The estimates boil down to:Summary of the study wrote:In this study we drew on U.S. Census Bureau data from New York residents and out of state same sex residents as well as a previous study done on New York by the Office of the New York City Comptroller in 2007 along with studies done by the Williams Institute of the UCLA School of Law on states such as Rhode Island, New Jersey and Delaware. While some estimates are conservative and all are based on assumptions for future spending, the following has been determined
Recognizing marriage between same sex partners in New York State would create $310,567,652 in increased revenue and economic activity during the next three years, with potential savings of $80,848,457
- ~283 million in from wedding revenues and marriage tourism. Not a direct earning for the state, but stimulating the economy
- ~22 million in sales tax revenues
- ~4 million in marriage license fees. Granted, that will also come with an increased cost due to the work that has to be done.
- ~250.000 from hotel occupancy taxes
- ~80 million in savings from public assistance. Put simply, a married person is less likely to receive public assistance, or will receive a smaller amount.
That's a stimulus for the economy of nearly 300 million $, and more than 100 million dollar in direct earning for the state of New York.
Also, the study estimates that same-sex marriage had a positive economic impact on the USA of about 1 billion US-dollars over the last three years.
Of course civil rights should not be dependent on economic arguments, but still - every bit of leverage counts.