If my understanding is correct, she was specifically from an "escort service", which operates legally through ostensibly denying that their escorts provide sex in return for money. There's a sort of understanding that escorts are basically hookers with a different name, but there are, in fact, escort services that don't offer sex. This lets them operate in the open legally, as they repeatedly put up disclaimers that no sexual activity is meant to take place and reminders of how illegal prostitution is....then they let the girls do their thing in private.So if she had had sex with him, illegal prostitution would have happened. If she had returned the money and left, a canceled prostitution would have happened (illegal?). Instead she took the money and left (illegal) from an intended prostitution (illegal?) and he used deadly force to recover it (legal).
What this means is that in the eyes of the laws regarding escorts, the girl didn't do anything wrong. The man was never guaranteed sex in the first place by the contract; usually it's a more vague "companionship." In short, he got exactly what he paid for. It's comparable to asking for a hamburger at McDonalds, getting a burger, and then murdering the cook because it didn't have the pickles that you didn't ask for on it and you just assumed that all hamburgers come with pickles.
Also, on the subject of "shooting without intent to kill".....no. No sane judge would accept that as a response, because a firearm is a deadly weapon. You do not shoot to wound or scare, and you do not draw a gun to prove a point. Pointing a gun at someone is an implicit statement of "I will kill you," and firing at them is an implicit statement of "I am now killing you."