Thanas wrote:ShadowDragon8685 wrote:And to think Thanas accuses me of hyperventilating!
Yes. Yes I do, because you are somebody who can't argue his way out of a paperbag but rages against weak targets as soon as you get an inkling of what is going on.
Bub, I don't care if the target is "weak" or not. I'm not dogpiling. I'm raging against a fucking
lunatic whose ideas are either terrifyingly naieve or criminally irresponsible. He pushed my berzerk buttons.
PeZook wrote:ShadowDragon, note that he doesn't say he wants a total tax burden of 25% ; He wants the government to requisition 25% of the
national income in taxes, which translates to a much higher tax burden (tax only targets income, while national income includes investment, government spending, net export, etc.). The US spent about 25% GDP in 2009, so it means our boy here is perfectly satisfied with that spending, only he'd like to raise taxes to cover it without defficit.
He said it himself, it would be completely fair. I don't see a problem with his position.
Sure, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of not deliberately misconstruing what he says to make him look like an idiot, since he does that very well on his own. He's clearly arguing for a total tax burden of 25% of personal income, not raising the tax burden on the population to 25% of the GDP.
D.Turtle wrote:He is very confused on that point. Sometimes he writes 25% of income, sometimes 25% of GDP. But then, even the second one is almost achieved by the US (as repeatedly shown).
My guess? He's young, he's excited, he doesn't have a very large vocabulary but he knows enough to know that repeating the same thing in the exact same way every time is considered bad form, so he varies it without understanding the true technicality of what he's saying.
He's clearly talking about capping tax burden at 25% of personal income, not raising it to 25% of GDP.
I always wonder about the people screaming about high taxes killing companies, competitiveness, the economy, etc. There are countries out there that have a LOT higher taxes that still manage to be globally competitive, etc - something that is supposedly impossible.
Like I said: they've drank the Kool-Aid. (Flavor-Aid, but kool-aid sounds better.) They've been taken in by the screed of those who are
truly helped out by these tax breaks - rich assholes who want to be even richer assholes - and parrot the "lower taxes, more money for everyone" mantra without a fucking clue of the realities of the situation.
He's an idiot asshole who's been taken in by cynical greedy sociopaths hook, line, sinker, rod, and copy of
Angling Times. He doesn't realize that he's arguing for a cause that's very much against his own self-interest, rather like a woman arguing for a return to Talibanism. He's been indoctrinated to believe it's the Right Way, and so doesn't apply any logic to it, only parroting talking points that look like logic, and ignoring people when they break down his talking points. He's all over the map when he starts to get himself twisted up and gets called out, so he tries dodging by saying "At least they're not as bad as HITLER!" and otherwise mentioning Germany.
My impression is that higher taxes might lead to short-term damage to the economy, but in the long-run is almost irrelevant.
For him, it's even simpler than that. His argument is "It's my money, I don't want to give more than a quarter of it to you!" It's the "I've
earned it, fuck you" mentality.
Hell, just looking at the current financial crisis, while the US is groaning under high unemployment, etc. caused by the minor drop in GDP, we here in Germany had a drop in GDP quite a lot bigger, while the unemployment rate is pretty much untouched.
Why? Government intervention aimed at keeping people employed, keeping companies alive through loans, etc.
He's been completely indoctrinated to believe that government intervention is evil. In those words he said it; he believes that government is Evil.
PeZook wrote:There's three basic measures of national income, that's GDP (Gross Domestic Product), GNP (Gross National Product which is essentially GDP + trade balance) and Net National Income.
Since most people mean GDP, I assumed he did, too, just didn't know the correct terms (yet claims his economic proposals should be given the time of day by anybody, go figure...)
They're not his economic proposals. I imagine that if we had a scope into his life, we'll find a very loud, very anger and very powerful father figure who's constantly raging against taxes, and who also loudly screams that the government doesn't have a right to more than a quarter of what he earns.
Not that they would be any smarter coming out of Tom's hypothetical Pop's mouth, because they'd still the selfish ranting of an idiot who doesn't understand how the world works and doesn't understand the ideas of social contract, social good, more than basic economics, and simply objects to relinquishing
any of what he has "earned" whatsoever, but begrudgingly concedes that roads have to be paid for and police have to be paid and firefighters have to be paid. Also, FWIW, almost certainly thinks Fox News really is "fair and balanced" when they're screeding about "liberal lies," and considers anyone to the left of fox to be "Liberal Media."
Tom's arguing somebody else's position. I'd bet it's a father's, but it could also be a charismatic teacher's, local community leader's, or simply he's been watching too much Faux Noise and listening to the talking heads too damn much, but I'd bet it's closer to home. People arguing someone else's position in the name of someone they've never met and who wouldn't know them from Nixon usually slink away after being called out like this, but he stuck in there, so he's got some kind of personal stake in this. He's completely unable to effectually speak on the target, when his arguments are called out as nonsensical, unsupported, or he's told point-blank that "I believe" is insufficient grounds for an argument, he employs circular logic, repeats his points, or tries to dodge the issue by throwing a grenade with a Hitler 'Tache taped to it.
Tom_Kalbfus wrote:Your discriminating against me now. I feel that if I can have thick skin and deal with your constant abuse, by calling me a "shithead" for example, then black people can just as easily shrug off one's use of the N-word and just walk away. Besides the word "shithead" can have racial connotations, so you'd better watch your mouth lest something racist ever spring forth from it. you don't know that I'm racist, I've seen more foul words from your posts than from mine, name calling and use of racial ephitaphs such as "shithead" are so immature, I suspect you are only half my age to be using such vulgarisms, it is not becoming of you.
If someone has a habit of driving whilst intoxicated and we see fit to revoke his right to drive, that is discrimination in the strictest sense. However, he doesn't get to claim
racial discrimination, because the cause of his driver's license being shredded is not the color of his skin, but the factuality of his actions.
Likewise, you don't get to call "racism" on being called shithead unless you
literally have shit for brains, this condition is apparently obvious to those who see you, there are an entire race of people like you, and Serafina was aware of this.
It's discriminating against you based on your actions and words. Not because of your race. Also, check the rules here: this forum is a flame-pit, and posters are expected, even encouraged, to behave in ways that would get them flung out of other forums provided they're not violating the rules of debate. Hint: You
are, and unless you want a ban and a title, you should immediately make appropriate posts of utter and complete obescience and apology.
(Can we not title him a village idiot? It would be insulting to the other proud village idiots around here to lump him in with us. Might I suggest "Scheisskopf"? It fits in any way, since he's a perpetual headache.)
And you are a foul-mouthed intollerant German, it doesn't matter whether you wear a swastika or a hammer and sickle on your armband, a Kraut is a Kraut, and you are one of the most unpleasant Germans I've ever met, next to certain historical figures and stereotypes from World War II. I went to certain length to explain to you my particular philosophy, but as any hot-headed German, you are quick to anger and not up to listening, you'd make perfect recruiting material for the Hitler Youth. I tried to be polite with you and respectful of your particular opinion, but I have received nothing but foul-mouthed abuse from you, and I am done Frauline.
Holee shit. That was actual,
overt racism on your part.
Are you hypocritical by nature, or just too blindingly stupid and used to cognitive dissonance to realize what you've done there? Or did you think you were being clever by invoking it in a manner you perceived as ironic, "hah-hah, see what I did there? Same as what you did, only more blindingly obvious because I invoked HITLER!," in which case you really are as impaired in the head as you seem to be.