Thanas wrote:Broomstick wrote:Voters can change their minds.
The British voters will never vote for a European nationstate within the next twenty years.
Then tell the British to fuck off. The US did it way back in 1776, after all. You can have an EU without the UK, right?
Also, last I heard the UK still had its own currency and not the euro even if they are part of the EU. This is about countries that are all using the same currency.
I don't know, maybe there's a form of union between the current EU and a true nationstate that is tighter and might be more beneficial to all. The EU is an experiment, after all, just like every other new form of government or alliance. It is a bit arrogant to think you'll get it exactly right from the very first.
I would also hope that if the EU does move to a tighter union they'll be able to avoid the past mistakes of other nations. It's my opinion that European nations giving a bit more of a damn about each other on all levels would be of benefit.
All of that is true, but none of it will happen. Any attempt to form this middle form has already been rejected in Britain before talks even got underway. Instead, we see the opposite - nations like Britain (and to a lesser extent Greece) are trying to limit the EU to a simple economic customs union, with less, not more, power going to Brussels.
If Britain doesn't want to go all in tell them to fuck off. Right now the eurozone is hurting people, not helping. So change it. Either loosen the union or tighten it or whatever is needed to fix the problem, and those who don't want to play can take their marbles and go home.
Here is the German worry - Germany cannot handle all that debt and taking on the debt of others would destroy all the process made from 1990-2014, process which a lot of sacrifices were made for. This goes double when some nations have done little to actually reform.
WHY is Germany throwing good money after bad? I can't wrap my head around that. WHY did you loan money to a bad risk? And having done that, why are you crying because the loan went bad? You took a risk and it turned out badly, that's why it's a
It's like the payday loan companies we have here, that keep loaning more and more money to people circling the drain until there is
no way the debt can possibly be repaid, then crying when the debtors declare bankruptcy. Greece IS bankrupt at this point. Accept that any more money given will be a “gift” in that it will
never be repaid or stop giving out money!
The only way this would work and Germany would even consider paying it is if Germany would get the powers to unilaterally enforce reforms. But that will not happen, so this plan will not happen.
In other words, Germany annexes Greece. Of course the Greeks won't agree to that.
And frankly, considering we get all the shit for even helping to prevent a EU collapse in the first place, we might just as well embrace the villain role. We are going to get shit on either way, so at least let's not burn money on the streets.
MAYBE the EU should have been allowed to collapse if it was not workable. This looks like it just extended the pain and likely will make an impending collapse worse. Or do you think making the Greeks debt-slaves to Germany is a viable outcome?
Oh, and that whole thing about being the villain either way? Welcome to my world. That's how the US is viewed, after all, so sorry, doesn't get much sympathy from this side of the pond. If you want to play in international politics accept that sometimes it doesn't work at all the way you intend.
I really hope this bullshit is not what he is trying to push, because nobody is falling for it. This bullshit is nothing but insulting to Germany. Every German knows that in three months Greece is going to have to ask for more money either way.
Part of the problem here is Greece being loaned more money than they can pay back. Doing that
again will only make the problem worse.
And the last paragraph is a joke, considering his first step was to shore up the utterly corrupt greece state power industry, which was one of the main culprits of the crisis in the first place.
So... what are you saying, Greece should let the lights go out?
Oh yes, so the solution seems to be "who cares, let the Germans pay for it", as expected. This will not happen.
Maybe Germany shouldn't have engaged in predatory lending, which is what it looks like from here. Honestly, what was Germany thinking, loaning that much money to countries with sinking economies?
I shall also note that paying debts over long periods of time is nothing new or bad. We just finished paying off WWI debt. Our current government debt would be paid back somewhere around 2250 at the earliest. If Greece has to pay for hundreds of years then that is no different than any other country.
It's not just the time span, it's also the size of the payments. If the result of the loan terms are such that the Greeks are no longer able to shelter, clothe, or feed themselves it
doesn't matter how many hundreds of years you allow, you've made it impossible to make a living
today. Scold all you want, that's not a situation that will remain stable for long.
Of course I'm biased because I live in an ass-backward country where a creditor is forbidden to take your home, your clothing, and the food in your pantry to repay a debt.
No one put a gun to Germany's head and forced them to loan money to Greece. Germany
chose to do that. If you don't like that your government did that then do what you urge the Greeks to do - vote those responsible out of office.
If Greece wants to default, let them default and suffer the consequences.
Maybe that should have been done 5 years ago.
But all of this "I spent more than I earned for over twenty years, lied to you to get into your economic union, now give me more money while I maybe might possibly change. Btw, I am going to rehire the same people who got us in this mess in the first place and cosy up to Russia" is not fooling me. I can't imagine it fooling Merkel either.
So stop enabling them.
And if they leave the EU and cozy up to Russia why would you care? They'd no longer be your problem, right? Let the Russian pour rubles into the hole and let the Greeks live with the consequences.
Germany decided making high risk loans to preserve the EU was more important than letting Greece live with the consequences of its decisions. Turns out that wasn't a great decision, boo-hoo-hoo. Yeah, we get it, you want your money back. Of course you do. So cut 'em loose, what do you care, right? It's not your country, right?
Or, maybe,
act like you're in a union and try to do something to actually FIX the problems instead of continuing the same old squeeze until Greece explodes. If the nations of the EU actually want to be in a union for their mutual benefit then fucking
act like it. Develop a "Marshall Plan" for Greece that's more than simply writing a check. My nation was still burying its dead when, instead of demanding reparations, we tried to rebuild the economy of a war-torn Europe. We still haven't got all of our loaned money back from that but you know what? We don't fucking care. Well, sure, it was damned nice of the Finns and (eventually) the UK) to pay us back but we didn't put the squeeze on people because we weren't doing it for
profit, we were doing it because it was the right thing to do and we knew that a self-supporting, prosperous Europe was vital to world peace. In other words, our own fucking selfish self-interest - stabilizing Europe was good for us. And we aren't even fucking part of Europe.
Does Germany care about
money or about
prosperity? They aren't
quite the same thing. If all you care about it money then cut the Greeks free - they will go into free-fall, become a third world country, and someone else (>sigh<, probably us) will be along to bail them out (if not the US, then yes, the Russians. Maybe China. Who knows?) or find a way to exploit them. Or maybe not, in which case you get to live next door to a fermenting cesspit. Or does Germany care about
Europe? In which case stop loaning the Greeks money and try to find another way to get them back on their feet so they CAN pay you back, whether on time or late.
What should you do instead of money? Fuck, I don't know - maybe open some German factories there so you provide JOBS for the unemployed, who will then pay taxes that will then go towards loan payments. Hey, there's an idea - in a country with high unemployment give them jobs instead of a loan.