Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

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Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Tom_Kalbfus »

Suppose the planet Vulcan was transferred to the Star Wars Galaxy, and in their logical rational way they adapted to the technology of the surrounding Galaxy. Now Vulcans are natural telepaths, would that make them good Jedi, or would their tendency to suppress their emotions be a great hinderance to a Vulcan every becoming a Jedi?
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Temujin »

Hard to say. Jedi are almost always trained from birth, as is the training of Vulcan children in the ways of logic. But unless the Vulcan was a naturally strong force adapt, I doubt they would go far. Their telepathic abilities may be linked to the Force, or they may not. If they are, and they are strong enough in the Force, then in regards to getting a late start to the training, their logical somewhat Zen like mindset would certainly be an advantage over a standard human with the same level of latent abilities in the Force.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

If Vulcan showed up, it would cause disturbances in the force and depending on what era this is somthing like this might happen....

Old Republic...

Palpatine's Empire

But then MAYBE you would have these guys running around...

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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Krisnack »

They'd probably do alright, up until their seventh year on the order. Although the sight of a Force-using Vulcan undergoing pon farr and shooting lighting everywhere would be something to see. :lol:
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Eleas »

Tom_Kalbfus wrote:Suppose the planet Vulcan was transferred to the Star Wars Galaxy, and in their logical rational way they adapted to the technology of the surrounding Galaxy. Now Vulcans are natural telepaths, would that make them good Jedi, or would their tendency to suppress their emotions be a great hinderance to a Vulcan every becoming a Jedi?
I'd say it's better to widen the scope a bit. The standard Romulan/Vulcan genetic package would probably make for excellent martial Force-users. Vulcans being natural telepaths might help, or it might be subsumed by the empathic abilities granted by the Force. Regardless, they'd probably have an easier time to use it, since they're naturally adept at it. Regarding emotions, Jedi are no different - they, too, are taught to release and dissipate emotions they deem unwanted. If you want an example of what a Vulcan Jedi might be like, Mace Windu strikes me as a good one.

But really, if you want to imagine something far more horrible, consider instead a Romulan or Vulcan child strong in the Force. What if this child was trained by the Sith? Impressive physical power and resilience, fairly innocuous appearance in the SW galaxy, high native intelligence, and those telepathic abilities... this could be a monster in the making.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Joe Momma »

Eleas wrote:But really, if you want to imagine something far more horrible, consider instead a Romulan or Vulcan child strong in the Force. What if this child was trained by the Sith? Impressive physical power and resilience, fairly innocuous appearance in the SW galaxy, high native intelligence, and those telepathic abilities... this could be a monster in the making.
Adding to that, the whole reason that Vulcans developed their system of emotional suppression in the first place was because their passions otherwise threatened to destroy them. One of them falling to the Dark Side would probably be even more likely than most humanoids to indulge in some endlessly ugly shit.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Korgeta »

They could either be well trained Jedi or some of the most psychotic siths ever made, but at least there won't be any whine like anakin.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Death Motif »

If the Vulcan Jedi were somehow simultaneously trained in both the the Vulcan discipline of Logic and the Jedi discipline (philosophically, they should be compatible...assuming also that they are not psychically incompatible) they would definitely add quite a few new tricks. Imagine achieving the same results as the Vulcan nerve pinch only without physical contact. How about a Force assisted mind meld? I definitely see some real potential here!
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Ted C »

The Jedi Order likes their trainees to be emotionless. Typical Vulcan culture would be extremely compatible with the Jedi Code. Add to that the long lifespan of Vulcans, and you have the potential for some extremely effective Jedi, assuming they have the innate Force talent required.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Temujin wrote:Their telepathic abilities may be linked to the Force, or they may not.
The Kel-Dor (Plo-Koon's species) are naturally telepathic as well. The ability is not related to the Force, but Force sensitive Kel-Dor are on average better telepaths than equally trained colleagues. So being Force sensitive increases all natural abilities.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Oooo this could be fun. Vulcans, with their Kohlinar or whatever totally supressing emotion combined with Force abilities? That's basically what the Jedi Order strive for, Force users without any emotion.

Although, as someone said, Pon Farr might be interesting. And, of course, Spock could be the new Sith after Nero killed his mother...

Boy that would get ugly
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Sela »

Correct me if I'm wrong but if we're going by the classic understanding of Vulcans, then they aren't born logical or anything. They're born telepathic and horrifically violently dangerously passionate. It's only their society, Surak, and their commitment to using logic and spurning those emotions that makes them go all Spock-ish.

That's why they've got to undergo Kohlinar and do all sorts of neat ritual stuff, right? Since force-sensitive children are trained to be Jedi from an exceedingly young age (taken while still babys, per the Jedi Apprentice series) my supposition is that either they'd have to have said logic training as a part of their training in the force . . . or they'd be WAYYYY more dangerous to themselves and others once trained.

The pon-farr comment is pretty spot-on too. Going blindly berserk every 7 years . . . or falling in love which is against the Jedi code.
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Re: Would a Vulcan make a good Jedi Knight

Post by Ted C »

Sela wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but if we're going by the classic understanding of Vulcans, then they aren't born logical or anything. They're born telepathic and horrifically violently dangerously passionate. It's only their society, Surak, and their commitment to using logic and spurning those emotions that makes them go all Spock-ish..
You are correct, but in a way, that's why Vulcans are perfect for the Jedi Order. Their society already instills in them exactly the values that the Order seeks to instill in Jedi. The predominant culture of Vulcan society reinforces the Jedi Code.
Sela wrote:The pon-farr comment is pretty spot-on too. Going blindly berserk every 7 years . . . or falling in love which is against the Jedi code.
Pon-farr is merely a biological need for Vulcan males (and females, if you accept the continuity train-wreck of Enterprise) to mate every seven years. Love isn't necessary, so pon-farr is really no obstacle to Vulcan Jedi: they just need to plan ahead to avoid being on duty when it occurs.
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