedaration ment to have had a war with the Romulans before they met the Klingons? also wasnt it ment to be a disater when they met. this first contact seems to have gone smothly

Posted: 2003-07-29 06:39am
by Darth Fanboy
Hitch Hiker wrote:ive heard that Enterprise is based in the mirror universe as they have already incounterd the frengie and the borg. also wasnt the fedaration ment to have had a war with the Romulans before they met the Klingons? also wasnt it ment to be a disater when they met. this first contact seems to have gone smothly
This actually makes sense to a point, but don't expect an intelligent solution to continuity errors from the current hacks in charge.

Posted: 2003-07-29 06:44am
by Equinox2003
Speaking of Enterprise being set in another timeline, I had also heard
that the time of Enterprise was made due to the events of ST:FC

Knights of Conan O' Brien
Biscuit Keeper

Posted: 2003-07-29 07:16am
by Hitch Hiker
Could be.
The Enterprise does look like an upside down akira

Posted: 2003-07-30 12:37am
by Sarevok
Hitch Hiker wrote:Could be.
The Enterprise does look like an upside down akira
Not surprising since Akira class starships were crucial in the destruction of the Borg Cube in the Battle of Sector 001.

We know that Geordi Helped Zephrame Cochrane in his historic first warp flight. He might have given him some technical data he was not supposed to know at the time. Infact he may have even told him about Akira class starships while recalling the intense Battle at Sector 001. Cochrane could have liked the design and arranged for someone to build something that resembles the Akira 100 years later.

Posted: 2003-08-06 02:34pm
by Crazedwraith
Depends which mirror we use.
If we use TOS trek vs . TOS mirror we dont really have enough enfo.
How ever if we use post -tng trek vs. HappyTarget's Fanfic mirror cannon starfleet goes down

Posted: 2003-08-06 08:06pm
by Admiral Johnason
There was a comic about this and the Federation managed to close off the Terran Empire's way into our galaxy... or was it your's?! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Posted: 2003-08-06 10:20pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Equinox2003 wrote:Speaking of Enterprise being set in another timeline, I had also heard
that the time of Enterprise was made due to the events of ST:FC

Knights of Conan O' Brien
Biscuit Keeper

There are 3 timelines. The orginal we see before FC, the second, in which the Borg assimilate Earth, and the third, where the E-E crew meets Cochran, and the events of Regeneration happen.

Posted: 2003-08-06 10:34pm
by Darth Wong
If we're talking about the one in TOS before the events of the episode which saw the Terran Empire crippled, the mirror-universe Kirk would simply kill off the officers of opposing Federation ships with his Tantalus Field device.

That's just got to distract you when your captain drops dead every time you approach the enemy.

Victory: Terran Empire.

Re: Mirror vs trek

Posted: 2003-08-06 10:35pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Hitch Hiker wrote: The Terran empire with the iss Enterprise

Apparent which TE it is.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:43pm
by Slowhand
As for the look of Enterprise NX-01, I think it has more to do with the fact that Cochrane SAW the E-E through a telescope. Obviously this event tainted Cochranes future designs and the NX-01 is the long-term result, a ship that looks like nothing in Starfleet's history.

But when arguing that the look of NX-01 is very close to an Akira, I try to remember that the aztec paint scheme and great surface detail was also apparent on the Constitution class ships as well, but the effects budget/know how simply didn't exist in 1967 to portray the Enterprise as anything much more than a couple paper plates and toilet roll tubes.

We do not cry foul as the look of the Enterprise when Sisko and co. go back in time in "Trials and Tribbleations". It looked probably as it should.


Posted: 2003-08-12 09:29pm
by Jeremy
Mirror would start kicking butt. As its commanders find out just how easy it is they will start breaking down trying to build their own kingdoms. Star Fleet, if it is around this long, might be able to exploit this and beat them back.

Re: ...

Posted: 2003-08-12 10:57pm
by RedImperator
Jeremy wrote:Mirror would start kicking butt. As its commanders find out just how easy it is they will start breaking down trying to build their own kingdoms. Star Fleet, if it is around this long, might be able to exploit this and beat them back.
We're talking about TOS Starfleet, not TNG Starfleet. The Terran Empire might be more ruthless, but TOS Starfleet officers aren't going to sit on their thumbs and refuse to return fire when attacked.

I actually don't think the Imperial starfleet will be an efficient fighting force. They're good at terrorizing defenseless planets, but how effective can a fighting ship be if the captain can be assasinated by his subordinates at any time? A good captain would make sure his senior officers were the weakest, most timid sycophants he could find, which is pretty much the opposite of a good officer (and a sizeable percentage of their ship captains would hold the position because they were good at murdering people, not because of their tactical skill).