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So what if Nemesis Kills Trek

Posted: 2002-12-18 05:09pm
by Steven Snyder
For most of my life I have been a Trekkie fan, though not rabid. I would watch and generally enjoy the show when it came on, but had a problem or two.

Over the past few years I have started to critically analyze the show and what it means. I had also come to the realization that it is just a vehicle for a socialist agenda, carefully wrapped in a sci-fi package.

And with the impending failure of Nemesis, I asked myself what life would be like without Trek...I have to say I am encouraged.

There are people out there in TV land who like watching certain shows, there is a market for just about anything. We know that there is a sizable market for Sci-Fi, though it is an easy market to saturate.

Looking at the whole of the Star Trek series, I can find nothing 'special' about the show. It isn't particularly well written, it isn't that entertaining, it isn't funny, it isn't unpredictable, it just a mediocre show that happens to be based out of a well known Sci Fi series. People don't watch it for the suspense or character development, people watch it because it is Sci Fi.

The cancelation of all things Star Trek is not a sad event, but rather one for celebration. ST has been dead for some time, the problem is that no one has bothered to do the decent thing and bury it, instead they keep it in the living room as a depressing reminder of thing that was once good.

When Star Trek finally dies, some network executive is going to try to grab the Sci-Fi market with a new show. And I am dying to see the day when that happens.

Can you imagine a new and fresh Sci-Fi series that has nothing to do with Star Trek on network TV. Farscape already proved it is possible to create an enjoyable Sci-Fi series without having Gene Roddenbury in the credits.

Posted: 2002-12-18 05:30pm
by BenRG
I've always felt that the Star Trek franchise would benefit from another 20-year hiatus. TNG was generally good (and includes some of my favorite Trek moments ever). However, VOY was bad in places and quickly got predictable and disappointing, especially with its' repeated 'cop-out' endings. I'm not sure if I liked the DS9 Dominion War. I often got the feeling that it was being shown on the wrong scale (small instead of huge). As for ENT... *sigh* :roll: Don't get me wrong, it is watchable in places, and I have cracked a smile or two, but I wouldn't miss it too much if it was gone.

Trek is tired and worn out. It has used up all of its' ideas. A comparison with Farscape and the original Babylon 5 has exposed its' shortcomings with a terrifying clarity. Let it die. Maybe it will be back in 20 and it would have reclaimed a little of the magic.

Posted: 2002-12-18 07:20pm
by Uraniun235
Except that ST never had a twenty year hiatus... closer to ten.

Posted: 2002-12-18 07:21pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
It was ~20 years between TOS and TNG.

Posted: 2002-12-18 07:28pm
by Uraniun235
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:It was ~20 years between TOS and TNG.
It was ~10 years between TOS and TMP.

Posted: 2002-12-19 02:27pm
by FaxModem1
"They are dying"

Let them DIE"
Spock and Kirk, The Undiscovered Country.

I think Babylon 5 was TOS rebirth, TNG is okay, but seems like just a copy, DS9 was the best, since it was their "perfect" society going to war and what changes they had to make.

VOY was just awful.

ENT, see above.

Posted: 2002-12-19 05:23pm
by Sothis
Give the reigns of the show to Diane Carey. Or Peter David, Michael Jan Freeman, or any of the other authors of Star Trek books. They came up with good stories, gave Trek ships teeth, and at times, really put the characters through the wringer.

Posted: 2002-12-19 05:41pm
by TheDarkling
I agree with Sothis give it to Peter David and have him do a New Frontier tv series, although Paramount would probably try and monkey around with it.

Posted: 2002-12-19 06:31pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I think Trek would benefit from a hiatus of 5 or more years, and getting better people to write it. Perhaps start a new ST TV series.

Posted: 2002-12-20 12:34am
by Zaku-chan
Trek definately needs some time off. Let it out from under the hammer it's being beaten with.

Posted: 2002-12-20 11:56pm
by Dennis Toy
Star trek needs to rest for 10 years, B and B needs to be kicked out...

kicked out....

Posted: 2002-12-22 12:24am
by KrauserKrauser
Kicked out....

... then shot, maimed, tarred and feather, drug through the streets and then be made to apologize eternally in their own private hells

Too harsh?...Nah :twisted:

Posted: 2002-12-22 12:41am
by HemlockGrey
Maybe, if Nemesis spells doom for Trek, UPN will pick up Firefly!