Hysteria, anger and contempt are not mutually exclusive. Though I am glad to admit you are in fact angry and contemptuous. Another thing you have in common with the worst of the Trump (or anyone's) supporters.The Romulan Republic wrote:
Its not hysteria. Its anger and contempt. Learn the difference, asshole.
No, you haven't. Quote exactly where I apologize for anything he said.And yes, you are guilty of apologism, for the reasons I stated.
Protip. Apologism would be me saying "Yes, he did call for people to murder Clinton, and its okay because XY&Z." I have simply said you are ascribing a meaning to his speech that is supported by neither the context or the actual text. Not the same thing.
For another example, idiots similar to yourself who like to make unreasonable conclusions based on asinine parsing of language jumped on Hillary saying she wants to raise taxes on the middle class. The people who came to her defense did so by saying that's not what she meant to say and it was a mistake/or she didn't enunciate well are not apologists. People who maintain she did mean to say that and justify it are.
That's actually not whats happening. Again as per your own article they didn't report that Trump called for people to murder Clinton. They said it can be interpreted that way. The only reason to say it that way is because that's not the likely meaning.Funny how everyone else seems to acknowledge that it can be interpreted in that manner. You're the only exception here.
And just because something can be interpreted that way does not mean it is reasonable to do so.
I am? If that's the case find me any quote where I offer support for Donald Trump. Ever. Last week, last year, last decade.It couldn't possibly be because you're a habitual apologist for the far Right, could it?
However, since you are a two faced weaselly shitbag, I will lower the bar for you. Find a post by me where I am an apologist (the actual meaning I educated you on above, not your BS made up hysterical invention) for any far right thing in the last month.
Happy hunting.
Easily? Yes, you have proven that in spades. Reasonably? No, you have proven that in spades.It can easily be interrupted that way. And that's the problem. It is an irresponsible comment that will be interpreted that way by those who might act accordingly on it, and Trump either knows it, or is too stupid to know or care.
Lets get to the heart to this. If you really in your brain, as opposed to your angry and contemptuous heart, believe Trump called for people to murder Hillary. Wants people to murder Hillary. How does that help him?
This demonstrates you are unserious in your politics. Molotov cocktails are common thing for lefties (relative to anyone else) of many strips. These are both very recent:Lie.
Source for molotov cocktails?
http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/02/us/seattl ... index.html
http://kstp.com/news/4th-precinct-prote ... s/3972478/
Exclusively left? No. Overwhelming left? Yes. Get back to me when any Clinton supporter looks like this simply for showing up to listen peacefully to a speech:Even if that is verified, suggesting that all the violence is coming from the Left is flat-out false, a generic and dishonest Right wing talking point that seeks to deflect blame for their own actions by attacking others. Their are numerous documented cases of violence from the far Right and Trump supporters in particular.

http://downstreampolitics.com/2016/04/2 ... esa-video/
Show me where any Clinton supporter has been beaten bloody:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/mor ... ide-rally/
Beaten with a crowbar in public:
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... r-outside/
The fact is that the left is awash in violence. There is nothing comparable to the above from an Trump rally, or any main stream right wing event period. And this is without getting into all the destroyed cop cars, eggings (still assault), property damage, etc. that are commonly committed against peaceful right leaning citizens.
Now I am sure you were going (maybe still will?) to try and roll out some old guy shoving someone or somebody getting yelled at all mean like, but that just highlights the disparity that exists.
There is a very significant difference. The difference is these lefties committing violence are seeking out targets and assaulting them. They are showing up to the opposition events to do this. There are no right wing types showing up to Hillary events and committing violence against them.Also, their is a very significant difference between violence on the Left and violence on the Right. Both are, of course, deplorable, but only the latter is done with the incitement and open sympathy of the candidate.
If the right is so violent, if they are so angry and belligerent and somehow being instigated by right wing leaders to be thus, why is it the left that is seeking out the other and beating them bloody? You are so worried about words making post after post about invented slights of speech, but only give lip service to actual violence. Why do all of these instances of massive, serious lefty violence have to be told to you if you care about political violence so much?