Pretty much.AniThyng wrote:I can appreciate that part of the difference is that in the west, Christianity is still somewhat dominant, so when a liberal christian takes offense at being lumped in with a homophobic christian, big whoop, while if a liberal muslim is lumped in with terrorists, he can be physically harmed.salm wrote:You might be a target because people will lump you in with extremists and believe that muslims are a completely homogenous group. And if you are lumped in with assholes you will probably dislike the idiots doing the lumping.AniThyng wrote: In any case, that does not change the point that if you are a "cultural muslim", you're not the actual target of people who say Islam needs a reformation. The existence of cultural christians does not change that.
Maybe one should highlight that getting physically harmed is not the core problem but a symptom of the actual problem of muslims being a marginalized subset of the population.
Christians and atheists are not a marginalized subset, so if christians or atheists are targeted it is bad for the individual but in the current conditions in Europe not a big deal for the Christian or atheist subset of the population.
So, maybe whenever you think "Christian/Atheist" when talking about Malaysia think "Muslim" when talking about Europe. Perhaps that is the closest you can get when comparing Malayan and European subsets of the populations.Perhaps being from a situation where Islam is the state power and blasphemy can see you inconvenienced or even hauled up by the courts for sedition has unfairly coloured my view on the power balance and the harm of being lumped in, since in this particular case I, and not muslims, are the dispriviledged class. Not to say I do not have other priviledges that make up for it, but still.