Hasn't worked for decades?madd0ct0r wrote:Given Myanmar's poverty, mineral wealth timber wealth and hydroelectric potential, and the huge ngo -poverty complex bringing aid into the area, I'm really surprised that heavy diplomatic pressure isnt being brought to bear on the Myanmar elite
You know, the only reason why they opened up to the West recently was because they stopped a hydroelectric project that was run by a Chinese company. So they sought diplomatic cover after pissing the Chinese off.
Otherwise, think of them as the North Korea of South East Asia. I mean, hell, the world hewed and cry during the last crackdown in Myanmar, I mean, dead people were strewn all over the marshes, monks and all, but it didn't stop them.
Hell, no one in Asia even respected the sanctions imposed on Myanmar, because Myanmar was rich in resources, and being sandwiched between India and China allowed Myanmar to seek privileges from both sides.