Beowulf wrote:Medical career field: in the USAF, anyone with a AFSC that begins with the number 4. They work in a hospital, clinic, pharmacy, dental lab, or some other type of medical lab. In the army, you have medics, and navy has corpsmen. In the USAF, they belong to a completely seperate group (the Med Group), from airmen who are in operations, maintenance, support, etc.
I don't know what the causal agent is behind females being disproportionately discharged for adjustment disorders. I'm not a fucking psychologist. But then, neither are you. Is there any statistics on women in the civilian world being diagnosed disproportionately for similar disorders?
I do not make any claim as to the veracity of the claims in the article. I merely dispute other poster's mistaken claims as to the causal effect, by correcting misconceptions at to military structure. I would caution that the article largely contains information from parties to a lawsuit, and information solely to backup that lawsuit.
I don't think you really disputed my claims Beowulf, you missed the point of them, but I will admit it wasn't very well worded. I underlined the part of Fenix's comment that I was responding to.
Themightytom wrote:TheFeniX wrote:
Not to say discrimination isn't the name of the game, but there could be more at work rather than officers just protecting a "rape culture."
If psychologists are in the chain of command, there's an awwwwful lot of role conflict, and even if they aren't there are probably a lot of societal boundary issues being surrounded with and interacting with a culture with enforced cohesion. Deviance is inherently antithetical to a military culture, diversity issues are inevitable.
i would say it is institutionalized discrimination finding voice via an already flawed psychiatric practice.
The institutional discrimination is not specifically towards women, it's towards nonconformists, specifically, people who complain. The medical professional would be proceeding from a position of bias.
So let me rephrase a little.
If a psychiatrist is in "a" military chain of command, they have could a role conflict. They are conditioned to respect "a" chain of command, even if it's not the immediate chain the client is in. They are conditioned to support the policies coming from the top down, and would not necessarily be able to recognize when those policies are unfair to their patient.
Say... one who was raped by a superior officer, or one who was ordered to overlook a sexual assault? The therapist is going to view the report as a violation of the chain of command, and proceed from that position. They would proceed to build an internally consistent argument based on that premise and consistent with diagnostic criteria. If you really want to avoid this problem, you would need to introduce a truly objective party, that operates outside the chain of command.
Even then it would probably not work out well because that same conditioning that would influence the military medical worker, now makes the non military one an outside and less approachable, or even less effectual in influencing the command structure if necessary.
As for restricted reporting:
Restricted Reporting
This option is for victims of sexual assault who wish to confidentially disclose the crime to specifically identified individuals and receive medical treatment and services without triggering the official investigative process. Service members who are sexually assaulted and desire restricted reporting under this policy must report the assault to a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), or a healthcare personnel.
Healthcare personnel will initiate the appropriate care and treatment, and report the sexual assault to the SARC in lieu of reporting the assault to law enforcement or the chain of command. Upon notification of a reported sexual assault, the SARC will immediately assign an advocate to the victim. The assigned Victim Advocate will provide accurate information on the process of restricted and/or unrestricted reporting.
At the victim's discretion/request an appropriately trained healthcare personnel shall conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE), which may include the collection of evidence. In the absence of a Department of Defense provider, the Service member will be referred to an appropriate civilian facility for the SAFE.
So yes, if the victim wants forensic evidence retained in a restricted report, it is possible for it to be retained. However, it is not a requirement. It is intended to allow the victim to get counseling without requiring an official investigation being opened, without the potential for the the victims to be called "lying whores" (direct quote from the article).
You always have to look at what people are doing, as much as what they say they are doing. The military is trying to control a problem, to restore conformity and discipline. The client is trying to resolve a trauma...
but what is the psychiatrist actually trying to do here? My guess is the same thing as the military, based on what they are actually doing. They may SAY they are providing treatment to the patient, but look at what they're actually doing,
They clearly attempted to sidestep a situation where a nonconformist would find support, and in this particular situation, we'd be talking about a victim of sexual assault. While they no longer conform to expectations, in terms of their desire to seek treatment and have the situation justified, they also aren't necessarily the one who perpetuated the original act. Psychiatry isn't magic, you can only redirect so much distress.
We don't have a societal expectation for women to shut up and take it, we've made SOME social progress in the last few decades, add to that the sense of self empowerment serving in the military, and in fact BEING a woman serving in the military brings with it. That magnifies ego strength, and also probably raises the stakes of that identity to the point where a traumatic challenge to a soldiers sense of justice and fair play, is not something a psychiatrist can wave away.
That's an unrealistic goal, that ALSO challenges the justice sense of the therapist. They can't effectively make an argument they wouldn't subscribe to, that's role conflict. They would bypass the conflict all together, conclude the rape, or the behavior of the victim was the problem, and not the initial act and start building a diagnosis of personality disorder.
You know the irony here, is if the military were personified, it has a lot of the characteristics of a personality disorder. Personality disorders generally don't like change, or, something that challenges what they believe is the status quo. What the military is doing isn't working for the women noted in the OP but the military is putting all of it's effort into showing why it's someone else's fault. Either seriously commit to the idea that rapes happen, some people are going to screwed by that, but the military continues to function, OR seriously commit to a systemic change that is more successful in preventing rape in the first place. Personally, I wouldn't cut the limb off when all you need is to figure out a way to let it recover, BUT I'm not a soldier, and there are certainly situations where recovery isn't feasible.