Simon_Jester wrote:If there were many cases throughout the country of voter fraud, then we could be more confident Minnesota was a representative sample. But if Minnesota is the only case on record, we don't know that. We cannot assume that each of the 50 states has a voter fraud problem that is, on average, at least as bad as Minnesota's, with Minnesota only being unusual in that someone got caught.
We honestly don't know what the real rates are in other states with other elections because there isn't the interest in doing the research. The research has been done on the Minnesota 2008 elections because of how close the race was and how the recounts for the senate race kept skewing the count one direction and
only one direction.
The main, original point was that the 40 cases over 4 years number was an under count, that is at least half the real number and if the extrapolation is correct, two orders of magnitude low.
The short version of my current stance is that more research is needed, and when caught, people should be punished - very harshly. Voter fraud is an attack on the institution of voting, and in my opinion is treason against the very idea of our republic.
Simon_Jester wrote:[In the same vein, we cannot generalize "Republicans do X" from "Republicans did X in Wyoming."
While that is correct, we just don't know what the rates are everywhere because in general republicans don't study it if they don't have what they see as an overtly stolen election (because it's not uncommon for democrats to cry out that they are only interested in disenfrancising poor/minority [read: democratic] voters and even dealing with such a charge takes political capital), and democrats don't study what might turn out to be very bad for them. This is not to say that republicans don't commit fraud, but the major cases of outright fraud have been beneficial to the democrats more than republicans.
Simon_Jester wrote:Should we knowingly disenfranchise a 2% of the population, to avoid a 1% chance of disenfranchising everyone?
I'd rather not, but I do wonder how many people who do vote don't have an acceptable ID already?
Simon_Jester wrote:Right. Would it seem reasonable to you to make ID-accessibility a priority for some years before implementing ID as a requirement to vote? There's something inherently ridiculous about changing the ID requirements for voting 8 or 12 weeks before an election... and yet we've seen people trying to do exactly that.
I don't have a problem with pushing ID requirements earlier, but again I ask, how many voters are actually unable to vote due to not having proper ID?
General Zod wrote:Because all of your evidence has been a red herring. If someone asks for evidence of marijuana use, you don't post evidence of cocaine use and say you can extrapolate based on that. The type of voter fraud you posted evidence for has no bearing on the type of voter fraud that everyone has their panties in a twist about.
My original point, which I will quote for you here, never touched on voter ID, only on the fact that fraud was more widespread the numbers from the study you cited.
TimothyC wrote:
We've also got this:
That's for just the 2008 election, where the Minnesota senate race was exceptionally close (312 votes) and votes kept being found for Al Franken. There have also been no fewer than three found just in Hamilton county relating to the 2012 election.
We've had the
Chief of Staff for a Florida representative resigning after being implicated in a voter fraud scheme, the investigation later took down his communications director as well.
Given the above, I ask the individuals in this thread:
Is there a threshold for voter fraud above which you would support mechanisms to catch/prevent fraudulent voting, and if so where is it?
Concession accepted.
General Zod wrote:Maybe you shouldn't shove words in people's mouths?
Show me where I have done so? The closest thing was where I interpreted your comparison of fraud and petty theft, and that was in my opinion a reasonable extrapolation from what you had said. Please, provide an alternate explanation if you have one.
General Zod wrote:I honestly doubt you would accept a pithy hearsay quote at face value if it were the reverse.
Must be nice to live in a world where you can reject the other side so easily. I'm sure hanging out on SDN helps with that.
General Zod wrote:I'm not convinced that there are hundreds of thousands of people casting fraudulent votes with someone else's ID.
And my original point (and post, as quoted above) didn't have anything to do with voter ID laws. Get off your high horse.
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