Star Trek vs. Star Wars tactical challenge.

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Re: Star Trek vs. Star Wars tactical challenge.

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Given the absolute equality of forces, Vader and his Force abilities may be the clinching element, especially since no Star Trek Captain has anything comparable to call on.

Consider if you will Vader agreeing to travel to the Fed ship to "negotiate." Out comes the lightsaber and it's game over.
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Re: Star Trek vs. Star Wars tactical challenge.

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

"I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

--said Vader to Riker, as he stands over Picard's cooling corpse
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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Star Trek vs. Star Wars tactical challenge.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Eternal_Freedom wrote: 2018-03-09 06:19pm Given the absolute equality of forces, Vader and his Force abilities may be the clinching element, especially since no Star Trek Captain has anything comparable to call on.

Consider if you will Vader agreeing to travel to the Fed ship to "negotiate." Out comes the lightsaber and it's game over.
Well, you can somewhat approximate the telepathic abilities with a Betazed, for example, though its less versatile, and lacks the long-term precognitive element.

In a close-quarters fight... the only person working for Starfleet who I think would stand a snowball's chance in hell would be Odo. And even then, my money's on Vader.
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Re: Star Trek vs. Star Wars tactical challenge.

Post by FaxModem1 »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2018-03-07 04:15pm So there is at least a possibility that he could accomplish his objectives without a shot fired against someone like Picard, simply by outmaneuvering Picard diplomatically?

Mind you, Picard is probably the most formidable opponent in the diplomatic arena, and he is a man of principle- if he figures out what the Empire really is, he won't bend (though Thrawn is less obviously evil than many Imperial officers).
Yes, unless Q is forcing them to fight, they can resolve this peacefully, achieving a win-win scenario. Thrawn's hand is only forced when his objective is to destroy the enemy. That's not his objective here, his objective is to acquire the alien technology.

This might even be more fortuitous for him, as investigation and research are Starfleet's main strength. If the Emperor tells him to kill Picard's people afterwards so that only they have the tech, he'll do so, but he'll have no reason to until that happens, or if he feels that he is under threat.
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