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accuracy of

Posted: 2005-02-11 08:48am
by Kane Starkiller
I was searching for a page similar to for the Star Trek universe and found Anyway I was going through some strength calculation articles and found the Genesis device essay. The conclusion of the essay is that Genesis device released the energy of at least 10^48J and probably on the order of 10^50J. I did some calculations and going by 10^48 figure Genesis device could destroy an Earth sized planet over 300 billion kilometers distant. A planet 100LY from the explosion would recieve the energy equivalent of almost 3 billion gigatons! :shock:
Hell even a planet 8000LY from the explosion would still theoretically recieve the energy equivalent of 400 gigatons! I mean almost entire Federation population would be exterminated.
So how accurate are these numbers and the entire website for that matter?

Posted: 2005-02-11 08:54am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
While his Genesis Device calcs are complete bullshit, it's pretty accurate for the most part.

Re: accuracy of

Posted: 2005-02-11 08:55am
by Lord Revan
Kane Starkiller wrote:I was searching for a page similar to for the Star Trek universe and found Anyway I was going through some strength calculation articles and found the Genesis device essay. The conclusion of the essay is that Genesis device released the energy of at least 10^48J and probably on the order of 10^50J. I did some calculations and going by 10^48 figure Genesis device could destroy an Earth sized planet over 300 billion kilometers distant. A planet 100LY from the explosion would recieve the energy equivalent of almost 3 billion gigatons! :shock:
Hell even a planet 8000LY from the explosion would still theoretically recieve the energy equivalent of 400 gigatons! I mean almost entire Federation population would be exterminated.
So how accurate are these numbers and the entire website for that matter?
for stuff doesn't include strength calculations and is in green or yellow is quite accurate, but all of his numbers are really wanked. The stuff that doesn't suffer from his pro trek Vs. bias is OK.

Re: accuracy of

Posted: 2005-02-11 09:17am
by Gustav32Vasa
Lord Revan wrote:for stuff doesn't include strength calculations and is in green or yellow is quite accurate, but all of his numbers are really wanked. The stuff that doesn't suffer from his pro trek Vs. bias is OK.
While the genesis data is :oops: idont see the error in his other claculations. Can you give some ex.

Re: accuracy of

Posted: 2005-02-11 09:57am
by Lord Revan
Gustav32Vasa wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:for stuff doesn't include strength calculations and is in green or yellow is quite accurate, but all of his numbers are really wanked. The stuff that doesn't suffer from his pro trek Vs. bias is OK.
While the genesis data is :oops: idont see the error in his other claculations. Can you give some ex. wrote:6 x Type VI phasers, total output 4,000 TeraWatts
this is the weapon power of the Connie (look at part I bolded).

Posted: 2005-02-11 10:03am
by Bounty
this is the weapon power of the Connie (look at part I bolded).
It's also in white, meaning speculation. It's his site, he can pull any number he wants out of his ass as long as he doesn't claim it's canon or supported by canon.

Posted: 2005-02-11 10:16am
by RedImperator
Kennedy is an excellent compiler of raw data on Trek. His analysis is somewhat more suspect, but he clearly deliniates what he draws directly from the screen and what he's extrapolated (and what he's made up altogether).

Re: accuracy of

Posted: 2005-02-11 10:34am
by Gustav32Vasa
Lord Revan wrote:
Gustav32Vasa wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:for stuff doesn't include strength calculations and is in green or yellow is quite accurate, but all of his numbers are really wanked. The stuff that doesn't suffer from his pro trek Vs. bias is OK.
While the genesis data is :oops: idont see the error in his other claculations. Can you give some ex. wrote:6 x Type VI phasers, total output 4,000 TeraWatts
this is the weapon power of the Connie (look at part I bolded).
Its true that he hasnt made any canon calculations on the Connie, however he has made calcs on the Galaxy class and the Connie must be weaker then the Galaxy. How much is open to discussion.

Posted: 2005-02-11 11:21am
by Sarevok
Generaly the values for Trek firepower and shielding that DITL speculates are quite good for a high end trek firepower limit. Nothing too uber. I just wish he kept these figures for trek and uses similar analyses to come up with the low gigaton firepower for Imperials (the ESB calcs) when writting Portal.

Posted: 2005-02-11 11:30am
by Lord Revan
these are numbers for the GCS
standard wrote:12 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 50,000 TeraWatts
upgraded wrote:14 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 70,000 TeraWatts
while these are not as bad as some rabid trekkie calculations. These numbers are enginered so that it would seem that sovereign-class take on a SSD and win (and of course he belives that Wars weapons can't penetrate trek shields, since they have the word laser in their names.)

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:25pm
by Kane Starkiller
Just found another Star Wars vs Star Trek site: ST-v-SW.Net
The superlaser effect theory? I started reading but I couldn't make heads or tales out of it. Does anybody here know about this theory? Is it accepted?

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:29pm
by Gustav32Vasa
Lord Revan wrote:these are numbers for the GCS
standard wrote:12 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 50,000 TeraWatts
upgraded wrote:14 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 70,000 TeraWatts
while these are not as bad as some rabid trekkie calculations. These numbers are enginered so that it would seem that sovereign-class take on a SSD and win (and of course he belives that Wars weapons can't penetrate trek shields, since they have the word laser in their names.)
How did he manipulate the numbers, and where does he say that lasers cant penetrate SW shields? I cant even find any mention of SW ships and tech on the site. I thought it was only about StarTrek.

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:03pm
by FedRebel
Gustav32Vasa wrote: and where does he say that lasers cant penetrate SW shields? I cant even find any mention of SW ships and tech on the site. I thought it was only about StarTrek.
In the fanfic "portal"

I belive it's in the "recreation" part of his site

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:16pm
by brianeyci
FedRebel wrote: In the fanfic "portal"

I belive it's in the "recreation" part of his site
I don't think this should be used to judge whether DITL is honest or not. If its clearly labelled recreation and fanfiction, he can claim that a hand phaser can blow up a planet and I wouldn't blink as long as it was a good story.


Posted: 2005-02-11 01:21pm
by NecronLord
brianeyci wrote: I don't think this should be used to judge whether DITL is honest or not. If its clearly labelled recreation and fanfiction, he can claim that a hand phaser can blow up a planet and I wouldn't blink as long as it was a good story.
Have you read it? It is an appalling work solely designed to wank ST>>>>>>>>SW. It has no literary value whatsoever, except as a textbook example of how not to craft a story.

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:25pm
by Alan Bolte
RedImperator wrote:he clearly deliniates what he draws directly from the screen and what he's extrapolated (and what he's made up altogether).
I haven't really felt the need to look through his site since I noticed that the Outrageous Okona bit is in yellow.

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:25pm
by Gustav32Vasa
NecronLord wrote:
brianeyci wrote: I don't think this should be used to judge whether DITL is honest or not. If its clearly labelled recreation and fanfiction, he can claim that a hand phaser can blow up a planet and I wouldn't blink as long as it was a good story.
Have you read it? It is an appalling work solely designed to wank ST>>>>>>>>SW. It has no literary value whatsoever, except as a textbook example of how not to craft a story.
I havent read it, didnt even know of it. However bad it is, how does it affect the canon/noncanon of his calcs?

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:28pm
by NecronLord
Gustav32Vasa wrote:I havent read it, didnt even know of it. However bad it is, how does it affect the canon/noncanon of his calcs?
Not really. It shows off the vast bias his numbers have, but it doesn't affect them.

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:38pm
by Gustav32Vasa
NecronLord wrote:
Gustav32Vasa wrote:I havent read it, didnt even know of it. However bad it is, how does it affect the canon/noncanon of his calcs?
Not really. It shows off the vast bias his numbers have, but it doesn't affect them.
Almost everyone is biased: I think his page is welldone and he has made it clear what is canon and what is made up. Wong is biased but that doesnt change his calcs for SW, which is supported by the ICS, or how welldone this website and forum is.

ps, Wong is 8)

Posted: 2005-02-11 02:09pm
by brianeyci
NecronLord wrote:Have you read it? It is an appalling work solely designed to wank ST>>>>>>>>SW. It has no literary value whatsoever, except as a textbook example of how not to craft a story.

But even if it was a bad story, I would not use fanfiction to judge whether is "accurate" or not. His fanfiction, and quality of fanfiction, is a red herring in discussing accuracy which refers to the canoncity of his facts.


Posted: 2005-02-11 02:12pm
by NecronLord
brianeyci wrote: No.

But even if it was a bad story, I would not use fanfiction to judge whether is "accurate" or not. His fanfiction, and quality of fanfiction, is a red herring in discussing accuracy which refers to the canoncity of his facts.

Portal Foreword wrote:This story is for enjoyment purposes only - I was trying to write a dramatic and tense bit of fiction, not to depict what I think would actually happen if the USS Enterprise met the Star Wars Empire. In “reality” (strange word to use in this context!), I think that the events here would go MUCH more in Starfleet's favour, but pushing that argument is emphatically NOT what this story is for.
He claims that he has watered down the canon starfleet stuff for this nonsense. Again, try to read it before defending it moron.
Although this story is naturally not canon, I have made every possible effort to keep it strictly in line with the known technology and events of both the Startrek and Star Wars universes. So far as I know, 'Portal' does not contain one single canon violation of either Trek or Wars
There. He claims the technology disparity in Portal is canon. I'll be waiting for your concession.

Posted: 2005-02-11 02:21pm
by NecronLord
This is, incidentally, a fiction with a single phaser beam slicing through an Imperator's shields and picking off all its weapons while the Imperator can't do anything more effective than make rude faces at the Enterprise. This is his idea of the canon technology disparity, remember.

Posted: 2005-02-11 02:28pm
by brianeyci

I'm never going to visit that site again. Or I might, but only when I'm really lazy and I will view their facts even closer scrutiny.

Of course, conceded. Duh.


Posted: 2005-02-11 03:08pm
by NecronLord
It has lots of good pictures. That's what I'll say in its favour.

Posted: 2005-02-11 07:01pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
He also has a number of interesting articles.