Channel72 wrote:You believe that constraining people indefinitely for decades is somehow morally superior to killing them.
Yes, I do.
But for some reason you think that removing his actual life is somehow crossing the moral event horizon. Why?
I believe life is preferable to death.
Keep in mind I am NOT advocating keeping anyone in complete social and sensory isolation for decades. The degree of privilege within a prison should be scaled to the person's behavior, and sufficient stimulation for some level of mental health should be provided. That could be books, movies, or (limited and supervised) TV or even internet. Someone who demonstrates an ability to obey the rules of a prison could and should be allowed to interact with other prisoners, receive visits from family, and so forth. The restraint should be sufficient to prevent said person from hurting others and not just gratuitously applied as a form of punishment in and of itself. I think some to the current isolation practices are most definitely cruel and unreasonable and should not be in force, but that's a different issue that whether or not we should kill someone.
Just because the majority opinion has been used to justify unethical things in the past doesn't mean that majority opinion is to be disregarded entirely or given no weight. I love it when people trot out this silly argument - "well the majority used to endorse slavery! etc." Okay? So? So are you then proposing that majority opinion should be entirely meaningless?
Of course not, but that doesn't mean human rights should be subject to majority vote, either. It's a balancing act. Rights are not absolute, your rights end where someone else's begins. Saying "majority rules" isn't sufficient. One of government's duties (in my opinion) is to protect the minority from the majority where appropriate.
Except the ethics of the death penality is the very issue we are discussing, so you can't tacitly assume it's unethical (or morally equivalent to something like slavery and segregation), and then declare that majority opinion regarding the death penality is invalid.
On a
practical level it is, of course, very relevant. I currently live in a state that does have the death penalty and my personal opposition to that form of punishment is not going to end it in Indiana. That doesn't mean I have to approve or condone it.
Broomstick wrote:Channel72 wrote:The justification is so that the state doesn't have to indefinitely constrain a dangerous murderer prone to psychotic behavior who puts various prison staff at risk.
By that rationale we shouldn't have doctors treat people with communicable and deadly diseases. People who work in prisons assume some risk as part of their work, just as police, firemen, and yes, even doctors do.
Wrong. Again, people with communicable or deadly diseases haven't forfeited their right to be protected by society.
In some cases they have been denied their freedom - Typhoid Mary, for example. In Cuba people with HIV are imprisoned for life - perhaps comfortably imprisoned but they lose their freedom forever. Your assertion that those with communicable disease don't "forfeit" their rights is not universally held to be true.
Likewise, I don't think even a murderer has lost his right to life. No matter how horrible he's still a human being and see my often-repeated statement regarding justification for taking a human life. If he can't hurt anyone neither is anyone allowed to hurt him. We may just have to agree to disagree on this point.
Mass-murderers have, so there's no reason to go on risking the lives of prison personnel. Yes, people who work in prisons will always be exposed to risk, but there's no reason not to decrease that risk by executing the most dangerous criminals.
Not everyone who kills people, even multiple people, is automatically a hazard to prison personnel.
Jeffrey Dahmer lobotomized, raped, killed, and ate multiple people but by all accounts he was a very well-behaved prisoner and there were others far more dangerous to work with. Indeed, it was another inmate who killed him. So while we certainly couldn't let him back out on the street the level of confinement required to render him harmless was pretty mild. The man who killed him, however, probably needed more restraint, not less.
Firstly, I could ask you the same question. Why is it a superior solution to remove someone's freedom and then restrain them for decades indefinitely?
Because I find confining someone alive but indefinitely to be superior to killing them. Again, I'm not advocating a sterile grey cell and complete isolation, only what is required to render the person harmless. For some murderers that isn't a whole lot, and doesn't entail much risk. Another example is
Nathan Leopold who unquestionably committed a brutal murder in his youth but actually did some good while behind bars, from educating fellow inmates to volunteering to being infected with malaria to further medical science, to working in a hospital when finally paroled to, finally, being an organ donor after death. That doesn't make him an angel, and it certainly doesn't mean every murderer is a saint-in-waiting, but it shows that being sentenced to life (actually, life plus 99) isn't necessarily hellish or even a waste of life.
My argument for the death penalty is that it is morally superior (both from the viewpoint of the condemned prisoner and the prison staff) to execute a dangerous criminal than to constrain him/her for decades on end.
And I disagree, as already stated. I don't think either one of us is going to budge on that, do you?
Broomstick wrote:I guess you don't believe in "not guilty by reason of insanity", then? Please clarify that, just for the record. Do you think batshit crazy people should be held to the same standard as mentally normal adults?
To be honest, I don't know. I think it depends a lot on the particular case, and the particular form of insanity. If someone is so delusional that they are prone to mass-murder, and there is no known way to treat them, then I think the death penalty should be considered.
So... you view it as a sort of mercy killing? Or am I wrong on that?