Source: ... 2C2.217%2CMore than 30 rockets and mortars hit south Israel, three wounded
Barrage latest in escalating violence along Gaza border; Israel earlier attacked rocket-launching squad in south Gaza, in
response to rocket fire.
By Haaretz | Oct.24, 2012 | 7:41 AM
Militants in the Gaza Strip fired more than 30 rockets and mortar shells at southern Israel early Wednesday, leaving three people wounded.
The rockets and morters struck areas in the Eshkol Regional Council, Sha’ar Hanegev and the Ashkelon coast. Three migrant workers were
hurt, two of them them seriously and one lightly.
Several houses in the Eshkol Regional Council and Sha'ar Hanegev sustained damage in the attacks. Residents have been asked to remain in
bomb shelters, and classes have been canceled in Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev.
Earlier Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces attacked a rocket-launching squad in southern Gaza, near the Rafah crossing, who had just fired
at Israel, the IDF spokesman said in a statement.
The Israel Air Force carried out a strike on targets in the northern Gaza Strip late Tuesday, after eight mortar shells were fired into southern
Israel several hours earlier.
IDF officials said that they carried out two strikes on terrorist cells planning to launch more rockets into Israel in northern Gaza on Tuesday
night. Hamas said that three were operatives were killed and another three wounded in the strikes.
Also Tuesday, an Israel Defense Forces officer was seriously wounded during a military operation near the security fence on Israel's border
with the Gaza Strip.
The army confirmed that the officer was wounded in an explosion. Though the cause of the blast is still unclear, the army suspects that the
officer was wounded after a roadside bomb exploded in the area. In the past, roadside bombs have been used to target IDF forces patrolling the
security fence.
"The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli citizens and security forces and work against anyone initiating terror against the state of
Israel," a written statement issued by the IDF said, adding that Israel holds Gaza's Hamas rulers responsible, it said.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would deliver a strong response to the attack. "We will fight and we will hit them very, very
hard," Netanyahu said.
Posted without comment. (Nothing new about it really).