NoXion wrote:Broomstick wrote:We don't let 18 year olds drink alcohol, so clearly we don't think they're "fully capable adults" at that age.
"We" being the American legal system, since plenty of other countries have different ages for consuming alcohol. I'd wager that countries with lower drinking ages have fewer problems and don't have this whole freak-out complex over youth drinking, and the greater accessibility of alcohol would do much to remove its "forbidden fruit" factor.
I happen to agree that absolute prohibition on the under 21 crowd is no more effective that Prohibition was when applied to everyone. At the very least, I think parents should be permitted to set the rules within their own homes for their own children so they may, if they choose, introduce alcohol in a controlled manner and context for drinking, such as family dinners.
However, Darth WhiningBrine was clearly talking about current US practice, not prior practice such as prevailed when I was growing up and not the practice in other places. My comments were directed towards his statements.
The only reason 18 year olds universally got the vote was because during the Vietnam war the argument was made that if you're old enough to fight and die for your country you should have a vote in how it's run. These days, with no more draft, I'm not at all convinced that the 26th amendment would pass if proposed today.
That's a reason, but not an argument. 18 year olds still have to live with the decisions that their older peers make and I see no good reason why they should be legally excluded from any part of that decision-making process.
Seems to me if we deem 16 year olds mature enough to drive on public roads there's an argument for them being allowed to vote at that age, but beyond that, I was not speaking of an ideal situation but rather in pragmatic terms. Back in 1971 the argument was that if we can draft young men and send them to fight and die for their country they should have a voice in how the country is governed. It wasn't the only reason for the amendment's passage - some states already has an 18 voting age if I recall correctly (geez, it's only been 40+ years!) - but it was a compelling one. Given the current all-volunteer military and trend over the past 40 years to extend childhood and impose more limitations on teenagers/young adults and not fewer no, I don't think the 26th amendment could possibly be passed today.
On top of that, recent scientific research would seem to indicate that, legal rules aside, the human brain does not finish maturing until around 25 on average. People in their late teens/early 20's aren't quite finished yet.
Specious argument! What does it mean exactly for the brain to "finish maturing"? Especially since I'm pretty sure that the human brain continues changing throughout one's life, so it could be argued that human brains are constantly "maturing", so that begs the question of where we draw the line and why.
See my comments on the brain's "executive function", which does not finish completion until some time between 20 and 30. It's a higher level function that ties together many other brain functions.
Less than complete executive function is one reason why the young make such good cannon-fodder soldiers - they are easier to stir up emotionally, less able to foresee the results of the actions, and more prone to recklessness. All reasons
not to put them in charge of the government. Historically, it's largely been young men who fight and die and old men who plot, plan, and command. This does not rule out exceptional and/or early maturing individuals, but Dark Herobrine's example would be more in line with the young and reckless achieving success in a military encounter and less with said individual showing exceptional ability at the age of 10.
People over 25 years of age didn't invent car surfing, m'kay?
How is that relevant? Car surfing ain't exactly political.[ On the other hand I'm fairly sure that it was someone over 25 who invented the gas chambers.
Car surfing is an activity that is, to put it bluntly, dumb. It's high risk for a quick, cheap thrill that could be obtained via safer means. It's an illustration of how young people are prone this sort of thing. On the other hand, as evil as the "gas chambers" are, whether of the WWII mass murder variety or instruments of state execution, they actually are efficient on a certain level and protect the killers from being harmed by their victims. In other words, your example may not be entirely relevant here, and can in fact be used to support my position.
People under 25 are more likely to be young, dumb, and full of cum.
More likely I'll grant you, but not certain and the question needs to be asked how much of that is down to youth and how much of that is down to youth
culture, which is hardly immutable?
We are dealing with probabilities and generalities here, which is why holding up one potential counter-example isn't really a good counter-argument. I'm not aware of anyone researching this area but I hope someone is, as I'd prefer to mitigate the damage caused during that period of life. Sort of adolescent-proofing, analogous to the way one might child-proof a home to protect infants and toddlers until they are mature enough not to endanger themselves so easily.
While age won't guarantee wisdom it's more likely to occur with advancing age, and on top of that, experience at life also counts.
Experience is no good if the individual concerned refuses to learn from it. How many times have politicians repeated the same old stupid mistakes? I don't think age is a salient factor in that respect, except perhaps that a younger person is probably more likely to change their mind later in life.
The other asset to age is that it provides a track record for the person in question. If you have, hypothetically, an 18 year and a 38 year old both entering politics you can at least look back at the 38 year old's adult life to see if they exercise good judgement and other qualities desirable in government leaders. An 18 year old? Not much to go on there, is there?
My personal opinion is that 18 year olds interested in politics should be gaining experience at that age - working as pages or interns, being involved in political movements, and running for low level offices (of which there are a multitude) where experience can be gained and, if they make mistakes, the consequences are not so severe as at higher levels. Actually, someone new to politics at
any age should probably start at low levels. I find instances of spouses taking over for deceased Congressmen, as an example, extremely distasteful nepotism.
It might be easy to come to the conclusion that all youth are dribbling idiots when the antics of the worse ones are plastered all over the TV, movies, and internet, but I think that one has to look harder to see the young people who are smart, conscientious and want to change the world for the better, because idiots have no sense of volume control.
The thing is, back in the 1960's the young folks were absolutely essential and instrumental in instigating political and legal changes even
without the vote or holding political office. There's more than one way to effect change.