From what I've heard, if both parties say the other attacked them, they'd go with whoever took the most injury. Given Ms Johnson apparently had injuries to her side and went with an ambulance to the hospital versus the scratches to Ms White's neck, I'm guessing maybe Ms Johnson took the worst of it. That and if the officers viewed Ms White's actions as aggressive (well obviously they did, hence the use of a taser), along with Ms Johnson "hiding" from Ms White, well... One could maybe see where they came from. Plus it's possible Ms Johnson just managed to sell her story better or something.Kamakazie Sith wrote:The officers report confirms some of the information relayed in the dispatch log. I don't agree with the reasoning the officer uses to assign Ms. White as the primary aggressor. We, and the officers, do not know what Ms. White's intentions were. Just because she was "sprinting" over to them does not mean she was the primary aggressor.
Another theory, I ask you. Is it possible Ms Johnson was also arrested? From the look of the report it seems the paperwork assumes one arrestee and one victim. So could there be another report with the roles reversed? Would this be normal or vary from agency to agency? I ask because of a couple things: first the case number on the report. It ends with a .1, which seems kinda non-standard to me (it certainly is different than the otherwise near-identical incident number on the dispatch log; that and it drops the initial 20 for whatever reason). So is it possible there's a ".2" report they didn't post on the news site? That and the very bottom of the dispatch log about the "access response" for LESA (which is basically their E911 and dispatch system). There's the top one for Ms White, but also another one for a name mostly whited out...but you can just see the letter J still. So they at the very least ran the victim's name for...something? But this was an hour after everything had gone down and it's mostly blacked out with technical stuff left shown so I literally have no idea what they accessed Ms Johnson's name for. Maybe they did book her? Granted the dispatch indicates they only transported one female, but the report says Ms Johnson went to the hospital so may have been transported from there.
I honestly don't know. So I'm asking if there's any soundness to the theory whatsoever.
Well that and the reporter's credibility isn't that great. Here's a blog post which talks about some controversy he got in over reporting on some school janitor's record. And it also shows he's been sued twice for defamation and settled. So I seriously question this guy's credibility and that maybe he just didn't mention a second arrest; hell he already failed to even acknowledge the officers had contact with Ms Johnson, and his history doesn't exactly look aboveboard. So... Make of all that what you will.
Oh, and as far as an ASL interpreter goes...the dispatch clearly shows the officers at the scene made the attempt to get someone who knew ASL on scene, but it doesn't say whether or not they were successful. But if they put in a call at the scene why would they then try to deny her someone later? That doesn't make much sense, honestly. At worst, since they took her to county jail, it was Pierce County that failed to give her an interpreter. That would be a failing of the Pierce County detention officers, not Tacoma PD or the two arresting officers. Assuming it's true, anyway. I honestly can't say that I would trust this accounting of events at all, to be perfectly honest.