Star Wars in the Future (what type of tech would they have?)

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Post by Master of Ossus »

Mr Bean wrote:
Well well well Lots of interesting subjects brought up. Well heres another.
What about the Jedi how will they evolve? I had an Interesting theory not too long ago. It's about the whole Balance of the force concept brought up in the prequels, what I think it may mean is that there will be no more factioning of the force. There will be no darkside and Light side just the force. And perhaps when that happens the jedi could evolve beyond what they are. Just a theory.
Somone's Been reading Trator from the NJ saga

And a add-on to the Cybrog Jedi

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I think you might be referring to Lord Nyax.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Enforcer Talen wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:Well we already have a type of Hull tech floating around that can survive in the core of a Sun or Gas Giant and take part of a DS blast(Yota-tons of damage there) Hmm the only thing I can see is evoulving into Culture style speeds and harnessing WormHoles

Oh and Cybrog Jedi, Definatily :P
dont cybernetic implants strengthen the chance of becoming a dark jedi I remember reading that in a few places.
Actually it diminishes one's attachment to the Force. Thus, when Anakin's arm was severed in AotC, he was literally becoming less human. This is a common theme in SW. See the thread in Pure Star Wars (I think it was entitled "Severed Limb"). I talk about the symbollic meaning of the severed appendages, and how they relate to the saga as a whole.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Nice Captain Murphy quote Mr. Bean but you forgot the part about being an Adrian Barbobot or being 5 ft tall.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

The cool thing would be if the Star Wars universe turned into the 4th Empire (From David Webers series, I don't think it has a series name). If they have that much time I would love to see the entire Star Trek universe (minus the Q continuem and all other super-beings) take on just one of those ships.
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Post by SCVN 2812 »

I think Star Wars is far from the limits of technological development, I think they will make some progress but I don't see anything revolutionary being developed in the SW universe any time soon. Everything will simply be slowly refined and improved a little bit at a time. The turbolasers of a 100 years from ROTJ won't be much more powerful than the ones in ROTJ but in 1000 years they will be noticeably so. If one counts the Expanded Universe as being Star Wars, then that seems to be how they've developed. Incremental progress, but progress still.

Assuming they suffer no set backs like dark ages SW races will easily be the equals of the various Sci-Fi ancients by the time they reach the 24th century simply just because of the possible time involved.

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Post by StarshipTitanic »

RedImperator wrote:They definitely need to develop culturally. 25,000 of development and the best they can come up with is a unicameral legislature with no checks on it at all, and a dictatorship held together through the sheer force of personality of its leader. Basically, they can blow planets to fragments and cross the galaxy in a few days, but they can't figure out a better way to govern themselves than the Romans could.
Ok, you describe the perfect galactic government that will last for all eternity. :roll: 25,000 years is several times longer than all of civilization on this planet and it has some particularly nasty wars, too.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

The Glactic Republic probably represents the best possible human government, the fact it lasted so long shows it was very good, though not perfects since there is nothing perfect.
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Mr Bean wrote:
Well well well Lots of interesting subjects brought up. Well heres another.
What about the Jedi how will they evolve? I had an Interesting theory not too long ago. It's about the whole Balance of the force concept brought up in the prequels, what I think it may mean is that there will be no more factioning of the force. There will be no darkside and Light side just the force. And perhaps when that happens the jedi could evolve beyond what they are. Just a theory.
Somone's Been reading Trator from the NJ saga

And a add-on to the Cybrog Jedi

With Buzzsaw hands Bzzzzzzzzzz! :P-Name who and a cookie could be yours
well actually the last EU book I've read is Darksaber. I'm not even gonna bother reading NJO books, after I heard Chewie was dead :cry: :evil: , i just got totally disgusted with EU.
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Mr Bean wrote:
Well well well Lots of interesting subjects brought up. Well heres another.
What about the Jedi how will they evolve? I had an Interesting theory not too long ago. It's about the whole Balance of the force concept brought up in the prequels, what I think it may mean is that there will be no more factioning of the force. There will be no darkside and Light side just the force. And perhaps when that happens the jedi could evolve beyond what they are. Just a theory.
Somone's Been reading Trator from the NJ saga

And a add-on to the Cybrog Jedi

With Buzzsaw hands Bzzzzzzzzzz! :P-Name who and a cookie could be yours
well actually the last EU book I've read is Darksaber. I'm not even gonna bother reading NJO books, after I heard Chewie was dead :cry: :evil: , i just got totally disgusted with EU.
and that was nearly 7 seven years ago.
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Post by Silver Jedi »

Captain_Cyran wrote:The cool thing would be if the Star Wars universe turned into the 4th Empire (From David Webers series, I don't think it has a series name). If they have that much time I would love to see the entire Star Trek universe (minus the Q continuem and all other super-beings) take on just one of those ships.
That would actually be a technological regression in some cases (Hyper drive, AI, overall size) but only in a few (Deathstar sized Stardistroyers anyone :twisted: ).
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Post by Mr Bean »

That would actually be a technological regression in some cases (Hyper drive, AI, overall size) but only in a few (Deathstar sized Stardistroyers anyone
Heh already have those Fan-Made Creation only so far but roughly 1/3 the size of the Death Star- Imperious Class mounts a SuperLaser 2/3 as powerful as the DS one meaning it can blow up a planet just like the DS can, but its debre field won't fling so far so fast

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Do you have any pictures of this "Imperious" thingy? What are the stats on it? Did I see it before?
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Post by Cpt_Frank »


Particulars:Deadweight Tonnage-Metric: 3,808,000,000
STD Range: 90 Years at L.Y.V.
Optimal Ion Drive Acceleration Tolerance: 20 MGLT
Maximum Ion Drive Acceleration Tolerance: 50 MGLT
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Superlasers: 1 Class C Death Star
Turbolasers: 500 Super-Heavy, 1100 Heavy, 640 Medium, 900 Light, 2000 Second-Class Cannon
Ion Cannons: 1000 Heavy
Proton Torpedo Launchers: 300 Type B, + 60 Reloads per Launcher
Concussion Missile Launchers: 900, + 120 Reloads per Launcher
Fusion Cannons: N/A
Length Overall - Meters: 24,000
Decks: 2,000
Crew: 486,000
Shock Troop Count: 100,000
Army Troop Count: 320,000
Escape Pod Units: 80,000
Computer Core: Arakyd II-B2B Droid Matrix/Com-Scan
Hull: Durasteel Reinforced
Armor: Class 16 Dura-Armor
Shields: Imperial Standard
Shield Generators: 1 Imperial Class CA (Omnishield), 81 Class A Generators (Super-Heavy, Heavy Turret Banks, Main Bridge), 32 Class B Generators (Medium Turret Banks), 9 Class 05 Generators (Secondary Hangar Bays) 8 Class 06 Generators (Main Hangar Bay, Engine Arrays), 9 Class CC Generators (Command Tower, Forward, Forward Port, Forward Starboard, Aft, Aft Port, Aft Starboard Forward Dorsal, Aft Dorsal, Forward Ventral, Aft Ventral)

Planetary Landing Capability: No
Cloaking Device: No
Seperation Ability: No
Emergency Command Center: Yes
Maximum Hypermatter Reactor Output: 4.8E30 LottaWatts
Auxiliary Power Systems: Yes
Emergency Power Systems: Yes
Sensors: Passive Sensors, Active Scanners, Com-Scan, CGT
ECM: Magnitude VII
Shuttlecraft Count: 320 Delta Class DX-9 Transports, 32 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, 72 Gamma Class Assault Shuttles, 16 TIE Shuttle Craft
Fighter Complement: 720 TIE/ln, 360 TIE/Int, 240 TIE/B, 120 TIE/Av, 120 TIE/Df, 160 Alpha Class XG-1 Assault Gunboats, 48 Gamma-Class XM-1 Missile Boats
Hangar Bays: 10
Tractor Beam Emitters: 120
Gravity Well Generators: 12
HyperComm Radio: Imperial Standard
Subspace Radio: Imperial Standard
Traditional Radio: RF Tranceivers
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Class Profile: Imperious - Class Command Ship

Notes: The massive "Ultra" Star Destroyers eclipse even the largest command ships in the Imperial Navy. Clocking in at an enormous length of 24 kilometres, these massive Star Destroyers boast more firepower than a half-dozen of their smaller, Imperator-class bretheren, and over twice the firepower of the Executor-Class. Most fearsome, though, is the addition of a Superlaser device running down the centreline of the vessel; this weapon is approximately two-thirds as potent as the one aboard the original Death Star and is more than capable of cracking a planet in two with a single shot.
These Star Destroyers boast enough sheer tonnage such that they can engage entire enemy fleets on their own. The armor and shielding on these Star Destroyers is all but impenetrable, rivaled only by planetary shields and Death Stars themselves. These mammoth vessels are the centers of command for entire Regional Armadas, and so far only four have been constructed, although two additional keels have been laid at Kuat Drive Yards.

That's all the info available. It's a fan made ship.
Probably the ultimate warsie masturbatory command ship fantasy.
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Post by SirNitram »

Cpt_Frank wrote:That's all the info available. It's a fan made ship.
Probably the ultimate warsie masturbatory command ship fantasy.
No, that would be the New Republic Military Dictatorship Peacekeeper class command ship.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Never heard of that. Info/pics?
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Re: Star Wars in the Future (what type of tech would they ha

Post by seanrobertson »

Quantum crystalline armor would be commonplace, as would starship-mounted superlasers.
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Post by seanrobertson »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Class Profile: Imperious - Class Command Ship

Notes: The massive "Ultra" Star Destroyers eclipse even the largest command ships in the Imperial Navy. Clocking in at an enormous length of 24 kilometres, these massive Star Destroyers boast more firepower than a half-dozen of their smaller, Imperator-class bretheren, and over twice the firepower of the Executor-Class. Most fearsome, though, is the addition of a Superlaser device running down the centreline of the vessel; this weapon is approximately two-thirds as potent as the one aboard the original Death Star and is more than capable of cracking a planet in two with a single shot.

That's all the info available. It's a fan made ship.
Probably the ultimate warsie masturbatory command ship fantasy.
Not to chide you, Cappie, but this Ultra SD sounds rather weak aside
from its massive superlaser. Whoever made it up decided it was only
equal to six Imperators?

Shoot...I figure the Executor is equal to at least a dozen ISD-IIs
in combat. Some of the EU establishes that a SSD is far more powerful than that.
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Post by Mr Bean »

[quote]Not to chide you, Cappie, but this Ultra SD sounds rather weak aside
from its massive superlaser. Whoever made it up decided it was only
equal to six Imperators [/quote

Your missing the Diffrence, Dispite the SSD only having 120 or so more Cannons than the ISD its still five or so times more powerful yes?

Well the Imperious has 6X50=300+ Cannons on Board, Numbers does not always count

Like if by Scalling those ISD Guns are 10 Teratons, The SSD is 15 Teratons

What is the Imperious is mounting 50 Teraton main guns?

Would that not make it a bunch more powerful?

See what he means by that

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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Yep the ship is that big it probably supports guns significantly larger and more powerful than those on the ISD or executor class.
It's a nice ship don't ya think?
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Re: Star Wars in the Future (what type of tech would they ha

Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

seanrobertson wrote:Quantum crystalline armor would be commonplace, as would starship-mounted superlasers.
I think what you need to make QC armor is very rare, and IMO, it akin to saying "Gold will be cheaper in the future". But that's what I think. Theyt coudl, however, find a cheaper alternative to QC armor.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Mmmm.... saying that gold will be common is kind of unrealistic because it is an element. On the other hand, QC armor is a manufactured piece. I don't think it will be exactly COMMON, even in the very distant SW future, but I also don't think it will be as rare and expensive as it is during the few decades following RotJ. Further, it really doesn't seem like it is all that difficult to make, considering that Lando was able to get his hands on a considerable quantity of it. Perhaps in the future it will be cheap enough to have some vital components and areas of expensive and high-end capital ships protected by it, but I don't really think that it will eventually be used in everyday living.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I think what you need to make QC armor is very rare, and IMO, it akin to saying "Gold will be cheaper in the future".
But Gold is cheaper in the future, infact, Yahoo-delinked the story but Scientists have succesfuly manfuacture gold now out of Raw Protons and Electrons, They managed to turn Lead into Gold Literly at Columbia though just very small amounts right now

Besides Quantum Armor is not rare if LANDO can get ahold of it :P

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