That was my point, you don't ignore evil. You don't let it fester and grow in strength like a fungus, like a cancer, like any other metaphor implying pervasive rot or disease. Ignoring it, acting like it doesn't exist, or thinking its been pushed away is foolish.Simon_Jester wrote:Okay, but this is missing an important point.......... (apologies for snipping your post)
I ain't saying we should compromise with fucks like Spencer or even Trump. I'm all for compromise normally for many things, I think thats the best way to have a good society is for people to come together, find common ground, all that care bears rainbow shit. Compromise of rights, nah fuck that. Compromising with somebody like Spencer means compromising rights, lives, and that is no compromise worth bearing.
Does that mean destroy people like Spencer, to attack them? No, not unless given no choice. The goal shouldn't even be to destroy the ideology but to make it irrelevant.
Trump arose not because the system was broken but because people were complacent about the toxic ideology some of Trumps supporters espouse, because others were forgotten, and because people tried to break the political system by pushing down people. That is the reason Obama came to power, disenfranchised people that the system was broken for, people forgotten or actively hated by the establishment. In perhaps a bit of irony a similar wave propelled Trump to the same office, MLK bust and all allegedly.
The way to stop Trump and people like him, first don't be take by histrionics. Trump is not Hitler, not Mussolini, not even Duterte. Republicans are not brown shirts, well not all of them. Understand that first and foremost is key to understanding the aims and goals of them and separating those people, good people, normal people, just people with slightly different wants and desires from you or I or that guy over there, fuck that guy sitting over there watching us all creepy like, from out and out complete fucks like Spencer.
Second, and this I think is key, be against the ideology and not the person. Even someone like Spencer one should hate what he stands for rather then him as a person. Spencer is a hateful piece of shit, we should not stoop to their level though. I'm not saying be besties with him but maybe don't attack him, certainly not physically. Go after his shitty ideology, don't attack it though, don't drive it underground so it might gain strength and rise anew. Render it irrelevant. Show that all their theories of races and genders and all that crazy Mein Kampfy Chair bullshit is just that, bullshit.
You don't destroy a racist, you make him transform into a truck......I mean into someone who isn't a racist through education, through experience, through rendering it as obsolete as my cell phone (fuck all of you with your newfangled rectangle phones, flip phones that just make calls and thats about it are the only true way to go).
Sometimes that not possible, sometimes no amount of education will change someone. Sometimes even you must fight for your own rights by fighting against them. But that should not be something done with haste, something done lightly.
As you said, we are not in that place to fight. We could go there, most definitely. American exceptionalism or not we are not immune from such chaos (for the longest time I used to pronounce that word like "chi-os, I had always read it but never heard it spoken aloud, I was really confused when someone first said "kayos", reading is a fun thing) and we must be vigilant. But we should not be the ones to fire the first shot or throw the first punch.
Giving them a platform to spew their garbage (zod damn I love that word spew, its so goddamn great for fun mental images) is repellent, is disgusting, it upsetting but should not be a problem. Neo-Nazism is not incompatible with free speech, thats the point of free speech is to let even pieces of shit like some jackbooted thugs who unfortunately make people who like jackboots for no political reason unable to enjoy them say what they want. Free speech is stops being free the moment we stop people we don't like from partaking, our own speech can stop being free too if it becomes something someone else doesn't like.Dragon Angel wrote:It's mostly borne from social media, but there is a very significant portion of liberals and centrists who are more than willing to give neo-Nazis a platform, failing to understand that the ideology of a neo-Nazi is antithetical to that of the concept of free speech. It is a failing to understand that history has already taught us the consequences of Nazism, of fascist dictators, and to give the neo-Nazis any modicum of legitimacy is to not only ignore history, but also devalue the education that was supposed to have taught us of it. It's an implicit belief that Nazi ideas must have some merit to them, otherwise why bother wasting time with their nonsense?
Yes, there are people this dumb who are supposedly on "our side".
Doesn't mean accept what Spencer shits out, to even listen to it, but to stop it, especially with violence is what gives fucks like that legitimacy and power.
White supremacists might have more power then anytime in recent history, not more then they've ever had, thats kinda what I've been harping about in regards to hyperbole. But thats beside the point.Dragon Angel wrote:In an ideal society, I would certainly agree with you. However, we live very, very far away from that ideal society now.
In today's society, there is a real, legitimate fear that white supremacists will have more power than they have ever before had in the US government. Spencer's words, we would hope, should speak for themselves and make it obvious how much of a cartoon villain he is. However ... that hasn't happened. His position has somehow been escalated much higher than it ever should have been. Why is that?
The fact that Spencer is such a giant gaping asshole is obvious and is why he until recently was not considered anything beyond a nuisance to be ridiculed. That attitude is why he has achieved such heights, his power comes from people ignoring him except to point and laugh at the freak. People were not ready to be cold cocked by him, people were not prepared to stand against him on equal footing.
Our brave new world is still the same old world, we just forgot that. People like Spencer never went away, they just sulked in the shadows like some goth kid gazing upon the popular people, only remember to be picked. We might have forgot them but that doesn't mean they stopped existing. I'm a somewhat marginalized person and yes, people like Spencer scare me when they achieve such heights. However I try to temper my fears with logic, with knowledge, with understanding, maybe the occasional tub of ice cream.Dragon Angel wrote:I can only speculate why. To examine that would take a conversation outside the scope of this one. But, the very fact that he has this high a position in our brave new world scares the living shit out of marginalized people, including myself. The problem is, we have tried to reason him and his kind out of existence. This has happened starting from our times in middle/high school. We have had huge entertainers like John Oliver laying the smackdown on them in all the comic glory you can muster from that darkness. Yet, this has not seemed to affect them much, if it has in any significant way.
You cannot reason them out of existence, you might be able to reason away what they believe in but not always. Snarking at them like Mr Current Year isn't going to make them go away either, just makes them more defensive, more tenacious. Even with all the education all the snark, everything there will still exist people like Spencer. Thats a fact. You have to learn to accept that.
But at the same time learn to accept people like Spencer are far fewer then ever, that even some country bumpkin Mountaineer American like myself has through education, through experience given up pretty much any hateful ideology I might have had as a wee lad. I say pretty much because I'm still a bit of a racist, I hate NASCAR, most races in general like bike races or foot races. They are all inferior races!!!!!
That is fear, hysterical fear talking. The same hysterical fear that leads to accusing everyone who voted for Trump as a racist Nazi and compels people to violence over ideological differences. If there no reason to fear this coming age? I'd by lying like a Trump spokesman if I said there was no reason to fear, there clearly is. Some reprehensible people are in power or close to it, there are people that are less then friendly towards you as a member of the LGBT community or I as a damn dirty devil worshipping atheist.Dragon Angel wrote:Marginalized people are seeing that happen. They are seeing the failing of facts, of reason, getting through to not only the Nazis, not only the people in the middle who for whatever fucking reason have some measure of sympathy for the Nazis, but also the people in governmental power. They are seeing their only other avenues of protest being gradually eliminated. They see the world around them almost deliberately cornering them and being complacent about it.
I have been seeing people I'd formerly known as strict nonviolent advocates cheering on the punching of a Nazi. This fear of nonviolence no longer mattering? It is spreading, as a consequence of the cancer that is almost two decades of Bush expanding governmental powers to near-authoritarian levels, to Obama barely making efforts to reduce those powers, and now to Trump moving forward to expand those powers to textbook authoritarianism. People are no longer willing to be patient, because life only lasts for so long, and whatever incrementalist changes we have accomplished in the last two decades are now in dire threat of disappearing into the void.
They are getting desperate. We are getting desperate. I don't hold the belief that violence should be the first resort to action, and there was a time when I'd seen people itching to get a punch in years back, before there was a concept of Trump actually becoming President. Times now though are very different; the beginning of 2017 is a different world from the beginning of 2015. To those who are marginalized, we are seeing that violence may soon be the only thing that will affect any real change.
But the fact is that is reason to be wary, to be worried, to even prepare for bad things to happen in a worst case scenario. Maybe even go buy a gun, Not because of Trump so much but because guns are fun and its a hell of alot harder for someone to attack you if you can blow them away. But that doesn't mean go out and blast someone you see with a Trump bumper sticker. That means be cautious, be prepared, but don't let your fear rule you or run away from you.
To those are marginalized now, those that can be marginalized in the future, the time is now to fight back in the system, to do protests and marches and even bullshit twitter hashtag campaigns. The time is not yet for violence and hopefully never will. It might, it might not happen. But you damn sure better be sure its the right time before you bust out the bats and chains.
I know how you feel. I'm not exactly in a much better place physically, mentally, or financially. I do live in fear of my life crumbling like one of those constructs made of rectangles bits of plastic or paper used in games of chance and other games in the shape of a domicile, what ever you call that. I fear having a mental break, I certainly fear retreating completely into my own mind as I've had trouble stopping myself from doing.Dragon Angel wrote:I want to exhaust every single possible nonviolent opportunity before the hammer falls. I see some promise from other movements and other ideas, but even I am beginning to lose hope in them being meaningful. I'm a trans woman, I haven't had a job in years, I've been suffering chronic pain and a litany of mental illnesses for almost as long, and my current living situation forces me to choose between living with an abusive nigh-Trump supporting parent, or starving to death on the streets. I will be soon moving to another state where I may or may not be able to get the same coverage that I have with New York City's Medicaid program. This is all an extremely delicate house of cards that, if it topples, I will have utterly no idea how to progress from there.
There are multitudes of people who have even worse situations than I do.
Imagine their pain. Imagine their desperation. Imagine why all of this would lead them to believe that the system will never work for them. Imagine them hearing outsiders to their living situations telling them to be absolute saints, where those outsiders are living in what may as well be paradises compared to theirs'.
Imagine the utter contempt they will not only have, then, to the system, but also to those who will not offer an inch of sympathy to them.
Then you will imagine only a fraction of a percentage of the frustration they and others more privileged than them, but still belonging in their groups, have felt for generations in this country. This fury, if unaddressed by those in power, will lead to a dark path no matter what any of us believe or decide.
Also to be honest, anyone who would sympathize with Spencer and Nazism simply because he was decked on camera ... well, I question their intelligence and authenticity to anything liberal or left to begin with.
So I do understand the anger and frustration towards our "betters", towards those who would attack us for being different, for not having wealth, for being who we are and who we choose to be.
I even understand the want to do something drastic, even something violent. More then anyone will ever know really, my scars and my words would never be enough to tell the whole story of how I feel and to this day I wonder if thats for the best.
But I also understand restraint, I understand violence solves little if anything, that a hand of friendship and some understanding does more then a closed fist and closed mind.
Does that mean one needs to sympathize with shits like Spencer or to "turn the other cheek" if they attack? Not really, though I would think one should have atleast some human sympathy (cue calls of hypocrisy on my part). Spencer says monstrous things, he is not a monster. When he was struck for saying things he was a human being in pain. One does not need to be an inauthentic liberal or leftie pinko commie to not like seeing anyone in pain.
Thats why we are better then Spencer, because even someone like Spencer we'd prefer not to see hurt, because we aren't monsters. We are better.
And sexier, don't forget that.