This line has NO EVIDENCE that the main site page is wrong so you have proved my point for me. Telling me this is wrong means nothing to me unless you can back it up with episodes that show it to be wrong. ... index.html
We do hear about Klingon and Cardassian armored vehicles, but nothing of Federation ones. Having said that, bigger mistake is that he sayst in „miscellaneous“ section that Federation has no grenades (we saw smoke grenades being used in DS9 episode „The Siege“), body armor (we see it used in „Siege of AR-558“ and „Nor the Battle to the Strong“). ... ns-ST.html
Hand phaser is short-range weapon, and has ability to auto-aim. He is mostly right about type-III. Plus he ignores that Worf's launcher was probably tetryon pulse launcher, which deactivates enemy weaponry („Blood Oath“ (DS9) involves tetryon bombardment from claoked BoP in order to deactivate weapons at compound; also, weapon Worf was holding fired pulse). In „Hide and Q“ type-I phaser achieved similar level of destruction to that launcher, and phaser rifle Worf was carrying was more than capable of hitting targets at that distance.
He also ignores fact that all phaser rifles to date had burst-fire ability. ... sc-ST.html
Forgot „isomagnetic disintegrator“? Also, we SEE Federation body armor in both „Siege of AR-558“ AND „Nor the Battle to the Strong“. Liar. ... rison.html
„Stormtrooper armor is capable of stopping small-arms fire.“ What about incident when stormtroopers were killed by handguns? And these have inferior DET firepower when compared to phaser rifles, or even to hand phasers. Also we never saw any automatic weapon during entire Original trilogy (or new one, for that matter – closest thing we saw to automatic weapon is LAAT/i side weapons), while Federation phaser rifles are capable of at least burst-fire. ... ield1.html
1. Area of shields is what matters, not area of ship.
2. „Pegasus“ asteroid is around 1.419 x 10e11 cubic meters in volume. According to his own calculator, vaporizing such asteroid would take between 130 and 254 gigatons. We can conclude that they would use between 140 and 240 torpedoes, which gives yield of 542 megatons to 1.8 gigatons. ... ield2.html
Even with his „half an hour“ estimate for battle with MonCal cruiser, Imperial shields are around 900 megatons. ... stry2.html
Allright, this time he actually realizes that „official“ =/= „canon“. Second, Han Solo is resident of time and place in question, and clearly knows capabilities and strength of Empire – he actually must know that, due to him being smuggler. For example, I know that Croatian Navy currently has 5 missile boats, and that there are plans for building frigattes. He does seem to acknowledge that quote about Death Star having equivalent firepower to half of Imperial fleet was about defensive emplacements. Plus he lies about Trade Federation blockade fleet. Also, Ednor tactical display is contradicted by physical model, showing DSII is 160 kilometers wide. ... stry1.html
150 planets from Picard's quote are (given context, and fact that Federation had 1000 worlds as of 23rd century) only member planets. Which means that Earth is in that count, but Alpha Centaury colonies (being Earth's colonies) are not, regardless of their size. Also, he lies that 600 ship count for Federation fleet in „Operation Return“ included fighters. He again uses non-canon sources as opposed to analysis of canon. In end, however, he drops his estimates in favour of Federation having 5000 ships, which is closer to canon estimates (which range from 7000 to 30 000 capital ships). ... sion1.html
Uses technical manuals and does not even try to actually analyze canon (probably knows that analyzing canon would not be favourable for him). But he is right about warp drive. ... Beam2.html
Does not even bother to provide analysis of G-canon turbolaser firepower. Plus he says that trench-mounted guns are light ones, and from that he provides firepower for heavy guns, despite fact that we have quote from canon novelization, and logic which dictates that trench-mounted guns are medium ones. Also, while superlaser is reason for attacking Death Star, from tactical point of view, it is irrelevant. All pilots already knew that superlaser can destroy planet, and any other information is irrelevant. That is not so with defensive emplacements, thought. As for superlaser, we have direct quote from ANH that „entire moon would be just another mass-energy conversion problem“ for Imperial gunners. So it is not pure DET. ... Beam1.html
Too much technobabble, so I'll keep away from it. ... pedo2.html
Mostly OK. He forgot to mention that proton torpedoes are 1 kiloton, maximum (as per his own calculator, and ROTJ proton torpedo explosion inside Death Star). ... pedo1.html
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Where to begin? He uses non-canon technical manual to provide firepower and ignores every single instance of canon fire. Manual might have been canon when he wrote his site, but episodes were
always higher canon. ... nsor2.html
Rebels detected Imperial fleet just after it dropped out of hyperspace, not before. Imperial vessels were unable to detect powered-down Millenium Falcon siting at back side if bridge of one ISD. ... Comm1.html
Uses technical manual. ... ower2.html
Hypermatter myth. We already know that Empire uses fusion. ... ower1.html
Wrong, wronger, Wong. Data specified 12.75 billion gigawatts „per something“, and ultra-dense deuterium is only thing which fits. Also ignores magic of NDF, when clinging to it when it suited him before. Plus, uses Technical Manuals. ... mbat2.html
Federation has planetary shields, and Imperial vessels have to exit at some distance from planet, giving enough warning. ... mbat1.html
Forgots possibility that navigation is carried over by computer, which is not programmed to react to „Picard's manouver“. Main advantage of manouver was creating illusion of second ship dropping out of warp to help first one. ... ding2.html
„Superior firepower?“ Plus, boarding starship throught one hole in hull leaves possibility of defenders countering boarders at point of entry, thus gaining superiority (not to mention that Federation infantry weapons have rapid-fire ability, which their Imperial counterparts lack). ... ding1.html
„Stormtrooper armor protects from nerve gas?“ Riight: ... m-face.jpg ... uver1.html
And yet we repeatedly hear about sublight combat occuring at tens of thousands of kilometers (90 000 in TOS; in TNG BoP has optimal combat range in excess of 40 000 kilometers). ... uver2.html
More myths (SW having superior firepower, „forgetting“ superior ST weapon ranges etc.).