Eclipise VS AQ

SWvST: the subject of the main site.

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Post by Smalleyjedi »

leaving the superlaser aside, 550 500 gigatone turbolasers would be enough to lay waste to a planet in one or two shots prolly. Assuming it has the 6 year resources like the ISD (I'd think more), it could counquer the impoirtant parts of the AQ, annihilate the rest, and begin building parts/supplies/droid troops so you don't have to train people within a year or less. Rest of galaxy falls long before supplies would run out and then you begin building more ships.......THis single ship could conquer everything...or if they are REALLY mean just blow every habitable world to space dust. (Hmmmm.....lets use one million habitable worlds, at one hour travel/destruction time each, thats.....well.....114 years. So it cant reduce it all to space dust, but it could subjugate the galaxy)
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