NettiWelho wrote:Napoleon the Clown wrote:Netti, how the hell is making it legal gonna stop people from overdosing? I can see an argument regarding disease transmission, but to say that it could possibly reduce how often people OD is a pretty big claim. Addicts aren't known for deciding to follow the directions on how much to use in a specified time frame.
If all the drugs were regulated the same way as alcohol all drugs would come eitheir pure or diluted with a safe substance and packaged in single use sizes. Information about the drug and its dangers as well as consumption and/or dosage recommendations and other harm reduction could be done.
Just because you can kill yourself with it does not mean its dangerous. You can kill yourself with drinking too much water, or vodka.
What matters is can it kill you accidentally just because its impure or measurement error while dosing OR entire another substance than advertized. Such worries are mostly gone with proper regulation and safety.
You don't have much personal experience with people who have become addicted to a substance, do you? Addicts aren't known for following the suggested usage. It's why alcoholics tend to drink so much. They keep feeling the need for more, more, more. Eventually the body's ability to keep basic functions going will be lower than the threshold for getting that sweet high or what have you.
Dilute a drug and people will just take more doses. Give an alcoholic beer and he'll just drink the six pack in one go and ask for more. People OD on legal stuff with very clear instructions all the fucking time because A. lots of people don't read the damn instructions and B. addicts ignore the instructions. There's also losing all track of when your last dose was. Your little chart there beautifully demonstrates that simply being legal doesn't mean people will be responsible about it.
Now, legalization and regulation can lead to less nasty shit being in the mix with it. But that doesn't change how addictive crack cocaine is.
Any drop in overdose rate could potentially be offset (or more than offset) by a possible increase in people who decide to give it a whirl. And some substances are so horrifically addictive that one go is enough to get you addicted. Opiates get you hooked fucking fast, as an example.
Other drugs are severely damaging by their very nature. Even very pure meth, when smoked, will cause damage to the teeth and gums because it's an acidic smoke. It isn't some harmless high. And it isn't known for promoting good oral hygiene.
Some drugs are just bad. There is no safe dose. There may be doses that are unlikely to kill you, but good luck keeping at that dose. We restrict how much you can get at once for pain killers for a reason. Give an addict 100 doses of a barbiturate and there's a very good chance that a week later you'll have a dead addict on your hands. There's a good reason to restrict how much of certain substances a person can readily obtain.
Now, pot? As I stated, no way in hell someone's gonna OD on that. Only way you could possibly OD on THC is if you either had a ridiculously potent oral source and took a fuckload of it or you injected it into your veins. Smoking/vaporising it? Physically impossible to OD like that. Which is why I am of the opinion it should be legalized and treated much like alcohol is. Someone drives on it, DUI. Etc. PCP? That shit is fucking evil. If the person who uses it has angered the Drug Reaction Gods they can go berserk. Though they are more likely to try to avoid any confrontation whatsoever. LSD? That stuff can make for a Very Bad Time and, in some people, has potential for long-lasting consequences. So if it's gonna get any sort of use it should be strictly controlled and used under supervision of someone who's got all the proper education. Example of a good use for LSD: Some studies have found it helps combat alcoholism better than basically anything. Not a high dose, mind. Other use it's been found to have: Incredible pain management. Sub-threshold dose has been demonstrated to control pain to impressive extremes.
Lifting all restrictions would be a bad idea simply because of addiction potential for some shit. Pot? It's got such a low risk for causing physical dependence that it isn't even worth worrying about. Some people grow quite fond of how they feel while high, though, but that isn't limited to pot. Cocaine? There's nothing it does that can't be done with other drugs that are far less addictive and generally safer. Heroin? No legitimate use, horrifically addictive, needles get expensive. Ketamine? Leave that for farm animals, we've got better stuff to sedate a person. I could go on if I wanted to wrack my brain for other drugs, but this should give an idea.
Sig images are for people who aren't fucking lazy.