We have a prosecutor (now a judge) who has committed cold-blooded murder. He didn't kill Willingham in a fit of anger or by accident, he carefully planned and carried out the murder just like any other assassin. The difference being that even hit-men and "terrorists" aren't sadistic enough to toy with their victims for twelve years before finishing them off. What really shows this killing to be an act of premeditated murder is the way this fucktard of a prosecutor, when asked about his use of steaming horseshit as "evidence", keeps saying that "finders of fact" would agree with it. In other words, if he can sucker a jury into believing it, then he's proved his case! Go to 3:15:The Men Tinkering With The Machinery Of Death
07 Oct 2009 11:00 am
This Nightline piece is amazing. It's worth watching the two people largely responsible for Willingham's death. It's worth thinking on the fact that John Jackson, the original prosecutor (who, based on Willingham's music choice, believes he killed his kids as some form of devil worship) is now a Texas judge. It's worth thinking on the fact that we have arson investigators who think science doesn't matter.
Texas justice is essentially sorcery, and there will be people who say that we can perfect it, that we can close the loop-holes. They're wrong. The problem isn't with loopholes--it's with us. We are fallible. Conservatives, more than anyone, should know that--it undergirds their entire philosophy. They don't think government can perfect much of anything. What makes them think we can perfect murder? I'd have a lot more respect if they just came out and said, "Yeah, it isn't perfect, but it's a price we should be willing to pay.
I'm going to leave aside for now that this asshole is a Fetus Christer (Supposedly, Willingham beat his wife when she was pregnant, therefore he was trying to kill his own daughters!) and get to the real issue: whether there was any kind of arson at all. This shitstain admits that the best "evidence" he had was that Willingham was a convict and a fan of Iron Maiden!
Again, he falls back on whether he can sucker a jury into buying his bullshit and seems pleased that he pulled it off. He's no different from a Grand Imperial Wizard who eggs on other Klansmen to carry out a lynching. Which reminds me: The US Justice Department has spent over forty years trying to bring murderers like Byron DeLaBeckwith and Edgar Ray Killen to justice for lynchings and other murders motivated by bigotry and folklore. AG Holder should start a similar investigation into this lynching. It should be much easier, seeing as how the killers aren't hiding behind white hoods and this being a much more recent killing.