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[POLL] B&B or Wong?

Posted: 2003-08-18 10:11am
by Lord Poe
Who would Trekkies rather have in charge of the future of Star Trek:

Berman and Bragga, or Mike Wong?

Posted: 2003-08-18 10:16am
by Captain Cyran
Tough choice, I'm not so much a trekkie but if I remember correctly, Wong liked TOS and would probably bring us back to stuff like that Goodness.

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:16pm
by Lucius Licinius Lucullus
This is really a no-brainer, I mean even Tom Green would make better Star Trek then B&B :?

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:29pm
by Montcalm
Lucius Licinius Lucullus wrote:This is really a no-brainer, I mean even Tom Green would make better Star Trek then B&B :?
A Trek serie produced by Tom Green,hmmm that will be the first non-PC Trek. :?

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:31pm
by Stravo
I vote for Darkstar. Then we can finally see the franchise with some decent weapons and defenses and such. I mean he will intentionally go for gigaton displays of fire power thus reinvigorating the debates.

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:40pm
by Kerneth
Stravo wrote:I vote for Darkstar. Then we can finally see the franchise with some decent weapons and defenses and such. I mean he will intentionally go for gigaton displays of fire power thus reinvigorating the debates.
Ah, yes, I can see it now.

Captain Darkstar: "Tactical, fire on the enemy planet with our forward ventral phaser, single beam, set at one-half power. Sweep your fire along these coordinates."
Tactical: "Aye Captain, firing phaser!"
*planet is shown cut neatly in half by a single phaser fired on 1/2 power*
Captain Darkstar: "Excellent! Fire torpedos. One torpedo per half."
Tactical: "Torpedos away, Captain."
*torpedos fire, both halves of the planet are completely shattered*
Captain Darkstar: "Ah ha, take that you Warsie scum!"

On a more serious note, I don't think the vast majority of Trek fans have ever HEARD of Wong, so I doubt they'd necessarily be thrilled if he suddenly took over production of the show.

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:41pm
by El Moose Monstero
Not knocking Mike at all here, and maybe I'm out of line pointing this out, but 95% of the people on the board have probably expressed their general dislike for B&B's work on Star Trek at some point or another, so isnt this topic running perilously close to a simple hero-worship thread?

Posted: 2003-08-18 12:59pm
by Peregrin Toker
Lucius Licinius Lucullus wrote:This is really a no-brainer, I mean even Tom Green would make better Star Trek then B&B :?
Heck, even Kevin Lindenmuth or Ed Wood could make better Star Trek than B&B...

(In fact, I suppose that would be quite entertaining)

Posted: 2003-08-18 02:32pm
by NecronLord
'Twould be funny to see a normal trekkie's reaction on finding Mike Wong's website to be "Crush the puny federation!"

Posted: 2003-08-18 03:48pm
by Darth Fanboy
I vote for Wong, who will get us that crossover weve been waiting for, and finally, depictions of horrible horrible Federation Casualties will delight audiences worldwide.

Posted: 2003-08-18 04:03pm
by Trogdor
Mike Wong does write well, it's just that he strongly believes in the superiority of wars tech over trek tech and not without good reason. Given the intense hatred of B&B held by most, I think Trekkies would trust Wong, seeing as how it wouldn't be legal for him to bring in ISDs and Imperial superweapons into the trek world. :)

Posted: 2003-08-18 04:06pm
by Crayz9000
Trogdor wrote:Mike Wong does write well, it's just that he strongly believes in the superiority of wars tech over trek tech and not without good reason. Given the intense hatred of B&B held by most, I think Trekkies would trust Wong, seeing as how it wouldn't be legal for him to bring in ISDs and Imperial superweapons into the trek world. :)
I think the mirror universe Terrans would soon open up a fresh can of whupass on the main universe Federation...

Posted: 2003-08-18 05:13pm
by Lord Poe
The_Lumberjack wrote:Not knocking Mike at all here, and maybe I'm out of line pointing this out, but 95% of the people on the board have probably expressed their general dislike for B&B's work on Star Trek at some point or another, so isnt this topic running perilously close to a simple hero-worship thread?
No, not at all.

This is an exercise in showing who would engender more trust with the future of Trek: Berman and Bragga who are currently in charge, or Mike Wong who, while a SW supporter, at least UNDERSTANDS why Trek was once a good show. The current bozos seem to have forgotten that with each consecutive year, until we have the pile of shit that is Enterprise.

Don't you find it scary that, in a blind poll, Mike is trashing the competition?

Why aren't Trekkies marching outside Paramount, demanding quality control over Trek? Why aren't these fans heckling B&B at conventions? How much more will they allow Trek to be raped?

Posted: 2003-08-18 05:58pm
by El Moose Monstero
I dont find the fact that Mike is winning scary. Partly because I think that if you put a poll up with the second option being a blind, mad badger armed with a spoon (no implication intended :mrgreen:), then it would still get votes, but mainly because I agree that someone who knows what Trek has lost and can put it right is exactly what we need. I also take your point about Trek fans being inactive on the subject, and allowing the newer viewers who never really saw the original stuff the same way that many of us have done to pledge blind support to Enterprise and Voyager etc.

Obviously we could substitute Mike's name for quite a few people on, or in general, and I appreciate that Mike is the most obvious figure on and so is logically the first choice for this sort of poll - it was just that occassionally we see a sort of unquestioning faith in him, like the 'me-tooing' stuff, that I think is a bad thing.

Not that I'm saying that this is such a thread, but I just wanted to raise the issue. Or something.

I hope I havent offended anyone in this, it certainly wasnt my intention. :(

Posted: 2003-08-18 06:57pm
by Natorgator
I think the mirror universe Terrans would soon open up a fresh can of whupass on the main universe Federation...
I want to see a new show based on HappyTarget's TE-verse. :D

Posted: 2003-08-18 08:32pm
by Stormbringer
Lord Poe wrote:Why aren't Trekkies marching outside Paramount, demanding quality control over Trek? Why aren't these fans heckling B&B at conventions? How much more will they allow Trek to be raped?
Because Paramount's made it damn clear that they don't care. Even the most dedicated fan isn't going to fight forever to save it. And let's face it, it was the orginal Trek that gathered so much loyalty, TNG did well but it never generated the loyalty of TOS. With shows like DS9, VGR, and ENT there's not much left to believe in. The franchise is in the hands of a bunch of sorry bastards whose only interest is in how much money they can squeeze out of it and most fans are too tired of fighting to care anymore.

Posted: 2003-08-18 09:30pm
by Slowhand
Wong's impeccable logic would help to produce better viewing than anything B&B could ever dream of.

Personally, I think Stravo would be an excellent choice.

Posted: 2003-08-18 09:53pm
by paladin
NecronLord wrote:'Twould be funny to see a normal trekkie's reaction on finding Mike Wong's website to be "Crush the puny federation!"
Normal Trekkie? Is that even possible?

Posted: 2003-08-18 11:02pm
by Kamakazie Sith
I believe Wong would do an excellent job with Star Trek. No, he wouldn't make ST Tech uber, but he would take what they have and make it into something that makes sense. No more one tap warp cores, no more poor untrained security, no ridiculous sense of peace, ect.....

Posted: 2003-08-19 08:59am
by Tribun
Absolutly Mike!

B&B lost every bit of credit. Do not trust them!

Posted: 2003-08-19 03:29pm
by Lord Pounder
I don't think anyone should take over Star Trek. I think paramount should just pull the plug on the whole thing. Let Trek die with dignity.

Posted: 2003-08-19 04:17pm
by Ignorant_Boy
If Mike takes over the show, he'll no doubt take out the Treknobabble. Wouldn't that alienate 90% of the more... challenged Trekkies?

Posted: 2003-08-19 07:56pm
by NeoGoomba
Ignorant_Boy wrote:If Mike takes over the show, he'll no doubt take out the Treknobabble. Wouldn't that alienate 90% of the more... challenged Trekkies?
You'd think it would actually make the series much more approachable. That was another reason, in retrospect, while TOS was beyond anything afterwards. Shit would be happening, and all Scotty would say would be "She's gonna break loose!" or "She's falling apart!" Sometimes specific things like the dilithium crystals or emergency batteries would be mentioned, but you'd never get the crap like "Isoton power converter 3 coupling on the starboard warp core is heating up! I'll remodulate the recombinating transmogrifier inducer array to .005%!!!"

Why the hell the E-E never blew up in battle simply because it took so long to report damage is beyond me

Posted: 2003-08-20 02:37am
by Trogdor
Come to think of it, Trek in Wong's hands would be very interesting, especially if he doesn't have to do ENT and is given a series after the Dominion War. I could see him making a revolution within the Federation to return it back to its non-communist, non-Prime Directive loving garbage TOS form so he could actually feel right about them being the good guys. That would be great. :P

Posted: 2003-08-20 03:03am
by kojikun
Trogdor: Dont forget the buttsex loving miniskirt wearing yeoman that Mike would have roaming the ships :P