Batman wrote:AQ shields, which are apparently vulnerable against NDF effects.
Borg shields are vulnerable to Fed phasers as well, and races all over the galaxy use phasers. Apparently there is a technology pinnacle where phasers become the first choice. The usual comment is that the Fed are stupid for not using DET weapons, but I don't see why it has to be stupidity rather than a technological peak where one reaches. 29th Century Feds appear to still use phasers.
Because that makes it the next best thing to impossible to determine how they affect any target they have not been canoninally seen fired on?
Maybe. Or maybe if you see chain-reaction weapons fire enough, you can find out how it works, like phasers. Chain-reaction doesn't have to be all that bad, it makes for cool special effects
Try 1-10TW. 30-40PW is against AQ shields, which are vulnerable to NDF effects. No reason to assume Wars shields are, too. Since it's actual effects seem to be sub-kiloton...
DW accepts the 30k-40k TW figure as probable against Imperial shields as well.
Sub-kiloton-Wars vessels can take that on the hull. 1-10TW- they propably STILL can. But let's assume they CAN'T. So, how many decades did you intent to spend destroying the DS?
Depends whether or not the chain reaction effects the DS's hull. Since this claim is unprovable, I'll concede it.