The_Nice_Guy wrote:As for this HRC, I get the feeling that he tried to jump-start publicity for the way they handled this complaint because he is afraid that they will not find him guilty of hate crimes after all, so rather than wait for them to render a verdict and levy a fine (at which point one would normally appeal), he is thinking that they'll probably let him off, thus deflating his call to outrage, hence he must go on a publicity campaign immediately.
Given the fact that no 'defendent' in the HRC has ever been acquited, what do you think are the odds of that?
It's a goddamned
cartoon, involving a "hate crime" that has been mocked openly on every late-night talk show in the land. This isn't baseball, where people blindly assume that past statistics should necessarily predict the future. Are any of these past examples
not neo-Nazis, since the only examples people show me tend to fall into that category?
And watch the video. Does the woman seem 'reasonable' to you?
Not really, but Levant spends virtually the entire time arguing about whether hate-speech laws should exist at all, rather than talking about the merits of the case itself. And you wonder why I think it's grandstanding.
I can see why you're so skeptical, but you should be worried about the HRC and what it means than Levant's grandstanding, instead of doggedly defending the Canadian system when this portion is clearly a blemish and should be removed ASAP.
I'm not "doggedly defending" anything. I have made no statements about how reasonable the HRC is. I'm simply pointing out that until they actually CONVICT him and PUNISH him, people ranting about persecution are just spewing bullshit. I'm not saying it necessarily won't happen, particularly in Alberta where religious supremacism is stronger than anywhere else in the country (something I pointed out right away), but until he actually gets punished for something as absurd as a Mohammed cartoon, I don't see any justification for complaining about how unreasonable that punishment is.
Besides, grandstanding in the defense of free speech is wrong. If it takes an extremist to point out that the emperor wears no clothes, he may be an extremist, but the facts don't change.
And right now, the facts are saying that the HRC has the support of the Supreme Court in Canada, and have the authority to squash free speech with fines(at least).
Free speech does not include hate speech in Canada, and if you want to make an argument against that idea, you should do so with actual reasons, rather than invoking the standard American Idiot notion that free speech is absolute.