Thanas wrote:Col. Crackpot wrote:Our culture wasn't saturated with homicidal violence as entertainment back then. Now it's fucking everywhere. Add easy access to weapons and an unstable nutbag and boom. Just like fire... heat, oxygen and fuel.
I am not an expert on 19th century American culture, but I am somewhat skeptical about that. The media of that day -based on what I read - still liked to write about Indian massacres etc, nevermind the whole circus shows which did feature violence etc.
Crackpot is also forgetting legal cockfighting, dogfighting, actual gunfights, legal (and not so legal) dueling, lynchings, vigilante “justice” and the other problems of 19th Century American life. Calling “shotgun” to reserve the seat next to a car's driver originates from the old stagecoach routes when there was a guy seated next to the driver who carried an actual shotgun for defense.
I don't think you could call the 19th Century less violent than the 21st. It is entirley possible the violence manifests in different ways. Also, the less violence in general the more such incidents will stand out in start relief.
Formless wrote:Honestly, that's the thing that has everyone I've been talking to confused and outraged-- none of us can think of what the hell might have motivated this guy. Even Harris and Klebold at least had grievances against their fellow students. This guy just kinda went crazy and shot up a theaterful of people, What The Fuck?!
Um... it's not like he's the first disaffected white guy who committed mass murder. Timothy McVeigh, anyone? Well, OK, he didn't act
entirely alone, but it was a very small group. How about the Unabomber? Not a single mass killing, but picking people off over the years. Oh, and then there's the more recent Jared Lee Loughner shooting Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords along with a few others. We may not know this guy's motivation right now, but as soon as I heard his white-guy name and that he was in fact a white man I thought “lone wolf” because there are prior examples of white guys operating in ones or twos to commit mass murder.
As for motivation – reports are he told the cops he was the Joker. Well, I guess
some men just want to watch the world burn or some happy horseshit.
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Though I think our gun laws in the US are still absolutely just fine, within the limits of a few minor tweaks, I have to say emphatically a question which is far more pertinent here. Where the hell did he get smoke bombs and tear gas grenades and why are these legal?
The news this morning was reporting that he may have made them himself. They weren't sure if it was official tear gas or some sort of gaseous irritant. We are talking about a pretty smart guy, college educated, some background in chemistry or the smarts to figure it out himself...
Get some moderately pure capsaicin, for example, you can make a very effective “tear gas”. I don't know how easy it would be to refine it from a raw source in your own kitchen, but if it's not too hard, well hot peppers are perfectly legal to purchase by the bushel. All
entirely hypothetical, of course, but the point is making your own tear gas isn't any more unlikely than making your own bomb.
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: The police are now reporting that he dyed his hair red and identified himself as The Joker when arrested.
Excuse me... doesn't the Joker traditionally have
green hair?