Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by Zor »

NecronLord wrote:There's no reason to believe they could restore it in any meaningful way.

Stop and consider if you'd say the borg could integrate the technology if they found an Imperial Crew and assimilated them? It may be that you're used to imperials being able to operate Imperial stuff just fine you just presume they could continue to do so, but reverse engineering suffers problems beyond simple operational knowledge, there's a massive issue of logistical train, engineering knowhow in the actual building of the ships, and the fuel to run them, the forges to create the equipment used, and so on. Even with the help of the crew, the Federation will never produce a turbolaser in a workable timescale, if that requires even one component that the crew simply swap out, rather than manufacture on site, and don't know how to produce.
The Rebels were able to build fleets of X Wings (complete with Hyperdrives, Proton Torpedo Launchers and laser cannons) and other such starfighters which could generally beat TIE fighters in dogfights and were equipped with Hyperdrives in secret.

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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Zor wrote:
NecronLord wrote:There's no reason to believe they could restore it in any meaningful way.

Stop and consider if you'd say the borg could integrate the technology if they found an Imperial Crew and assimilated them? It may be that you're used to imperials being able to operate Imperial stuff just fine you just presume they could continue to do so, but reverse engineering suffers problems beyond simple operational knowledge, there's a massive issue of logistical train, engineering knowhow in the actual building of the ships, and the fuel to run them, the forges to create the equipment used, and so on. Even with the help of the crew, the Federation will never produce a turbolaser in a workable timescale, if that requires even one component that the crew simply swap out, rather than manufacture on site, and don't know how to produce.
The Rebels were able to build fleets of X Wings (complete with Hyperdrives, Proton Torpedo Launchers and laser cannons) and other such starfighters which could generally beat TIE fighters in dogfights and were equipped with Hyperdrives in secret.

But they were using essentially the same tech base as the Empire, and had the infrastructure to build them. Several sympathetic worlds' worth(Mon Calamari, for example), in fact. The Feds' don't have the infrastructure or the tech/knowledge base to back engineer an ISD or any of its systems, and they don't have the infrastructure or the economic base to maintain the USS Fluffy Bunny.
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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by FedRebel »

Incom was originally making heavy fighters for the Empire, they defected to the Alliance taking the T-65 and T-47 production lines with them.

The Federation has no imperial infrastructure, a Galaxy Class is made out of paper mache compared to an Imperator, a warp core is a coal fire furnace compared to a hypermatter reactor.

The best the Federation could accomplish would be a cheap Durasteel knock off (no neutronium and far thinner due to difficulties in fabrication.) Weapons likewise would be of far poorer quality compared to genuine Imperial equivalents. (because of material and power restrictions.)
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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

There's a couple ways around that - first, replace the troop, (most of the) stores, and hangar spaces with the universe's most gigantic battery array, charged from standard Federation antimatter reactors during downtime, and second, dial the weapons and shield power levels down to only ten or fifteen orders of magnitude above Star Trek standard while leaving the acceleration more or less as canon. Making adjustments according to the tactical situation, that leaves a warship that always crushingly superior to anything it faces while not wasting more power than it needs to.
I hope that was exaggeration- just how many orders of magnitude are we actually talking here?
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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by Axton »

EnterpriseSovereign wrote:
There's a couple ways around that - first, replace the troop, (most of the) stores, and hangar spaces with the universe's most gigantic battery array, charged from standard Federation antimatter reactors during downtime, and second, dial the weapons and shield power levels down to only ten or fifteen orders of magnitude above Star Trek standard while leaving the acceleration more or less as canon. Making adjustments according to the tactical situation, that leaves a warship that always crushingly superior to anything it faces while not wasting more power than it needs to.
I hope that was exaggeration- just how many orders of magnitude are we actually talking here?
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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by Captain Seafort »

EnterpriseSovereign wrote:I hope that was exaggeration- just how many orders of magnitude are we actually talking here?
It is - even at full chat an ISD (low Pt/s range) is only nine orders of magnitude more powerful than a GCS (low Mt/s range).
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Re: Starfleet gains the Imperial Class USS Subjugator

Post by Lord Revan »

Captain Seafort wrote:
EnterpriseSovereign wrote:I hope that was exaggeration- just how many orders of magnitude are we actually talking here?
It is - even at full chat an ISD (low Pt/s range) is only nine orders of magnitude more powerful than a GCS (low Mt/s range).
some people seem to be under the (false) impression that Star Trek weapons are weaker then literally pissing on the hull. Even though we've seen canon an un-shield BoP take a hit from a device meant to kill whales and for the harpoon to bounce of with a metallic thud. yet those same BoP get easily taken out by trek weapons (most of the the time an unshield BoP gets 1-shotted) and that's without doing any maths what so ever.
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Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
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