Well, technically speaking, it is your absolute right, a right no one can deny you, and that anyone will happily allow you to take.hongi wrote:Thanks for that info, it's convinced me not to go to France. 'The French People' can go shove it.
Well, I know that a lot of people refuse to acknowledge this, but, ethic being another word for moral, and moral being relative depending on the time's and space's coordinate when/where it is measured ; I guess we can safely say that you are absolutely right when you say that “[we] don't give a crap about the ethics or rights” if by that you are referring to your own set of moral rules.hongi wrote:Heh. I called it way early on, you guys don't give a crap about the ethics or rights.
I wrote an essay on that. If you want, I can traduce it to you. It could maybe stem some interesting debates...
Eh ! Don't forget the time when we went all fallout-happy on you with all the nuclear tests. Or when we christianized Oceania. Or how we treated our Vietnameses pals when we had our boots on there heads. D'aaaw... What fun we had in these days... You can't do this anymore now without hearing such bad words as “embargo” or “casus belli”. *nodding head* What a pity...hongi wrote:Yeah, like the French did in Africa. And they sure kept to New Zealand's way of life when they blew up the Rainbow Warrior...
[troll bait : OFF]
On a more serious note :
As a Sovereign Nation, we have the absolute right to rule how we wants things to go in our country. Because, despite all that can be said, we aren't violating the UN bill of Human Rights, or the UE texts on the matter. So, no one can deny us that right on legitimate ground based on International Laws.
If a country where to do so, and where going to take measures against us on that ground, then he would have to do at least the same things with virtually all the Arabic-Muslim countries (notice I said 'virtually', for good measure), including Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates... Such an attitude is of an 'holier-than-thou' kind, and is generally laughed at very hard in the parts of the world were people can do the difference between 'legitimate religious freedom' and 'degrading and proselyte religious political symbols disturbing public order'.
On the subject of cultural war :
Yes, this is a war, like it or not. And we have to fight to defend our values and what we find right and worth preserving into our culture, while integrating the Republican-compatible bits of the immigrants' culture into our own. Because, you know, the people we attack with such laws, are not the good citizens, that join the Republican Model and want to integrate. The ones that are targeted by such laws are the disrupting elements that are spreading Anti-Republican thoughts, behavior and propaganda into the most vulnerable area of our society to such an attack : the (economically) poor and (culturally and spiritually) distressed peoples of our banlieues.
This is why we are attacking them on that field that, like it or not, is the one of the place we want for women into our society. Because, refuse it if you want, deny the facts if you want, stay hidden into your illusions if you want, the real debate, for us French, is there. Not about religious faith, but about women rights and their place into society. And in fact that's not even a debate, it's a set of measure taken to defend what is already taken for granted.
The French Muslims (yes, I said French Muslims, not all Muslims in the world) says it best : The integral veil is not a part of the Prophet's teaching. They themselves say that the integral veil is a political instrument the radical islamists are using to negate women rights. Go talk to Mohammed in the banlieue about what he think on the subject of the integral veil, and you'll see his answer...
The integral veil being not considered as a religious sign of faith ; but as a political stance against the Republican Model, it can be legally outlawed, as it is Anti-Republican, and break the laws on Laïcité. [and yes, if you think that “Anti-Republican” here has the same flavor as “Counter-Revolutionaries”, you'll be right]
You aren't happy with that ? This doesn't fit into your world views ? Well, in that case, the best advice I can give you is to look in another direction and to just forget what could cause you to question your righteous worldviews.
The world isn't a nice place to live in generally speaking, and sometime, we have to take the bull by the horns if we want our plans to succeed. Even if it mean doing some unhappy peoples into the process. If we were to try to satisfy everyone each time we have to do something, we wouldn't do anything.
So live with it.
To go a bit deeper on the subject of our culture, and how we defend it.
First of all, we aren't imposing our culture on Africa right now, just our will and the barrel of our guns. And if they watch our TV program (if they do), it's only because the airing rights must be cheaper for them to buy than just creating their own content (which I bet isn't). But the most important part of these mass medias are African, with African stances, so, no, we aren't trying to force our views on them. Only our will. (not that this is necessarily better, but, eh ! That's just not the same thing). Though there is the “Francophonie” [google it if you don't know what it is]... But that hardly count as trying to impose our culture, and is more akin to promoting it... The difference is subtle, but the fact is that the countries involved don't see it as cultural imperialism but as a cultural heritage (from the colonization) and of our responsibility to promote the French Language wherever it is spoken.
In the other hand, the radical Islamist, them, ARE trying to impose there view on us, even if theses view are in negation of our very notions of Progress and Human Dignity.
So, we are justified in fighting such things on our soils, as much as the US would be justified to fight against people actually trying their best to install a retrograde Theocracy in the United States of America that would negate the very foundation on which this state was founded, it is to say Religious Freedom – by imposing a state religion (with everything that means) and breaking the separation between churches and state (allowing the clergy to legally have a voice in the operation of the State). Which is just what the Islamist we fight want to do in France.
So, do you understand our stance on the matter, now ? If not, I don't see how I can say things more clearly...