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The Krenim vs. the Federation

Posted: 2004-07-05 05:38pm
by Lord MJ
A wormhole is discovered to exist between the Krenim Imperium (Year of Hell, Before and After) and the Federation.

Annorax's erase from history weapon doesn't exist in this scenario.

Hostilities break out and full scale war ensues.

What happens?

Personally I think the Krenim would get OWNED. Even with the ability of thier torpedoes to penetrate Federation shields, they seem to have limited firepower as they managed to inflict severe hull damage on Voyager, but not much else.

We can assume that in both versions of the Year of Hell, Voyager was able to disable or destroy the majority of the Krenim vessels that attacked it. And considering that Voyager was seriously damaged by the later parts of the YOH and still surviving multiple Krenim attacks, I don't see how the Krenim could hope to handle a fleet of fully powered Federation ships.

Unless the Krenim fleet is orders of magnitude larger than that of the Federation, the Krenim don't stand a chance.

Posted: 2004-07-06 12:05am
by Sarevok
It has been a long time since I saw the tKrenim episodes but IIRC Voyger was able to develop temporal shielding in "Year of Hell". If the Federation can do the same they would not have to worry about Chronitron torpedoes.

Posted: 2004-07-06 09:36am
by Ma Deuce
evilcat4000 wrote:It has been a long time since I saw the tKrenim episodes but IIRC Voyger was able to develop temporal shielding in "Year of Hell". If the Federation can do the same they would not have to worry about Chronitron torpedoes.
Those torpedos are already pathetically weak anyway (even weaker than phaser blasts, to say nothing of photon torpedos). We saw Voyager destroy one Krenim ship, and it stands to reason they destroyed at least several more. Starfleet would own the Krenim in fleet engagements, even without temporal shields.

Although Voyager was only able to develop temporal shields because they had access to a "dud" chromoton torpedo (yeah, I know, it did go off eventually, but the fact that it didn't detonate on impact as it was supposed to makes it a dud), it is highly probable that in a full scale war, with many, many times the number of Chromoton torpedos being fired, the Federation might have a similar opportunity...

Posted: 2004-07-06 10:22am
by wautd
Are their any hints on their numbers? (their territory was quite big iirc)

Posted: 2004-07-06 03:43pm
by Lord Pounder
Yeah but IIRC the Krenim sent everything they had after Voyager. Voyager is a science/scot vessel and not even close to being a dedicated warship like the Defiant, Soverign or Nebula class. Feddies win this easily.

Posted: 2004-07-07 10:09am
by TurboPhaser

Multiple attacks on a messed Voyager couldnt destroy her. Imagine how long a War Galaxy could have survived.

Feddies bitch slap the Krenim.

Posted: 2004-07-07 11:28pm
by Lord MJ
Most of the Krenim's fearsome profile comes from the fact that they inflicted untold pain and suffering on the crew.

How many of you didn't say "Whoa" when it showed Voyager with a giant hole in the saucer in "Before and After."

Posted: 2004-07-08 01:19pm
by Lord Pounder
Lord MJ wrote:Most of the Krenim's fearsome profile comes from the fact that they inflicted untold pain and suffering on the crew.

How many of you didn't say "Whoa" when it showed Voyager with a giant hole in the saucer in "Before and After."
Yeah but once again i repeat that this was against Voyager, Voyager isn't a combat ship. It's a glorified science vessel. And even then the damage took the best part of a year to inflict on a ship without any support or spacedock facilities.

Posted: 2004-07-08 04:30pm
by Lord MJ
Giving Voyager some credit, where was it stated that Voyager isn't a combat ship?

It's just like most of the Federation vessels that we've seen sharing exploration, scientific, and military duties.

The Intrepid class seems to be pretty decent for combat duty, and mass production of it could lead to the retirement of old 23rd century designs from combat roles.

The only "Science" vessels we've seen so far are the Nova Class and the Oberth Class, plus some Miranda class starships that were converted for science duty.

Posted: 2004-07-08 05:37pm
by Sidious
Lord MJ wrote:Giving Voyager some credit, where was it stated that Voyager isn't a combat ship?
The fact that Voyage has 4 photon torpedo bays (could they fire quantom torps as well?) and 11(?) phaser strips would seem to indicate it was built to, at the least, defend itself quite well. Even a standard GCS only has 2 torpedo bays. Of course Voyager's may be a different model, non burst fire or something.

I've often wondered how well a war galaxy would have done in Voyager's place. Such as taking on those 4 Kazon cap ships in "Basics pt1".

Posted: 2004-07-08 07:32pm
by Howedar
By all appearances Voyager has four single-fire launchers while the Galaxy possesses two (three, sorta, depending on source) burst-fire launchers. Advantage: Galaxy.

Posted: 2004-07-08 07:39pm
by Lord Pounder
Janeway was primarily a science officer before going the command path of here career, also i've also seen it stated in several unofficial novels that the Intrepid class was the successor to much aged Oberth class.

Posted: 2004-07-09 05:51am
by Sarevok
By all appearances Voyager has four single-fire launchers while the Galaxy possesses two (three, sorta, depending on source) burst-fire launchers. Advantage: Galaxy.
IIRC Voyger had two photon torpedo launchers. In Equinox she fired four photon torpedoes at the USS Equinox. That indicates bursts of two torpedoes.

Posted: 2004-07-09 05:54am
by Sarevok
The fact that Voyage has 4 photon torpedo bays (could they fire quantom torps as well?)
In Dreadnaught Voyger captured a Cardassian Dreadnaught. The Dreadnaught had quantum torpedoes onboard. Janeway ordered salvaging the torpedoes and it was revealed that with some modifications Voyger's torpedo launchers could fire quantum torpedoes.

Posted: 2004-07-09 11:38am
by Lancer
evilcat4000 wrote:
By all appearances Voyager has four single-fire launchers while the Galaxy possesses two (three, sorta, depending on source) burst-fire launchers. Advantage: Galaxy.
IIRC Voyger had two photon torpedo launchers. In Equinox she fired four photon torpedoes at the USS Equinox. That indicates bursts of two torpedoes.
four launchers. Two foreward, two aft As opposed to the Galaxy's one foreward, one aft.