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Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:26am
by Vympel
No, don't laugh. It was on cable, so I didn't plonk down any money to see it (again- can you believe I saw it in the cinema). Some thoughts.

- Did anyone think the Romulan music had shades of Unicron's theme from the Transformers Movie?

- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.

- With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?

- What's the point of rotating weapons panels (with rifles and some wierd looking pad that they didn't bother taking with them) on the E-E? Just in ST:I we saw a conventional, perfectly fine looking armory.

- Why didn't the E-E use more quantum torps?

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:32am
by Stofsk
Vympel wrote:No, don't laugh. It was on cable, so I didn't plonk down any money to see it (again- can you believe I saw it in the cinema). Some thoughts.
There are lots of good things on foxtel. Like Louise Kavendish's astrology report, and Naked News. ST: Nemesis, on the other hand...

Incidentally I saw it at the cinema too. Big mistake.
- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
Night time operations? Some sort of special force?
- Why didn't the E-E use more quantum torps?
Obvious answer: they didn't have as many. Maybe a torpedo resource shortfall.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:42am
by Ghost Rider
Vympel wrote:No, don't laugh. It was on cable, so I didn't plonk down any money to see it (again- can you believe I saw it in the cinema).
I feel your pain...though mine was at least dragged out by a group of friends who swore since it was an even numbered wasn't going to suck.
- Did anyone think the Romulan music had shades of Unicron's theme from the Transformers Movie?
Cool, someone else noticed.
- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
Ummm...maybe they are for planets with very low levels of light?
- With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?
So the E-E can win.
- What's the point of rotating weapons panels (with rifles and some wierd looking pad that they didn't bother taking with them) on the E-E? Just in ST:I we saw a conventional, perfectly fine looking armory.
- Why didn't the E-E use more quantum torps?
This is the only one I can think seriously on.

I'd say because they just didn't have time to restock, literally.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:46am
by DaveJB
Vympel wrote:- With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?
Given the ST design philosophy, I would wager that the launchers themselves were largely undamaged, but the control system was damaged, rendering the launchers inert.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:58am
by Col. Crackpot
Stofsk wrote:
Vympel wrote: How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
Night time operations? Some sort of special force?
some special forces! The Preator must be proud when his elite spec ops guys can be driven off by an 80 year old security guard with a heavy duty mag-lite.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 10:02am
by Stofsk
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Stofsk wrote:
Vympel wrote: How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
Night time operations? Some sort of special force?
some special forces! The Preator must be proud when his elite spec ops guys can be driven off by an 80 year old security guard with a heavy duty mag-lite.
I was fishing... in the Ural sea. I didn't expect to catch anything. ;)

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-20 10:24am
by wautd
Vympel wrote:*snip*
crappy writing?

Posted: 2004-07-20 04:10pm
by Fleet Admiral Blair
- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
They likely have some type of eye-wear for high light areas. Like the...I can't remember their names, but the race chasing the Fed buggy in the beginning of Nemesis. They had protective eye-wear.

Posted: 2004-07-20 06:04pm
by Crazedwraith
Sometyhing I noted last time I watched Nemesis. When doing his tactical anaysis Worf rattled off it had 52 disruptor banks and 27 photon torp bays.

When tthe E-E rams them the Reman guys specificlly says the disruptor were offline.

Strange, so why did the Scimitar not use the torps after the ramming when the disruptors were gone?

Before i can more or less understand, Skippy was trying to capture Picard so he held back on the heavy less precise weapons but afterwards when he didn't give a shit and was in full matyr mode did he not use his torps?

The olny explaination i can think of is the Scimitar carried 27 bays full of photorps but no actual launchers to fire them with.

Posted: 2004-07-20 09:04pm
by Uraniun235
Or that they didn't have a full load of torpedos.

Posted: 2004-07-20 10:45pm
by Thag
Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a nice big fireball.

Posted: 2004-07-20 11:02pm
by Stofsk
Thag wrote:Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a nice big fireball.
Good point. Episode reference is "QWho" where Picard still orders a photon strike on the Borg cube, regardless of the risks (it's possible it would be a MAD situation, or perhaps Picard gambled the Borg couldn't get a navigational fix on the Federation based on their marginal contact so opted for a suicide attack - with the E-D gone, the Borg have no target to assimilate; no target, no way to track their homebase).

In this case, it would have surely been a MAD situation.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-24 12:59am
by Metrion Cascade
Vympel wrote:No, don't laugh. It was on cable, so I didn't plonk down any money to see it (again- can you believe I saw it in the cinema). Some thoughts.

- Did anyone think the Romulan music had shades of Unicron's theme from the Transformers Movie?

- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.

- With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?

- What's the point of rotating weapons panels (with rifles and some wierd looking pad that they didn't bother taking with them) on the E-E? Just in ST:I we saw a conventional, perfectly fine looking armory.

- Why didn't the E-E use more quantum torps?
I don't know why they only fire quantums from the forward turret (since supposedly they're shaped more or less like photorps), but combine that with the fact that most of the time the Scimitar attacked on its terms and from outside the forward turret's firing arc.

EDIT - I saw one of those phaser panels on the bridge too. Maybe the armories hold most of the rifles, but there are also some stored at strategic points throughout the ship? So when the captain calls "Battlestations," only a percentage of those whose battlestation is behind a rifle have to take the time to go to a dedicated armory. I certainly wouldn't want all my crew's weapons in one or two rooms when I need everybody armed ASAP. Also, I think the pad was simply for unlocking the rifle, recording who took it out, or somesuch.

Re: Well I was watching Nemesis ...

Posted: 2004-07-24 01:49am
by Darth Wong
Vympel wrote:How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations.
In Star Trek, breeding for war and conquest means that you're big, stupid, fanatical, and ugly. See Klingons and Jem'Hadar. The writers are operating on the cretinous misconception that mindless brute strength and irrational fanaticism are the most important attribute for a soldier in an era of technological warfare.
With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?
They blew the fuse on the control system, and there was no Radio Shack nearby.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:48am
by TurboPhaser
Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again.

Stofsk wrote:
Thag wrote:Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a nice big fireball.
Good point. Episode reference is "QWho" where Picard still orders a photon strike on the Borg cube, regardless of the risks (it's possible it would be a MAD situation, or perhaps Picard gambled the Borg couldn't get a navigational fix on the Federation based on their marginal contact so opted for a suicide attack - with the E-D gone, the Borg have no target to assimilate; no target, no way to track their homebase).

In this case, it would have surely been a MAD situation.
That could not have been the reason Shinzon didnt fire torpedoes. The torpedoes fired by the Scimitar are utterly pathetic. We saw them explode on the Romulan ship's belly and the foward dorsal of the E-E saucer. Both times they produced an explosion no larger than a hundred metres, perhaps less.
The Reman's do not make good Photon Torpedoes.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:57am
by Darth Wong
TurboPhaser wrote:Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again.
Actually, I explained precisely why this particular element of Star Trek was stupid, chickenfucker.

So if you have some actual rebuttal to make, make it instead of pretending that my comment was just "me-tooing".

Posted: 2004-07-24 04:54am
by Stofsk
TurboPhaser wrote:
Stofsk wrote:
Thag wrote:Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a nice big fireball.
Good point. Episode reference is "QWho" where Picard still orders a photon strike on the Borg cube, regardless of the risks (*snip my Borg shit*).

In this case, it would have surely been a MAD situation.
That could not have been the reason Shinzon didnt fire torpedoes.
Why not? It conforms to an established precedent within Trek continuity.
The torpedoes fired by the Scimitar are utterly pathetic. We saw them explode on the Romulan ship's belly and the foward dorsal of the E-E saucer. Both times they produced an explosion no larger than a hundred metres, perhaps less.
Variable yield. "Redemption pt2" shows that torpedoes can be set how much explosive power they can inflict quickly and from the bridge. And Shinzon, moron though he was, still wanted Picard alive.
The Reman's do not make good Photon Torpedoes.
OR Shinzon didn't want to destroy the E-E outright, so toned his torps down a notch or two. Then, when they were in spitting distance with each other, both were without shields. Firing a torp, even at shit power, equals MAD.

Posted: 2004-07-24 04:58am
by Stofsk
Darth Wong wrote:
TurboPhaser wrote:Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again.
Actually, I explained precisely why this particular element of Star Trek was stupid, chickenfucker.
Just to point something out TurboPhaser, the forum's policy is no "Federation is teh st00pid LOL!!!!111" posts.

Darth Wong didn't even refer to the Federation, and his point is valid. I don't want to look like a suckup or me-tooer, but when the 'warrior species' of Star Trek look like cavemen with rayguns you have to concede that the writers are fucking stupid and this brings a bad rep to ST.

Posted: 2004-07-24 12:05pm
by Knife
EDIT - I saw one of those phaser panels on the bridge too. Maybe the armories hold most of the rifles, but there are also some stored at strategic points throughout the ship? So when the captain calls "Battlestations," only a percentage of those whose battlestation is behind a rifle have to take the time to go to a dedicated armory. I certainly wouldn't want all my crew's weapons in one or two rooms when I need everybody armed ASAP. Also, I think the pad was simply for unlocking the rifle, recording who took it out, or somesuch.
Which is somewhat consistent with ST history. Ref. the phaser strong box in the galley of the E-A in ST6.

With the threat of the Borg, having small cache's of weapons at strategic points makes some sense while still having a dedicated armory capable of equiping the whole crew, or most of the crew.

Edit, ooooooh I just hit 5000. :P

Posted: 2004-07-24 01:15pm
by Patrick Ogaard
Knife wrote: Which is somewhat consistent with ST history. Ref. the phaser strong box in the galley of the E-A in ST6.

With the threat of the Borg, having small cache's of weapons at strategic points makes some sense while still having a dedicated armory capable of equiping the whole crew, or most of the crew.
It's hardly unprecedented in TNG episodes, either. There's a set of phasers in a little wall storage cabinet in the shuttlebay used in the TNG episode Times Squared, for instance. Picard uses one of the phasers to shoot another Picard...

Similarly, there are small storage cabinets for phasers in the cockpit areas of Starfleet runabouts, as shown in several DS9 episodes.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:57pm
by Thag
TurboPhaser wrote:Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again.

Stofsk wrote:
Thag wrote:Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a nice big fireball.
Good point. Episode reference is "QWho" where Picard still orders a photon strike on the Borg cube, regardless of the risks (it's possible it would be a MAD situation, or perhaps Picard gambled the Borg couldn't get a navigational fix on the Federation based on their marginal contact so opted for a suicide attack - with the E-D gone, the Borg have no target to assimilate; no target, no way to track their homebase).

In this case, it would have surely been a MAD situation.
That could not have been the reason Shinzon didnt fire torpedoes. The torpedoes fired by the Scimitar are utterly pathetic. We saw them explode on the Romulan ship's belly and the foward dorsal of the E-E saucer. Both times they produced an explosion no larger than a hundred metres, perhaps less.
The Reman's do not make good Photon Torpedoes.
If both ships were unshielded but intact, I might be inclined to agree. However, they had just concluded the ramming, resulting in massive structural and shock damage for both ships. Now, you're going to set off high explosives in close proximity to your weakened and exposed internal structure? Not good.

Posted: 2004-07-26 03:28am
by Sarevok
- How exactly are the Reman's a race "bred for war and conquest"? I would've thought sensitivity to normal light levels would be a handicap in most situations
They probobly weared sunglasses or may have fought only at night.

Considering their performence against one old man like Picard they were nothing more than canon fodder. Remans must have died by the millions in the Dominion war.
With the *obscene* amount of diruptors and torpedo tubes (not mentioned to be plasma torpedoes) on the Reman Warbird ... why does one ram take them *all* offline? What's the point of having that many if there's no indepedence, goddamit?
Another thing is the Scimitar never fired that many weapons. It was stated to carry 57 disruptors and 27 torpedo launchers yet never fired anything even close to that number of weapons.

Posted: 2004-07-26 06:43am
by Crazedwraith
Thag wrote:
TurboPhaser wrote:Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again.

Stofsk wrote: Good point. Episode reference is "QWho" where Picard still orders a photon strike on the Borg cube, regardless of the risks (it's possible it would be a MAD situation, or perhaps Picard gambled the Borg couldn't get a navigational fix on the Federation based on their marginal contact so opted for a suicide attack - with the E-D gone, the Borg have no target to assimilate; no target, no way to track their homebase).

In this case, it would have surely been a MAD situation.
That could not have been the reason Shinzon didnt fire torpedoes. The torpedoes fired by the Scimitar are utterly pathetic. We saw them explode on the Romulan ship's belly and the foward dorsal of the E-E saucer. Both times they produced an explosion no larger than a hundred metres, perhaps less.
The Reman's do not make good Photon Torpedoes.
If both ships were unshielded but intact, I might be inclined to agree. However, they had just concluded the ramming, resulting in massive structural and shock damage for both ships. Now, you're going to set off high explosives in close proximity to your weakened and exposed internal structure? Not good.
Bugger that the Scimitar still had thurster didn't it? the E-E was screwed wasn't it? The Scimitiar simply could have backed away to torpedeo range.

Posted: 2004-07-26 06:52am
by Stofsk
Bugger that the Scimitar still had thurster didn't it? the E-E was screwed wasn't it? The Scimitiar simply could have backed away to torpedeo range.
This is where we let you in on a stunning relevation: the movie sucked monkey balls through a staw.

Posted: 2004-07-26 03:09pm
by Lord Pounder
Stofsk wrote:
Bugger that the Scimitar still had thurster didn't it? the E-E was screwed wasn't it? The Scimitiar simply could have backed away to torpedeo range.
This is where we let you in on a stunning relevation: the movie sucked monkey balls through a staw.