These are honest questions and statements. Please answer them, carefully reading my post. Ive sat and read through multiple websites and read ill cannon educated fans defend their favorite franchises. I Just want to reason on a few things I have read on multiple websites with you people, just to get an understanding of how Star Wars reasons on my questions. Please reply only with movie and TRUE cannon sources: Phantom menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the sith, A new Hope, Empire strikes back, Return of the Jedi.
I will only list my references from T.V. Series and Movies, true cannon of star trek.
First thing that bothers me: Why do both fans attempt to bring 'Size' into the equation? Voyager is considerably smaller than a cube, yet destroyed it with a single Transphasic torpedo. Reference: End game. (voyager destroys Cube with 1 torpedo @1:26) Unless a ship is too large for an effective radius of a weapon, then it will take more hits to destroy.
Do not forget, in star trek, it may seem that their torpedoes may not have a big impact. However, their torpedoes are being fired against ships with heavy armor from the future designed to counter the effectiveness of a torpedo

A Question: Are Star Destroyers defense systems more advanced than that of the Borg, whom of which have assimilated Thousands of alien species and applied their technology to the collective?
(On a side note::: Halo - Fall of reach, the flag ship of the U.N.S.C. At point of defending reach, was cut into half by a plasma beam, whilst being heavily armored by over 6 meters of hull armor. This ship is over 3 Kilometers in length, and was defeated in less than time than it took for it to enter the system. This reference demonstrates Size matter not, as this Massive Flag ship was easily cut into two by a Beam much, much much much much much much smaller than it)
Second: Lasers VS Phasers power. Whats with the "Gigawatts of power" comparison? Do You think 2GW of laser is superior to 1 GW of Phaser? I reckon the comparison of "Throw a ton of feathers at a person. Then throw half a ton of bricks. Whats does more damage". Star trek Cannon shows lasers to be an inferior technology. Reference: My next point below. link to youtube.
Third: Star Trek clearly states lasers wont penetrate the defector shields. Reference:
This episode never stated the 'gigawatt' power strength this ship can dish out. It simply states lasers are not effective against the Enterprise. So, whether its 1GW or 56468465346541 GW's, Laser itself is possibly too old of a technology that the Enterprises shields could be adapted to that technology. Remember, shields deter energy in a different way than solid materials. A laser can be so powerful to pierce a planet, however against a SHIELD made to adapt other forms of technology, that's a much different story. So in short: Lasers according to Star Trek, are NOT EFFECTIVE AGAINST THE ENTERPRISE.
Any points to argue Turbo Laser GW strength, is useless. -This is a statement
Fourth: Ship Materials. Star Trek states the Enterprise bulk heads to be made of tritanium, 21.4 times HARDER than diamond. Reference: TOS: "Obsession". And ENT: "Dead Stop". (Also reference "Pegasus" said to be plated with tritanium)
Unfortunately, no Star wars movie states that a Star Destroyers materials are made up of anything harder than Diamond. As well, no reference to any metals equivalent in harden factor relates to the pure strength of the Enterprises materials. So, logically, would the Star Destroyer be made up of current known metals? As well, Can LASERS penetrate a substance 21.4 times harder than Diamond?
My Questions here::
How do you plan on getting around alloys 21.4 times stronger and harder than Diamond using a Laser? Do you suggest using movie CANNON that these turbo Lasers can Generate enough heat to destroy a DIAMOND (never mind something more than TWICE the strength of diamond)? If so, wouldn't they literally MELT the very weapon they are fired from???? Movie CANNON answer please. Thanks. )
Fifth: Shield strength. This ones been debated on other sites, as the TNG series shows the Enterprise shields defeated Quote unquote "easily". However, Insurrection shows the newly, better armed Enterprise sustain fire from 2 sonar ships with photon torpedoes and advanced weapons, then sustain a subspace weapon, followed by a warp core explosion (anitmatter, which this massive explosion literally throws the enterprise upwards) and not once in this prolonged fight, did her shields get stated as dropped below 60%, even after taking hits from Ruafo's ship at the very end of the movie. This movie demonstrated the Enterprises shield strength incredibly well. Do not forget that the weapons this ship is hit by, are from (star wars point of view) the future, much more Advanced technologically than 'thousand of year ago, from the past' Lasers.
Sixth: Death Star Destroys planets. O.k. so here my questions about the this one. On other forums, some people state "on shot from the death star and boom there goes your federation ship".
The death star requires charge time. Secondly, Its turn rate is slow. How can it target fast, maneuverable ships using a beam weapon that fires straight? Examine @ 1:30 and up: the Defiants speed and maneuverability
Seventh: Star fleet sensors. This ones a big problem for the star wars universe. The Enterprise for example, can use its sensors to determine if the enemy weapons or shields are capable of matching her. Once determined, the crew can then engage carefully (As done in many, many episodes across the series). At this point, she would detect the Death Stars shield generator is not within the fortress itself. A long range scan would determine the location of said generator, and can target this Generator unit from over 300,000 kms away from space. Once destroyed, the Death stars shields will fall, and her hull exposed. Refer to my previous point about Hull construction.
Can the Deaths stars Hull, sustain fire from weapons that can penetrate other ships hulls made of metals 21.4 times harder than diamond? That being said, wouldn't shooting the Death Stars Naked Hull be like shooting a Giant stick of butter, considering how advanced the enterprises Phasers and Quantums are? (REFER TO MY HALO REFERENCE, UNSC FLAG SHIP CUT IN HALF BY PLASMA BEAM WEAPON, WHILST BEING ARMORED BY 6 METERS OF ARMOR) If you can link me to a movie CANNON scene that states the Death stars hull is MORE than 21.4 times harder than diamond, that would be great. Thanks.
Eighth: Transporters. Yes it has been said that in star trek, transporters do not go through shields. HOWEVER this has been nullified several times as the Borg can do so freely. As well the Dominion demonstrate beaming through shields in Deep Space Nine using Invasive Transporters in several episodes.
Whether star fleet has this technology or not, is not stated. All thats known is Starfleet had captured a Jem Hadar fighter, and studied their technology. Non the Less, once able to use the transporters, one star ship can transport the entire crew from the Star Destroyer off, and into space. Derelict Hull remains.
How does Star Wars get around Transporters?
I have seen all 6 Star Wars movies, SEVERAL times (Yes, ive watched phantom menace more than once, even tho its horrid).
I have seen ALL of Star Treks: TNG, Voyager, and Deep Space nine episodes. I have Seen ALL 10 PARAMOUNT Star Trek movies SEVERAL times (Yes, even the motion picture, worst movie ever =p)
I do have an Opinion of my own. And would Like to state it now:
Given that Star Wars is from thousands of years ago, and Star Trek is in the future, it is Logical to conclude Star Trek (And Starfleet) have considerably more advanced in Hull constructions, Shields, Armor, Weapons, Sensors, Medical, and many universal Engineering traits over that of Star Wars.
My Opinion, Is that of the ill effectiveness of weapons from Star wars timeline, against the futuristic defense capabilities of Terran humans in Star Trek.
Her advanced Sensors, Advanced Torpedoes, Advanced maneuverability, Advanced shields (that I think are Adapted to Lasers, Given Picards statement as reference "Lasers wont even penetrate our deflector shield), and Advanced Hull. The Excecutor (And Death Star) would Fall prey to the Enterprises long range weapons fire capabilities, And the Enterprise would have LITTLE effort in cutting the Executor in Half, much like in Halo: Fall of Reach, the UNSC Flag Ship cut into two by a plasma beam weapon.
I do not believe STAR WARS SHIELDS are prepared for the PHASER technology, and thus may not even have any deflection effect. It is very Quite possible the Enterprise Phasers would simply cut through the shields of Star Destroyers, since Phasers are unkown to the empire. Empires shields are designed to be effective against LASERS and that being said, I do think the Star Destroyers shields will NOT even flicker in attempt to stop the Phaser weapon.
My Conclusion::
I THINK, Not only can the Enterprise (E) sustain weapons fire from multiple Star Destroyers with EASE, however Her Hull plating is sufficient enough (without shields) to withstand weapons fire from SEVERAL Imperial SD ships, as they cannot emit a hot enough blast from the turbo laser to even melt the bare surface of the Enterprises Hull plating. (21.4 times harder than Diamond) A Star Destroyer shooting Lasers at the enterprise Hull, is Like shooting Cannon Balls made of BUTTER at a Wall made of Solid TITANIUM. Just cant penetrate that defense using BUTTER!!!

The ENTERPRISE E would make VERY SHORT WORK of the ENTIRE Imperial fleet. By Herself, she can eliminate the whole EMPIRE, Her Star Destroyers, the Executor, and Slow firing Space station - Death Star.
But that's my Logical Opinion. You may not like it. However, I would like to see a response from MOVIE CANNON to answer my questions and statements. This is a Discussion. Feel free to reply with Facts and Links, based on MOVIE Cannon and quotes or links to movies scenes. Thanks for taking the time and reading this.