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W/O Star Trek what are the Trek BBS's going to talk about?

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:01pm
by Tommy J
I was thinking this afternoon that if all the persistent rumors are correct and Enterprise is nearing its end with no movie in sight for at least a couple of years, What are the folks on the Trek BBS sites going to talk about?

Are they going to re-hash for the 1-million x what should be in the next movie or series?

Are they going to stroke each other's backs ad nausea about how wonderful Trek is?

If you go to most ot their sites it's really limited discussion about other things than Trek and it seems to me at some point there is nothing left to talk about once the series ends. Unlike here, lots of other real life forums and of course that SW is coming out this Spring.

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:05pm
by Alyeska
They are going to talk Trek. The same arguments your making against them could have been made against SW related messages boards before the prequels came out.

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:07pm
by El Moose Monstero
You could ask the same of what happens when SW finishes. There'll still be a truckload of books, dvd releases, directors cuts, special editions and general discussion about issues raised - endless repeats of the various series, marathon sessions on different channels. Just because ENT get's cancelled doesnt mean that trek is dead forever and that discussion will be dead.

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:07pm
by Tommy J
Alyeska wrote:They are going to talk Trek. The same arguments your making against them could have been made against SW related messages boards before the prequels came out.
Different here. Mike created this site to discuss the ST vs. SW scenarios. Most ST BBS won't engage in that conversation.

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:07pm
by Bounty
Fan projects, episode analysis, endless "who was cuter/smarter/funnier" debates, "what if" debates, fanfics...

There's plenty to discuss even after the show ends. Heck, TOS has been gone for more then 30 years and the fans are still making new series.

Posted: 2005-02-04 08:06am
by mr friendly guy
Doctor Who fans were talking about Doctor Who even though it had ended for more than a decade prior (even before news of a new series was being made). If Trek fans are like that there will still be plenty to talk about.

Posted: 2005-02-04 09:22am
by Tommy J
mr friendly guy wrote:Doctor Who fans were talking about Doctor Who even though it had ended for more than a decade prior (even before news of a new series was being made). If Trek fans are like that there will still be plenty to talk about.
Like rehasing for the the 1 millionth time what they'd like to see in ST XI

Posted: 2005-02-04 04:49pm
by Oberleutnant
C'mon, was that really neccessary? Look at PST, lot of discussion here involves TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY. Then look at PSW, where people do talk about other things than just RotS.

Posted: 2005-02-04 04:51pm
by RedImperator
Tommy J wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:Doctor Who fans were talking about Doctor Who even though it had ended for more than a decade prior (even before news of a new series was being made). If Trek fans are like that there will still be plenty to talk about.
Like rehasing for the the 1 millionth time what they'd like to see in ST XI
You're starting to annoy me. If you don't have anything to contribute besides thinly veiled swipes at Trek fans, find another place to be.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:00pm
by Tommy J
RedImperator wrote:You're starting to annoy me. If you don't have anything to contribute besides thinly veiled swipes at Trek fans, find another place to be.
UMMMMMM..........Let me see........about 90% of the posts are swipes against Trek and it's fans on You were kidding right?

Go to the ST cancellation thread.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Stop trying to be a kiss ass homeboy, you God damn retard phoney.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:07pm
by Tommy J
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Stop trying to be a kiss ass homeboy, you God damn retard phoney.
That came from left field for no apparent reason?

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:15pm
by Darth Wong
Tommy J wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Stop trying to be a kiss ass homeboy, you God damn retard phoney.
That came from left field for no apparent reason?
Spanky just likes to do that. But we do have rules here about trying to contribute something worthwhile or original rather than just bashing for the sake of bashing. If you're going to criticize, at least find something specific to criticize.

PS. Are people really talking at great length on those boards about what they think should be in Star Trek XI, if it's ever made? That reminds me of the battle-wanking that people were doing when the question came up of how Nemesis could have been improved. Most of the suggestions were really self-indulgent stuff like adding super-kewl uber-FX battle scenes or favourite characters from the TV show.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:17pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
It's obvious that your primary concern is to fit in as soon as possible, to be seen in a good light by the big boys, so you automatically do what you think is the main thing we do here and will receive the most rapid approval and acceptance.

EDIT: Meh, nevermind. You've been bugging me, too, so I let off some steam...

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:19pm
by Tommy J
Darth Wong wrote:
Tommy J wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Stop trying to be a kiss ass homeboy, you God damn retard phoney.
That came from left field for no apparent reason?
Spanky just likes to do that. But we do have rules here about trying to contribute something worthwhile or original rather than just bashing for the sake of bashing. If you're going to criticize, at least find something specific to criticize.

PS. Are people really talking at great length on those boards about what they think should be in Star Trek XI, if it's ever made? That reminds me of the battle-wanking that people were doing when the question came up of how Nemesis could have been improved. Most of the suggestions were really self-indulgent stuff like adding super-kewl uber-FX battle scenes or favourite characters from the TV show.
+ ... 7610181763

7 Pages of the same old, same old. I was critizing the things like above because it seems absurd to me in light of the fact that Enterprise was cancelled.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:21pm
by Tommy J
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:It's obvious that your primary concern is to fit in as soon as possible, to be seen in a good light by the big boys, so you automatically do what you think is the main thing we do here and will receive the most rapid approval and acceptance.

EDIT: Meh, nevermind. You've been bugging me, too, so I let off some steam...
Not really. Go to the Hall of Shame. Mike (cannot get much higher up the food chain here than that) passionatly disagreed with my position on The economic choice of being a parent or not.

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:40pm
by CX
Tommy J, I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't referance my thread at SCN while taking swipes at Star Trek. You say it's just same old rehashing, but my project was meant to adress a lot of the gripes people had about ENT and, as you can see by the first post, has been going for some time. If you're going to trash talk, at least have something to back it up. :roll:

Posted: 2005-02-04 05:44pm
by RedImperator
Tommy J wrote:
RedImperator wrote:You're starting to annoy me. If you don't have anything to contribute besides thinly veiled swipes at Trek fans, find another place to be.
UMMMMMM..........Let me see........about 90% of the posts are swipes against Trek and it's fans on You were kidding right?

Go to the ST cancellation thread.
Here's a tip, asshole: the only person on SDNet who gets to give me orders is Darth Wong. That's what the word "Supermod" in my sig means. It's plain from the language of your original post and the post to which I responded that you wanted nothing more than to take a cheap shot at Trek fans, apparently with the expectation that others would come piling on, and we'd all have a good laugh at the sad, sorry Trekkies. That was your miscalculation.

I have absolutely no patience for me-too crap, especially when the person spraying it all over my forum tries to conflate his spam with legitimate criticism (largely from other Trek fans) of a bad TV show, or the mockery of its worst fanboys. I told you once to knock it off; if I have to tell you again, I'll throw you to the Horsemen.