Terralthra wrote:Mechanically, those are functionally identical to any other ranked-choice voting system. If they're easier to understand for the average voter, fine, go for it, but the system which reads the ballots and calculates the winning candidate is no more complicated, and operates functionally identically, minus whatever tie-breaking goes into candidates who have an equal number of the same rating. E.G.:
John Doe +2
Joe Blow +5
Darth Wong +3
My Ass -1
Douchenozzle -4
God -6
Zombie Carl Sagan +10
is functionally identical to
John Doe #4
Joe Blow #2
Darth Wong #3
My Ass #5
Douchenozzle #6
God #7
Zombie Carl Sagan #1
Only if a significant amount of voters rank multiple candidates at equally high preferences (with no winning candidate above them) does the tabulation code even change.
My understanding was that Range Voting systems are scored as cardinal numbers, not ranks: it seems like the results shouldn't be as similar as you suggest. Every candidate gets an average, much like a grade in school (in fact one method I've seen uses A-B-C-D-F rather than numbers), and the one with the highest GPA wins.
Note that I don't necessarily advocate Range Voting, rather its a system I don't see often talked about. Personally, I think the most important thing is to get off of our current First Past The Post Electoral College system. Approval voting, IRV, Random Ballot, whatever. Surely any one of them is an improvement over what we have. If IRV is easier to justify legally, go for it. If Approval vote is easier to implement with current ballot methods, go for it. I have my ideal Random Ballot method, but I can settle for "better".
Incidentally, Range Voting also gives you an automatic approval rating for the President independent of opinion polling, which can be used elsewhere in the political process; at least assuming that we're starting from scratch and writing a Constitution right now devoid of the baggage of our existing document. Not all advantages of a voting system stem from its ability to represent the population fairly. For instance, plural voting (that one where "one person, one vote" is discarded as the measure of voter equality) can let you empower people with differential circumstances; you could for instance give households with children extra votes so that part of the population normally unrepresented due to their age are given power by proxy of their parents; or you could give immigrants a lesser but existent portion of votes so that they have some say in how the country they nevertheless live in is run.
Just something to think about. There is more than one way to look at these voting processes.
bilateralrope wrote:I'd expect most people to only give the maximum or minimum possible scores. First it will happen out of laziness, then other people will follow suit in an attempt to counteract it.
Admittedly, that is a pretty obvious tactic in range voting.
ZOmegaZ wrote:That's not exactly a cardinal voting system. Cardinal systems (I think by definition, 95% confidence) don't allow you to give candidates equal rank. That subjects them to Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. Score voting and approval voting don't have that problem.
It is, actually. By definition, the most basic cardinal system is Approval voting, which is basically a binary version of Range Voting. You either approve of someone or you don't; whereas in Range voting you can approve,
strongly approve, don't care, or mark them as an asshole. See wikipedia, I left a link on the last page. It just means that the numbers are counted as cardinal numbers (i.e. values) and not ranks (i.e. preferences).
You might be thinking of
cumulative voting (which can be combined with plural voting).
For me, the worst part is that IRV isn't even monotonic; ranking a candidate higher can actually hurt their chances of winning! That makes IRV very susceptible to tactical voting, which is the problem we're trying to fix in the first place. The only tactical aspect to approval voting is where you draw your approve/disapprove line, and the effect of that change (in terms of Bayesian regret) is relatively small.
Of course, you realize that Random Ballot methods are the only way of eliminating tactical voting advantage entirely, right?