madd0ct0r wrote:well, the policy of drone strikes directly affects people based on the area they live in.
I'm pretty sure if I was wandering around the mountins with 8 of my whitest friends, all dressed up in the cold and carrying the rpgs for the ceremonial goat expoding session i might find my day becoming terminally shorter too.
He IS killing brown people, dosen't mean the the skin colour is the cause.
That doesn't make it NOT racist, though. If the policies disproportionately affect some races more than others, then it is racist, regardless of motivations.
Destructionator XIII wrote:FYI, over one quarter of US foreign aid is targetted in places that we're directly responsible for fucking up, or places we're using in our process of fucking other people up.
And? It's still better than NOT giving.
While some of the foreign aid is doing good work like delivering food and fighting disease, the truth is much of it would be unnecessary if we started promoting peace instead of war, and that's not even going into the practical problems that sometimes come up and our ulterior motives.
That doesn't make it wrong or any less of a humanitarian disaster if we stopped giving it, though.
We need Dennis Kucinich back in Washington! Peace and genuine, honest compassion is the solution. I'd love to have my peace and my aid too.
The Greens or Socialist Workers would be preferable; none of the taint associated with the Democratic Party.
But, this is a Ron Paul thread, so let's ask this question: does giving out a few condoms in one country justify mass murder in another?
No, but not going to war in one country doesn't justify mass murder in another, either.
The first and most important step in preventing atrocities is to refuse to take part in them, even if it will be difficult for you. That's real courage.
Ergo, voting for Obama is superior to voting for Ron Paul, because it is a vote to prevent a much worse atrocity from occurring, even though it is difficult for people.
That, or voting for the Greens or Socialist Workers.
In the short term, the numbers game might say less are killed by going with Barack Obama, but what about the long term consequences of telling yourself that it is OK to destroy as long as you rebuild?[/quote]
SDNet: Unbelievable levels of pedantry that you can't find anywhere else on the Internet!