I'd be glad to review your evidence at any time.Maybe because you pressured this false claim into political acceptance by other nations?
On 28 January 2005, David Kay gave testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee following his resignation as special advisor to the Iraq Survey Group. This document, no. 42 in the Electronic National Security Archive (George Washington Univ.), includes Kay's reference to the fact that both the French and German foreign intelligence agencies -- among others -- judged that Saddam was in possession of both stockpiles and production facilities for biological and chemical weapons.Don't be silly. Iraq was no threat, and the world didn't think they were caching WMD.
In other words, "Because I say so!" Very predictable. Unfortunately, that isn't valid argumentation on your part. Particularly inasmuch as you seem to be dismissing out of hand all the times that the United States became involved in conflicts that demanded significant expenditures of blood and/or treasure: WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, just to name a few. In 1991, significant voices also warned that the battle-hardened Iraqi military would be a considerable challenge for the Coalition forces.The Iraq war. They were weak; a war was stupid; we attacked them anyway.
Nice way to dodge the issue. Care to try again?"New classification" ? Plenty of people pointed out at the time that what we were doing was wrong.
That only means that our leadership should be held accountable for incompetence or negligence. The situation would be considerably more tractable had we not taken specific decisions, ill-advisedly (i.e., failing to secure the urban environments first thing; sending too few troops for the work of post-war occupation; and disbanding the Iraqi army).Iraq turned into a disaster, and anyone who knew anything predicted it beforehand. THAT'S stupid.
Nobody in their right mind fights a war with somebody that can wipe the floor with them. The two sides to a dispute don't go out and divy up an exogenous pile of military resources between them.Garbage. I'm pointing out that America is a nation of bullies and cowards, and that we only attack nations that we think are weak because we are bullies and cowards.
As for bullies and cowards, I rather think that most Grenadans and Panamanians and Kuwaitis are inclined to look favorably on our contributions to their recent history.
Also, when asked, you were able to provide a case universe of ... one. Hardly impressive.
I've already cited evidence that foreign intelligence agencies were of the opinion that Iraq was in possession of WMD. The mobile labs and fleets of WMD carrying drones can be convincingly explained as the analytical products of overzealous embrace of the post-9/11 truism that, suddenly, everything can hurt.Garbage. They lied, and knew they were lying. They made up the "mobile labs", they made up the fleets of WMD carrying drones. They invaded because they knew Iraq had no WMD, and so couldn't really hurt us back. And anyone paying attention knew they were lying.
Also remember that, in 1991, we invaded a country known to possess chemical and biological weapons.
We also built schools, delivered medical care, and gave out humanitarian supplies. But, by all means, let's distort the facts so that we can partake of your utter fantasy.No, we were funneling money into favored American companies. We never cared if they actually did anything useful with it.
Debatable, at best. I've explained many times before why Iran could be considered a "hard nut" even if there wasn't an Iraq to worry about defending.A foolish argument. They were on the list of targets; if Iraq had fallen at our feet like we thought they would in our arrogance, we'd have long ago attacked them.
Prove it. I've already challenged you to prove we're killing at random.The entire war and occupation is an exercise in mass murder, and nothing else.
Are you honestly comparing the freedoms enjoyed by Americans to those of Russia and China?Just like America.
No; because it makes no goddamn sense. And I'll thank you to kindly stop trying to put words in anybody's mouth. "A variety of means" includes economic and political pressures, as well as punitive measures against successful proliferators, which should be considered on a case-by-case basis.Because we've crippled ourselves. And "a variety of means" means military force since nothing else has a chance of working.
We're ramping up our activities in Afghanistan considerably.Didn't you pay attention ? We knocked down the Taliban just enough to put in an occupation force, and then neglected Afghanistan to attack Iraq. We didn't even seriously try to get Osama Bin Laden - it's not like we actually cared about catching him. He was just a pretext.
And it's debatable as to whether Osama bin Laden was ever going to be captured using conventional military forces. We have reportedly decimated al-Qaeda organizationally.
You hold us to ridiculous standards, and then insist that our enemies are correct to take enormous risks, or to commit terrible acts, simply because we do. I am asking why the reverse argument cannot be true.And your point ? How is the fact that they also acted like barbarians make us not barbarians ?