Metahive wrote:O, just actually noticed this:
Duchess the Impaler wrote:Personally I suspect that the lack of spectacle in execution and the lack of spectators are the two driving factors behind any lack of deterrent effect. The Guillotine and the firing squad created a moral spectacle of right and wrong to intimidate the simple minded. Uneducated people on the bottom rungs of society will always understand that sort of thing better than logic and law and reason.
Wow, so there's not only carnal bloodthirst, there's also outright snobbish class warfare. Yeah, we must execute people in a spectacular way so those dimwitted slobs don't get any ideas. I guess you were born two centuries to late to have this attitude and not be seen as a reactionary freak.
Equally credible alternate interpretation: our school system is fucked up to the point where we are failing to teach people to think along rational lines, to appreciate the value of cooperative, rule-abiding society. Some people are still at heart living in primitive times, because those of us
not living in primitive times have failed at outreach. While this is unfortunate and needs fixing, it is a reality, and ignoring the way human nature actually works isn't going to make us better at running a human society.
Formless wrote:More important, Simmo, is that treating punishment as a spectacle sends the wrong message to the public. From a historical perspective, those public punishments were in most cases a perverse form of public entertainment-- sometimes explicitly as in the case of Roman Gladiatorial arenas (which were also used for public executions), sometimes implicitly as in the case of the stocks where people were encouraged to harass the prisoners physically or public executions where they drew huge crowds. And then there were those public punishments which simply made public spaces unpleasant, because you literally couldn't enter town without seeing a dead body nailed to a cross or hanging from a tree. Cause, yaknow, that's sanitary.
Furthermore, looking back through history I think you will find that Duchess is simply full of shit about public punishments having a higher deterrent value. Looking through historical documents should reveal just how frequent these punishments were applied; partially of course because of corruption and unfairness (but that's why we don't use 17'th century standards anymore) but also because there is no evidence that criminals are particularly thoughtful about their own mortality then or now.
Certain extreme punishments were common (i.e. theft; clearly chopping people's hands off for theft does not get rid of thieves). Others were not (i.e. the horrific stuff that they did to attempted regicides; people didn't attempt regicide all that often).
Personally, I think that punishment
as spectacle is not a good thing, but that punishment
as ritual just might be. The desire is not to have public humiliation of criminals (though a communalist might be all for that); it's to create a framework around crime, punishment, and redemption/rehabilitation/atonement that can be understood and even mythicized, so that it has a role in the symbolism of the culture and not just in the mechanistic side.
Because people aren't very mechanistic; you can't just say "We took criminal and poured X amount of jail time into him, now he is OK."
good system of punishment-with-ritual might actually be far more civilized than what we in the US have now, which crams criminals into overpacked jails full of equally hardened or more hardened criminals, in an environment where all they're likely to learn from the experience is bodybuilding tips and ways to make a better shiv. It might view such prisons as being only slightly less bad than the barbarism of drawing and quartering traitors.
And of course, I must challenge the assertion that teaching "respect" for the law is the best way to instill virtuous behavior in a country's citizens. Even when it works, all it creates are people who approach issues of right and wrong or civil justice in a passive way-- that is, "how can I not do something blameworthy?" rather than "what should our society do better in the future, and how can I participate?"
If you can figure out a way to
actually teach this to people, you will have achieved the Millenium, or at least laid out a blueprint for it.
So far, social schemes based on teaching everyone to actively think hard about improving society have not worked well or on large scales. In the short term, we need to increase the number of people who "ask what you can do for your country," but we also need a legal system to prevent, deter, and entangle anyone who tries to sabotage the system. That's a problem at all levels from petty theft to Wall Street malfeasance: we
can't make everyone good, so at the very least we have to stop them from breaking the whole system by being bad.
Dr. Trainwreck wrote:Or one can try actively improving the condition of the poor, who are so overrepresented in criminals it's not even funny, by stuff like public services, provisions for them in the law, education to offer them a chance at social mobility... you know, the realistic alternatives to criminality that make the last decades worth living in.
But then one would have to keep one's BDSM fetishes to oneself, or at worst publish them as poetry. A fate worse than death, I'm told.
Actively improving the condition of the poor and, say, having public floggings for petty criminals... those are not mutually exclusive. A very weird combination, but not a mathematically impossible one.
Formless wrote:Unfortunately, that's what thinking people call "Special Pleading", and I think you will find that its a fallacy. The Tsarnaev brothers killed exactly four people, whereas drunk drivers on the same day probably killed hundreds without getting on the news. In many of those cases, a single driver can kill as many or more, and in the same age range. The court case that started this discussion ended with more people in the morgue than they managed, but not one person considers him a terrorist. Furthermore, some of us aren't so idiotic as to think our government is seriously threatened by terrorists; simply put, that's right wing propagandist bullshit. Its never actually worked that way in any country that didn't have an active civil war going on. Their crime is murder and detonating a bomb, not corruption or treason which create far more serious threats to the state's integrity.
There are two separate arguments here:
1) "Terrorists are a threat to the state, and must therefore be made an example of."
2) "People who attack the body politic in an indiscriminate way should be used as examples of the body politic's power to strike back, lethally."
The argument for messily executing people who commit mass-casualty attacks comes from (2), not (1). After all, regicides still got messily torn to bits even when they didn't succeed in killing the monarch- because that was the king proving that he could strike back with deadly effect against whoever had attacked
him, even if the original attack had no chance of succeeding.
For this purpose, it isn't really about whether the attacker was a 'terrorist' or simply a very vicious mass murderer. It's about the idea that an indiscriminate attack on The People (or The King or whatever) should draw a deadly counterattack which will show the defender's willingness and ability to protect themselves. Even if there was no threat of the state being destroyed, the state and people showing that it responds aggressively to threats has social value under this framework.
Which again is a communalist idea, it's totally at odds with individualism because it more or less pisses on the idea that the criminal has individual rights NOT to be made a horrible example of. And most political philosophy that survived into the 21st century is individualist.
By the way, not all of us give a damn about Focault. He is but one source, and not a primary source like legal documents are.
Since Foucault is a
relatively respected secondary source on the history of the justice system, I would still be interested to see someone engage Duchess's argument on that basis though. After all, I doubt Foucault would conclude that we're better off with highly public and bloody executions of people who commit extreme crimes.
So I imagine Duchess's interpretation of the book is at least idiosyncratic- which suggests that a person more familiar with the original text would be able to find support for arguing in the opposite direction, which would be a lot more interesting to watch than "fuck you you bloodthirsty sadistic harpy."
Dr. Trainwreck wrote:This looks to me like you're saying that a good tactic for preventing crime would be a show of savagery. So I responded by pointing out that there is a more effective method of reducing crime: reducing poverty, one of its major causes.
To me, it looks more like a good tactic for preventing crime (or promoting public happiness) would be a show of
For example, the firing squad has traditions, but as a form of execution it is not designed to be watched by large crowds, or to prolong the pain and anguish of the victim. Indeed, it's probably going to be over a lot faster than it would be with a lethal injection. But it has a different set of symbolic associations.
Sadly, symbolism is really hard to quantify, so it's hard to
prove that we're better off with "death by volley fire and possibly pistol to finish them off," as opposed to "strap them to a gurney and spend two hours poisoning them into paralysis, then death."
Next time, take your meds before deciding what is a strawman and what isn't. Oh, and tell me, if poverty is a major cause of crime, what the fuck kind of deterrence you'll make by executing people whose reason for committing crimes is
not being poor?[/quote]