And what about George Lucas commenting that EU is separate from "his" universe?
Oh, yeez, yet more standard Trektard-bullshit. At least you have the excuse of having a pitiful grasp of the english language.
First of all, that statement doesn't matter, since it did not result in any change of LucasArts canon policy.
Second, that statement was just an explanation of the canon policy - that G-canon can override everything else.
And how often can Death Star jump? How close to planet it can jump? Is superlaser pure DET or not? How big DET component of superlaser is if it is not pure DET? How fast it can recharge superlaser for planet-killing shots (not ones from RotJ which were barely enough to obliterate Rebel cruisers)? How fast Federation fighters can attack it (probably several minutes)? You do understand that we don't know enough to make even educated guess? Superlaser may need days, weeks, or minutes to recharge. Death Star may or may not be able to exit hyperspace in range of planet. Federation planetary shields may or may not be able to stop superlaser (depends on third question). All of that matters. And we don't know it.
The Death Star, or any other Star Wars ship, has never shown of having a recharge time for jumps. The only limit is calculating the travel path, which is not an issue here since you can do that previously.
There is no evidence that the Death Star is anything but a DET-weapon. That also answers the next question - 100% DET. You certainly can't claim that it only carries a very small amout of DET and that the rest is a chain reaction, since we don't see that.
The Superlaser has a maximum recharge rate of 24 hours, since the time between the destruction of Alderaan and the attempted destruction of Yavin IV happened within the same day. It's reasonable to assume that that recharge time was massively reduced for the second Death Star, since it was far larger.
There is no evidence that the Death Star (or other ST-ships) can NOT exit Hyperspace within firing range of a planet. In the case of Yavin IV, they simply had something else in the way.
And again, fighters don't matter. They wouldn't know the weakness of the first Death Star, and the second Death Star doesn't even HAVE that weakness. I have told you that repeatedly, you are apparently too dumb to listen.
You may not know these things because you lack intelligence, observation skills and common sense. However, they are obvious to any intelligent observer.
As for your claim that ST-shields can resist the Death Star Superlaser:
Let's assume that the superlaser only carried 0.0001% DET (that's 1/1000000, one in a million). Furthermore, let's assume that the Death Stars destruction of Alderaan was observed (filmed) time-lapsed (that it was actually slower than what we saw). And last but not least, let's assume that the Superlaser of the second Death Star was no more powerful than that of the first Death Star.
Then the DET-component of the Superlaser is still 50 billion megatons, or 50 million megatons, or 50.000 teratons, or 50 petatons.
That's an absolute minimum - you can't possibly completely destroy a planet with less. That's still many orders of magnitudes more powerful than any of your wanked ST-numbers.
There is NO WAY a ST-planetary shield can stop that amount of firepower. Even if we assume that it was almost completely a chain reaction, and that the destruction of Alderaan didn't happen in real time - in other words, if we grant you every possible concession.
Even under the most favorable assumptions, pure G-canon can utterly annihilate Star Trek. ST can't possibly stop such an attack, which can destroy at least one Federation planet every day.