Alyeska wrote:So voter fraud is so bad it's worth removing 9% of eligible voters? Voter fraud is so bad it isn't even recorded?
You are making a bullshit excuse. And you continue to ignore that the GOP wasn't even trying to stop voter fraud in the first place.
Ah, that 9% eligible voter myth.
When a similar law was challenged in federal court, the Sixth Circuit noted that "There is not a single plaintiff who intends not to vote because of the new law—that is, who would vote were it not for the law. There are plaintiffs who have photo IDs and so are not affected by the law at all and plaintiffs who have no photo IDs but have not said they would vote if they did and so who also are, as far as we can tell, unaffected by the law. There thus are
no plaintiffs whom the law will deter from voting."
Crawford, 472 F.3d at 951-952, and noted the "inability of the sponsors of this litigation to find any such person (who would vote if not for the law). id. at 952 A federal district court whose decision was affirmed by both the Sixth Circuit and Supreme Court in
Crawford found a similar report that "up to 989,000 registered voters in the State of Indiana" would be disenfrachised to be "utterly incredible and unreliable".
Indiana Democratic Party v. Rokita, 458 F.Supp.2d 775 at 803 (S.D. Ind. 2006) The district court also noted the "[p]laintiffs' inability to provide the names or otherwise identify any particular affected individuals persists despite various polls and surveys that were conducted for the specific purpose of discovering such individuals. The Democrats' failure in this regard is particularly acute in light of their assertion that nearly one million of Indiana's registered voters do not possess an Indiana driver's license or photo identification" and that "it is a
testament to the law's minimal burden and narrow crafting that Plaintiffs have been unable to uncover anyone who can attest to the fact that he/she will be prevented from voting despite the concerted efforts of the political party and numerous interested groups who arguably represent the most severely affected candidates and communities."
id. at 823
SirNitram wrote:I have a serious question: Do you have anything to support your claims besides copy-pasted quotes? Like evidence?
Quoting legal and factual findings by courts, all of which were upheld by the Supreme Court.