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Nemesis comes out Friday.

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:06am
by Alferd Packer
In North America, anyway. Dunno about overseas.

So, are you going to go see it? If so, why? To see what science B&B butcher this time? In the hope that you'll be entertained? To mock the people dressed up as Worf?

EDIT: Oh, dur. Wrong forum. Sorry about that. :oops:

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:09am
by Shinova
I'll decide after the reviews come in on imdb first.

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:09am
by data_link
Why is this waste of time in the Science, Logic and Morality form?

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:11am
by Alferd Packer
data_link wrote:Why is this waste of time in the Science, Logic and Morality form?
I'm not sure, but I think it involves spackle and the letter H.

In other words, I f'ed up.

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:17am
by data_link
Alferd Packer wrote:
data_link wrote:Why is this waste of time in the Science, Logic and Morality form?
I'm not sure, but I think it involves spackle and the letter H.

In other words, I f'ed up.
Oh. Okay.

To answer your question, I plan to completely ignore it until several weeks after it comes out, then go see it during the afternoon so that I may confirm my suspicions on how much it sucks. In particular, I will compare its sucking power to that of a hoover vaccum. :D

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:59am
by MirrorUniverseSpy1
I will see it. Probably not on the first day, but when I have time I

Posted: 2002-12-11 07:16am
by Coalition
I plan on seeing it for 2 reasons:

1) to critique it hopefully
2) Because it will satisfy my thirst for a space battle (for now).

Posted: 2002-12-11 07:22am
by Sardaukar
I couldn't care less about Star Trek. I haven't seen Insurrection, so why would I see this?

Posted: 2002-12-11 07:27am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Coalition wrote:I plan on seeing it for 2 reasons:

1) to critique it hopefully
2) Because it will satisfy my thirst for a space battle (for now).
Word for word... Great minds think alike. LOL

Posted: 2002-12-11 09:48am
by Darth Wong
If the space battle is like the one in Insurrection, you won't be satisfied. You'll be disgusted. Fucking incendiary weapons in space, against a starship :roll:

Posted: 2002-12-11 09:52am
by Vympel
Darth Wong wrote:If the space battle is like the one in Insurrection, you won't be satisfied. You'll be disgusted. Fucking incendiary weapons in space, against a starship :roll:
There's actually (gasp!) weapons fire ... get ready for this you'll have a heart attack ....

going FROM the Enterprise-E TO the enemy in this one.

Speaking of which, Lord Wong, how long after the movie came out did you post your ST:N revelations? Did you just remember the film well, or did you watch it again to slam it more fully?

Posted: 2002-12-11 10:38am
by guyver
I will be seeing it. Not on the first day, nor on the second day, but I will see it. Why, cause I want to see if Trek can get any worse, than Enterprise.

But deep down I hope and pray that it is better than Insurrection.

Posted: 2002-12-11 12:14pm
by Darth Servo
My brother goes to see any and every sci-fi movie and I'll probably tag along if I have nothing better to do.

Posted: 2002-12-11 12:36pm
by paladin
I'll probably see if over the weekend. I just want to see how screwed up the movie is.

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:20pm
by C.S.Strowbridge
I'll read Mike Wong's report and maybe see it when my roommate rents it on DVD.

Posted: 2002-12-11 01:28pm
by Cpt_Frank
On Friday I write the last test before the holidays.
So this means I've got some free time afterwards, but actually, it's not out here yet.
Anyways, we need to prepare for the impact of fanatical trekkies.

Posted: 2002-12-11 02:02pm
by Beowulf
I have better things to spend my cash on.

Posted: 2002-12-11 05:10pm
by Coyote
Yeah, I need to see some s-f action one way or another to tide me over 'till SW-III arrives.

Besides, we need something to do until...snicker... I mean, (ahem), until the... heeheehee.... the HAWHAWHAW(gasp)... s'cuse me... until the (snort) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE REMAKE comes out... Hahahahahahaha....!

(whew! I said it!)

Posted: 2002-12-11 05:41pm
by FaxModem1
I plan on seeing it this Saturday, not on the first day, because thats the last day of Taken and I don't want to miss that.

Hopefully, they have one really good space battle and at least an okay plot, like First Contact.

Posted: 2002-12-11 06:18pm
by Darth Servo
Coyote wrote:Yeah, I need to see some s-f action one way or another to tide me over 'till SW-III arrives.

Besides, we need something to do until...snicker... I mean, (ahem), until the... heeheehee.... the HAWHAWHAW(gasp)... s'cuse me... until the (snort) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE REMAKE comes out... Hahahahahahaha....!

(whew! I said it!)
What is the latest news on that anyways? I've heard they were thinking about doing BSG but I haven't heard anything lately.

Posted: 2002-12-11 10:36pm
by Coyote
Last info I heard was that there is still a turf battle between Richard Hatch (Comander Apollo) and the actual studios, who have the legal liscence and offical standing.

Richard Hatch, however, is much more popular among the fan base because he wants to keep the new show as faithful to the original premise as posible. The studio wants to do one of those 'ground-up remakes' where basically everything is so different that it is virtually unrecognizable and bears resemblance only in the name (think Starship Troopers).

Despite my post I must admit I always thought that BG had potential and could have been real cool if someone with two neurons had been at the helm; but that potential is wasted and I don't think the studio would do anything but add the final coffin nail-- nay, a railroad spike.

I'd be shocked and amazed if they pulled it off and it was good/sucessful; my fear is that either of the two groups will only end up embarrasing themselves and making scifi in general look asinine again.

Posted: 2002-12-12 01:00am
by MirrorUniverseSpy1
I had not heard anything about a BG movie. Thanks for the info. I
wonder if it will be any good.

Posted: 2002-12-12 04:07am
by Sokar
I personally refuse to see Trek movies in the theaters. Why would I do this you ask , one word "TREKKIES". Every time I've gone to see one at the theater I always and invariably choose the day when the local chapter of Trek loving assholes are at the showing, usually with some slobbering, maniaclly jabbering retard from the local community center in tow.
At the showing of First Contact, this little piece of wasted sperm in the front row jabbered through the whole FUCKING movie, management wouldn't remove him because he was with some program for the disabled and got to see the movie for free or something.......waste of perfectly good oxygen.
But , thats why I won't go see Trek X, I'll just wait for the DVD, so I can have a Trekkie and retard free viewing experience :D

Posted: 2002-12-12 11:20pm
by Kamakazie Sith
Sokar wrote:I personally refuse to see Trek movies in the theaters. Why would I do this you ask , one word "TREKKIES". Every time I've gone to see one at the theater I always and invariably choose the day when the local chapter of Trek loving assholes are at the showing, usually with some slobbering, maniaclly jabbering retard from the local community center in tow.
At the showing of First Contact, this little piece of wasted sperm in the front row jabbered through the whole FUCKING movie, management wouldn't remove him because he was with some program for the disabled and got to see the movie for free or something.......waste of perfectly good oxygen.
But , thats why I won't go see Trek X, I'll just wait for the DVD, so I can have a Trekkie and retard free viewing experience :D
Just say you don't want to see the movie in the theater. Don't make up some irrational story of why you won't see Star Trek movies in theaters.

Posted: 2002-12-13 12:13am
by Sokar
Just say you don't want to see the movie in the theater. Don't make up some irrational story of why you won't see Star Trek movies in theaters.
Well excuse the hell out of me......But guess what Sith boy, I dont give a damn if you were offended by my post, what , did I step on you toes because you get dressed up in a mail order costume and go fan-boy out at the theater.......awwwwww

.............the sound of me not really caring...........