The Romulan Republic wrote:Because contrary to the narrative you seem determined to peddle, Democrats do at least offer something for the non-wealthy. Under the Democrats their are actually things like food stamps, and Obamacare, and Social Security, and public education. All of which are in jeopardy under the new regime.
Those are laudable programs and should definitely exist in a first-world country, but how do any of those current systems bolster the middle-class or even parts of the working class? Insurance doesn't keep me from going bankrupt from medical bills. Why am I even paying for health insurance? The government has a vested interest in having me healthy, working, and paying taxes. Public education is in the shitter, a diploma is worth about as much as TP, and Obama passed the buck up until the twilight of his presidency when he finally killed NCLB and transferred power back to educators.
And secondary education? This country is drowning in student loans to get degrees for jobs Democrats (and Republicans) are willing to ship out or import workers to do. I mean, God fucking damn it, Rick Perry (and this hurts to type) has done more for me personally for education since I'm paying $6,000 a year to finally finish out my degree with all online classes. Meanwhile, my wife has thousands of dollar in debt we're paying off because she went to UH to become a school-teacher. And UH has been firing staff and hiking up tuition (like many other schools) under Bush and Obama.
The thing about all the programs you listed, besides what I just spoke about, is that they are betting trying to get in (education), on losing (welfare), being weak (health care), or cashing out (SS). They aren't about a strong America. They aren't about a working America. They are about helping when we're "weak." People don't want to be weak. They want to work. They want to earn. Trump talked about jobs and taking America back. About kicking out illegals "taking" our jobs. About reigning in foreign powers. And that resonated with more than a few people and the ones that couldn't bring themselves to vote for him just stayed home because 4 more years of programs that don't benefit them and stuff like NAFTA just wasn't worth it.
EDIT: Let me say here in case it wasn't implied, I don't AGREE with this mentality (well, at least: Diving into Trumps billionaire arms and his shit messages). I merely noticed it and am doing my best to understand it.
Unless you're a rich sociopath,
Those types do well under any U.S. elected official. They just do better under guys like Trump. The American populace has done poorly under Democrats, they just do worse under guys like Trump. This is why it doesn't confuse me when voters just stay home. Why waste a work-day voting for the lesser-evil? Meanwhile, the promises and Charisma Obama brought in 2008 got a whole lot of people off their asses.
I also semi-object to you describing Clinton as "my candidate". Yes, I voted for her to stop Trump, and have zero regrets about that, but she was never my first choice.
"Your candidate" was a reference to the DNC.
And also because it falsely portrays Trump's victory as the result of a popular backlash against Clinton and this nebulous "establishment" (which somehow doesn't include hereditary rich white male oligarch who used to be buddies with the Clintons Trump), when in fact Clinton won the popular vote by nearly three million and lost only because of the Electoral College.
Bush also successfully portrayed himself as a working class "good 'ole boy" when he was anything but. I never said people weren't stupid. Even still, she won by 3 million votes, but also gave up 4 million compared to Obama in 2008.
Obama is specifically the reason I put so much blame on Clinton and the DNC. Clinton slandered the shit out of him for months in the primaries. Reps did the same in the general election, trying desperately to tie him to muslims and terrorists. Making fun of his HUSSEIN name, the birther bullshit. God damn, they tried "no-experience" then they tried a "Chicago politics scum" angle. Over and Over I remember the boob-tube and Internet spewed this shit.
And he won, handily. Hillary Clinton was derailed by a toupee and fucking e-mails.
And progressivism is only going to become a stronger force in the party as the generational shift continues. Unless, for example, all the young progressives take your approach of regarding the Democrats as no different than the Republicans, quit the party, and squander their potential influence by not voting or casting votes based on spite (i.e. Trump) or fringe ideological purity (i.e. the Greens).
God forbid they actually try and find a progressive party. Either way, you say Democrats aren't a cohesive block. True, but maybe it's about fucking time they become one and they seem keen now that they are fighting against the result of their apathy. Maybe they'll field an actual progressive at some point.
You yourself said that you felt that you wouldn't be that badly off under Trump, because of your position as a Middle class white man. I responded to your own choice of words on the subject, and I stand by my view that that attitude is both selfish and arguably discriminatory (this, I suppose, is what people mean by "white/male privilege"), and that it is a short-sighted one.
That was meant to say "it would be easy for me to rationalize voting for Trump." Upon re-reading it was implied but still vague. I'll try and do better. That said, your opinion of how shitty that attitude is doesn't change that it exists. And you (not you specifically) don't change it by continuing to attack/ignore that base. I think (Hell, I know, look at the numbers) a whole lot of white people want to be progressives. But they also want to do better in their own life. So, they moved away from who wasn't helping them, threw in with the wildcard (or stayed home), and now we all get a healthy serving of "fuck you."