Kane Starkiller wrote:Kamakazie Sith wrote:Of course, that's not what we're talking about. Though continue with your amusing exaggerations.
That's exactly what you were talking about with your "sometimes victim is the instigator" line. There was absolutely no justification for the congressman to resort to physical force because someone asked him about "Obama agenda".
Are you NUTS??? If I was a Democrat the instant I heard "Obama Agenda" I'd be hitting the deck and calling for back up, let alone a democrat in public office. You don't call criticizing an impromptu response by a congressman getting ambushed by two random douche bags on the st, and having his awkward defensive reaction being put up on Youtube, blaming the victim?? You must have been furious that princess Di was speeding. nothing about this process was professional, the response can't be expected to be professional, the exchange wasn't there, the rules weren't being followed.
Etherige was NOT hostile at first, he responded to the "hi Congressman" greeting, it was when they insisted on getting his attention with the "how are you" comment that he started to get defensive, because he obviously didn't want to be bothered, and he wasn't prepared to make any comments. When they started trotting out the old "Obama Agenda" chestnut, he immediately became concerned with "Who are these people taking my picture. He grabbed the kids wrist because he
wasn't fast enough to grab the cell phone, how does he know what is being texted, where is image is being sent? That was a narrow sidewalk and those two were right in his face. he never said anything threatening, he didn't go "berserk" he just asked who they were. When he recognized the situation was deteriorating and realized those two smug assholes had taken what he thought was a threatening situation and turned it around om him so that
he looked threatening he got justifiably frustrated. That little hug was a physical communication of "Alright you little fucker, I'm not gonna hurt you but I'll let you go.
Were you WATCHING the video or is this a deliberate straw man, he didn't use force "Because they said Obama Agenda" he used force
because two guys were in his face waving cameras and cell phones, and wouldn't identify themselves.
This coupled with standard rhetoric uttered by little ideological stormtroopers suggests a potential physical threat.
Moreover their actions represented an implied personal threat, and the same hardware is activated by both.
Just harmless students? Right, because students like to dress up and ambush congress men and not give their names, just like students didn't just do a bullshit sting operation on Acorn last year. Does it occur to you that a professional politician might be alarmed when this kind off thing happens because they could see careers they worked their lives to achieve and have invested their entire identities into end in a slew of mocking internet videos?
If you're a little five foot republican leprechaun maybe you shouldn't trigger the fight or flight response of someone larger than you?
Akhlut wrote:Not really comparable: this comparison would be more apt if the congressman stabbed the kid in the chest for his questions.
I never specified the woman in the analogy was raped. If I simply tapped her on the ass there would still be absolutely no justification and would still be a case for sexual harassment. Especially if I happened to be a high ranking politician.
Wow convenient that you didn't elaborate your case in the first place, so that you could slip in a more innocuous meaning if necessary...