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Music of 'Nemesis'

Posted: 2002-12-16 10:48am
by Kuja
I thought it was excellent. The return to the old-school ST theme kept bringing back memories of 2 and 3. The battle music was pulse-pounding, the Starfleet music wass grand and soaring, and when the badasses were around, it got unsettling. Overall, the music was extremely well done, and perfectly fit each scene

Re: Music of 'Nemesis'

Posted: 2002-12-16 10:51am
by Alyeska
IG-88E wrote:I thought it was excellent. The return to the old-school ST theme kept bringing back memories of 2 and 3. The battle music was pulse-pounding, the Starfleet music wass grand and soaring, and when the badasses were around, it got unsettling. Overall, the music was extremely well done, and perfectly fit each scene
That would be Jerry Goldsmith for you. He does astounding work with his music. That classic Trek theme, the modernized TNG them used in ST5, 8, and 9. The Klingon theme. He is quite good. I also rather liked his music for the movie Air Force One.

Posted: 2002-12-16 04:51pm
I never was really fond of Goldsmith using the TOS fanfare in his Star Trek Scores. He doesn't really need it. Look at the TMP score, it did fine w/o it. While it's a nice touch to his score, I don't think it's necessary, It's way overused. I always preferred his Enterprise theme.