The Coddling of the American Mind

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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Crown »

aerius wrote:And maybe, if you'd bothered reading my entire post, you'd notice the part where I mentioned having therapists & counselors readily available for those who need them. But I guess it's more convenient to think of me as a heartless bastard like this hilariously bad therapist.
Seriously, aerius get out man. This is the regressive left we're interacting with here. All they have is narrative, if you don't immediately acquiesce to what ever nanny proposition they have, why it must be because you're a;
  • Sociopath with no empathy
  • Psychopath who actively wants to hurt people
  • A cis-gendered (preferably white male) who wants to oppress the disenfranchised
  • Evil
  • Misogynist
  • Racist
  • Anti-social justice
  • Privileged
  • Any combination of the above
  • All of the above
Seriously save yourself the aggro.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by aerius »

Crown wrote:Seriously, aerius get out man. This is the regressive left we're interacting with here. All they have is narrative, if you don't immediately acquiesce to what ever nanny proposition they have...
So basically the same kind of fine folks as the ones we dealt with in the Greek default threads last year, who couldn't do basic middle school math and threw hissy fits. Yeah, I noticed.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
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Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Crown »

aerius wrote:
Crown wrote:Seriously, aerius get out man. This is the regressive left we're interacting with here. All they have is narrative, if you don't immediately acquiesce to what ever nanny proposition they have...
So basically the same kind of fine folks as the ones we dealt with in the Greek default threads last year, who couldn't do basic middle school math and threw hissy fits. Yeah, I noticed.
This is really off-topic but I'm looking forward to the fourth bailout thread to see if anyone's positions have changed! :D
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Simon_Jester »

Oddly, I was on the pro-math side of that debate... and my take on it was that we were looking at a situation where Group X was suffering. Where there were obvious reasons to expect this suffering to go on forever if not relieved by an outside force (because math).

And where there were simple, logical measures to relieve that suffering.

But politically this could not happen, because of idiots throwing massive bitchfits at the notion that anyone should do anything inconvenient for the sake of relieving the suffering. Or who conflate relatively minor measures along these lines with massively expensive and useless ones.

To me, that's a situation where the bitchfitting people are being foolish, probably not malicious but definitely foolish, and the simple measures to relieve suffering should be taken.

So I feel a certain irony here too. It seems to me that I am still on the side of all these things, that the bitchfitters are still being foolish, though probably not malicious, and simple measures to relieve suffering should be taken. Meanwhile the rest of the battle lines have redrawn themselves around me.

Crown wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:You have, quite persistently, been arguing against things like warnings in course curricula likely to set off trauma. That is what you have been saying.
Not true. Not true x2, and oh look not true.
In the first instance you argue that the student should have to ask the professors for the warnings individually, which rather defeats the purpose of a warning. Sort of like needing the fire department to call you to ask you if your house is on fire would partly defeat the purpose of having a fire alarm. It doesn't do a good job of communicating that you favor being aware of the way that ill-chosen words and attitudes can harm others.

In the second instance, insofar as you touched on the issue at all, you were pretty comprehensively saying "we can't do that, it's not realistic," not just "we can't catch everything that might hit everyone."

In the third instance, you're managing to come out in favor of warning labels, while continuing to oppose warning speeches, while still fighting fiercely in defense of a quite ill-chosen example.

This sort of thing is apt to leave your position a bit muddled in the eyes of others.
Simon_Jester wrote:You may think you are instead arguing only against attempts to, say, "ban the word 'violate.' " But that's not what you've actually been saying. You've been saying "say no to trigger warnings and safe space," and referencing the parody dark humor of a bunch of random idiots as justification for your right to do so.
I most certainly did that in my first post when it was directed to no one in particular and which was building directly off from the OP which is building the argument around "ban the word violate". I have provided irrefutable evidence that in subsequent posts I have no animosity to things that we can term as 'content warnings' that we see before movies or TV programs. AM. I. LYING?
Except that you are pretty much staking out the position of being opposed to anyone expecting anyone to actually bother to provide them.

You extended the peanut analogy; what you're saying strikes me as analogous to saying that it's somehow a violation of a restaurant's right to... something or other... if someone DOES require them to put up a warning label for peanuts. That it's a major problem if people are asking for too many warning labels. As opposed to, well, naturally if you allow people to ask for warning labels, a few people will go overboard, and the predictable response is courts saying "no, we won't make them print a warning label for that."

You can't have a healthy process for creating warning labels or pollution controls or limiting any kind of real, consequential harm, if suddenly the minute people are actually getting any traction with limiting the harm, the narrative shifts to "we've GONE TOO FAR, we can't tolerate these frivolous accusations of harm!"
We've already dealt with what I "actually said". YOU made the claim that if "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it" then I must believe "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it and further I demand that we chase Y people all around their daily lives waiving X under there noses just to illicit a reaction". And you have now failed for the third fucking time to justify that logic irrespective of what I said or you imagined me to say.
I have not done so, because that is not my claim.

You've made it quite apparent that it is rather beside the point whether Y people are sensitive to X. That Y people have no reasonable expectation of consideration from others, even when X is a common issue where tens of millions of people are affected.

And yet you then use as an example of this 'getting out of control' someone who, rather than physically pursuing and confronting a person she believed had wronged her, carried the rather odd and dramatic demonstration around herself. As a result his reputation was blackened, but if the university is obliged to protect students from having their reputation blackened, why are they not obliged to provide other forms of social, psychological, and moral defense for their students?

This bears no resemblance to "I demand we chase Y people around waving X under their noses to elicit a reaction." The student being accused by the mattress performance may have had to put up with people believing the accusations against him, but this sort of thing is a common part of day to day life. People get accused of shit, it ruins their social life.

And if it is okay to expect college students to submit to the same harassment that "happens in real life" because "reality" doesn't care about their "safe space," I don't see why this is a good example of "social white justice knight warriors run amok," when there are other examples you could have chosen.

It is only after one admits that students have a right to reasonable protections against social harm and nonviolent harassment that there's a reason the university should have taken action against the mattress performance.

But then it becomes a matter of debating what is 'reasonable,' and I would argue that many of the things you HAVE argued against were just as 'reasonable' as the things you support.
So the fourth, and final time; There are people with nut allergies in the world. I don't believe nuts should be banned. Am I or am I not walking around with nuts in my pockets trying to find these people with the allergies so I can shove one under their nose. Yes or no?
[/quote]I never said you were one of those people in the first place so I don't understand why you're so obsessed with getting me to "admit" that you are or are not.

Thing is, there's still an inconsistency in your position created by claiming that people have a right to quite a bit of a certain type of protection at some times, but do not have any right to such protection at other times.

And, perhaps by bad luck, this inconsistency lines up very closely with a common inconsistency among people who decry "political correctness" and "outrage manufacturers." And that inconsistency is that people are treated as having less right to be safe from harassment as part of a group with lower power. And more right to be safe if they are part of a group with higher power.

Perhaps it is simply bad luck that you share this inconsistency in this case, and if so I have committed a false alarm.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Crown »

Simon_Jester wrote:
Crown wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:You have, quite persistently, been arguing against things like warnings in course curricula likely to set off trauma. That is what you have been saying.
Not true. Not true x2, and oh look not true.
In the first instance you argue that the student should have to ask the professors for the warnings individually, which rather defeats the purpose of a warning. Sort of like needing the fire department to call you to ask you if your house is on fire would partly defeat the purpose of having a fire alarm. It doesn't do a good job of communicating that you favor being aware of the way that ill-chosen words and attitudes can harm others.
Semantics, I'm specifically discussing people who can be 'triggered' by the word 'violate' or in Flagg's case small children, i.e. two things which are beyond any reasonable expectation to be triggers.
Simon_Jester wrote:In the second instance, insofar as you touched on the issue at all, you were pretty comprehensively saying "we can't do that, it's not realistic," not just "we can't catch everything that might hit everyone."
I specified that the word 'violate' could be a trigger. More semantics.
Simon_Jester wrote:In the third instance, you're managing to come out in favor of warning labels, while continuing to oppose warning speeches, while still fighting fiercely in defense of a quite ill-chosen example.

This sort of thing is apt to leave your position a bit muddled in the eyes of others.
How the FUCK do you take away from me saying; "I am fine with warning labels (like the example linked), but I draw the line at outright censorship". To "I oppose warning speeches"? HOW you fucking cunt, did you do that?
Simon_Jester wrote:Except that you are pretty much staking out the position of being opposed to anyone expecting anyone to actually bother to provide them.
Oh my God. Are you suggesting that someone should provide a warning for the word 'violate'? Yes or no?
Simon_Jester wrote:You extended the peanut analogy; what you're saying strikes me as analogous to saying that it's somehow a violation of a restaurant's right to... something or other... if someone DOES require them to put up a warning label for peanuts. That it's a major problem if people are asking for too many warning labels. As opposed to, well, naturally if you allow people to ask for warning labels, a few people will go overboard, and the predictable response is courts saying "no, we won't make them print a warning label for that."

You can't have a healthy process for creating warning labels or pollution controls or limiting any kind of real, consequential harm, if suddenly the minute people are actually getting any traction with limiting the harm, the narrative shifts to "we've GONE TOO FAR, we can't tolerate these frivolous accusations of harm!"
WHAT? Peanut allergies are ubiquitous on all food products. Are you now suggesting that I'm against peanut warnings?
Simon_Jester wrote:
Crown wrote:We've already dealt with what I "actually said". YOU made the claim that if "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it" then I must believe "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it and further I demand that we chase Y people all around their daily lives waiving X under there noses just to illicit a reaction". And you have now failed for the third fucking time to justify that logic irrespective of what I said or you imagined me to say.
I have not done so, because that is not my claim.
Bzzt. Wrong answer; here is the entire exchange;
Simon_Jester wrote:
Crown wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:She wasn't suing anyone over anything, she was carrying heavy objects and saying nasty things about somebody (which may have been true, or not, I don't know and it hardly even matters for our discussion).

By contrast, HE was suing the university for harassment because someone else threatened to carry heavy things around and say mean things about him and demand that he be expelled. Not because the university actually said it would expel him, certainly not because it DID expel him. Because someone was carrying mattresses around campus.

Maybe Crown should be going after that guy, not Mattress Girl?
You understand that my objection to the notion of trigger warnings for things like the word 'violate' and safe spaces doesn't mean I would advocate spray painting the word violate all over a school campus just to illicit a response?
Um... you really have done an amazingly good job of NOT making that clear. <snip more of your sophistic time wasting bullshit>
There it is, at first instance of me telling you that if I claim that "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it" then this does not lead to "I don't believe we should ban X because Y people are sensitive to it and further I demand that we chase Y people all around their daily lives waiving X under there noses just to illicit a reaction", and your response? Blame it on me "not making that clear".

Not you, not having made that argument, but me "not making that clear".

Don't waste my time, fuck off and your only response should be an apology.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Dragon Angel »

aerius wrote:Let's see, is social anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD, all of which were formally diagnosed by health professionals good enough for you? Cause I went through all that. As in fuck, there's a ringing phone and it's freaking me the fuck out because if I pick it up I have to talk to someone. Been there, done that, dealt with it. So don't tell me I don't know what triggers are and I'd never understand, because fuck you I lived with it when I was younger. And I still live with depression and will likely do so for the rest of my life since my brain function is permanently out of balance from a bad concussion. And you know what those same mental health professionals told me during the therapy sessions? There's no running away, that shit in my head has to be confronted and overcome. You're not going to like it, but you will have to do it if you want to live a functional life. And that's exactly what I did with their help.

And maybe, if you'd bothered reading my entire post, you'd notice the part where I mentioned having therapists & counselors readily available for those who need them. But I guess it's more convenient to think of me as a heartless bastard like this hilariously bad therapist.
I'm sorry you'd went through all that, and I understand your pain. I'm not being sarcastic; I seriously DO understand.

Yes, shit does have to be confronted and overcome. Eventually. That does not exclude the usefulness of putting warnings that would allow people to mentally prepare for the content they will be about to see. This is virtually all that's being asked for by the people who aren't going for extreme positions here, along with methods of alternative learning should the needs arise.

Yes, I did read your post. Assuming both of your posts in mind, you had managed to get through just fine without the warnings. I did too. Which is why I added this:
Dragon Angel wrote:People with either who casually dismiss the importance of mental health don't speak for everyone either my statement. While you make it clear you don't dismiss the importance of mental health, I'll add that you still don't speak for everyone in your position. In the quote from the part of my other post that you didn't include:
Dragon Angel wrote: On b.: There is an assumption that is never addressed that people with these anxieties aren't "being prepared for the outside world". What makes you believe they don't already deal with these anxieties in the outside world? The outside world ... prepares someone very much for life in the outside world, already. Lines of text describing content may cause anxious reactions won't hinder that, I assure you. Just using my own experiences as an example, I'm already pretty prepared for people demeaning women in various ways, saying that trans women are not "REAL women", calling me a lazy good-for-nothing despite chronic pain and exhaustion, and calling me a serial killer because I happen to have a psychotic disorder. I'm even ready for people casually saying these in any professional environment. It doesn't mean I would tolerate these happening around me, nor does it mean I expect people to have the same level of fortitude I've built over the years.

It's "internet tough guy"-ism taken to real life to expect people to casually deal with negativity in their professional learning environments--where they may have already dealt with this same sort of negativity throughout their entire lives on a constant, never-ending basis--without a single complaint. This is literally the definition of privilege.
I stated that the outside world already DOES prepare people for life in the outside world. It was in response to this from your first post:
aerius wrote:If the colleges are actually going to prepare students for the real world and turn out well-adjusted adults, it's now a whole different story. In the real world there are no safe spaces, trigger warnings, or anything of that sort, it's indifferent at best and at times it's outright vicious. I've heard co-workers yell out "you fucking slut!" in frustration among many other sexist and racial phrases, and that's not even getting into the usual workplace politics in a larger business. Is it right? No, but it's probably not going away for quite some time.
Colleges have no reason to adopt a non-policy because it would be such a rare instance for a student to never have experienced real world negativity appropriate to their triggers. If a student was raped, then chances are very high they have already encountered extreme negativity against this. If a student had to go through police brutality or had a family member or friend suffer or even die in police brutality, then chances are very high they have already encountered extreme negativity against this. In the physical world, on the Internet, etcetera. You probably know this yourself with how you had to go through that shit time in your life. I do as well.

This does not mean everyone must follow the process of going through the lion's den that you and I underwent. This does not mean the process you and I underwent is actually appropriate for everyone. I cannot morally or ethically expect other people to get through just fine like I did, and often, I did not have the readily-available access to mental health care the way I had in my most critical time, years ago. Hell, those train tracks I had to travel to and from home were feeling very tempting sometimes, only convinced against because I had some light of hope left, which I somehow could still see through my depressive cloud.

University mental health counselors are not a silver bullet either when they are available, and sometimes they are plain nonexistent. When they are existent, that is also not a guarantee that they are competent. They may not be as comically incompetent as the Geico therapist, but they can sure as hell be demoralizing like the one therapist a friend of mine dealt with that loudly insulted them within hearing distance, or another therapist another friend of mine dealt with that mocked their inability to follow the pace of the therapist.

[Competent] Counselors and therapists are absolutely necessary and integral to the process, yes, but so is appropriate forewarning that certain subject matters are going to be encountered in certain classes. You are arguing for a "controlled environment", are you not here?
aerius wrote: So we need to get the kids ready for that. Coddling them ain't gonna do it. We expose them to things in a controlled environment, some of them might get triggered and that's fine, that's what counseling is for. We can help them to overcome things with therapy and if that doesn't work then we can suggest that going into social work isn't the best idea if you don't want to heartbreaking stories of children having their lives ruined by poverty. You want to weed them out and get them sorted & ready to deal with shit before throwing them out into the real world where they're going to get shit on. If a student has some kind of issue it's much better to find out about it and deal with it in college rather than afterwards.
Trigger warnings are literally just furthering the control. If a class cannot be attended by a student because something in the subject being covered is going to trigger them, the professor will handle how the student learns the subject differently from the generic solution proposed to the class. That is all that's being proposed here. It's not total avoidance, but rather a different pace from the normal, which is something most university classes already offer in rare events when some students are unable to approach some subject matters normally. This is why it's not "coddling", and why "coddling" is a gross reactionary hyperbole of the concept.

I mentioned streamlining for a reason: The less unexpected triggers encountered, the easier it is for a student to absorb a subject because they had adequate preparation. The student then is much less likely to have an extreme emotional disturbance clouding their learning process. If a student experiences an extreme reaction despite the warning, then that is handled as well on its own basis. Counselors and therapists, as you mentioned. It hurts no one to have that warning in place.
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin', while my thoughts were busy hatchin', if I only had a brain!
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Flagg »

Crown wrote:
Flagg wrote:No, you used it as a rebuttle to everyone who is arguing for sensible warnings. Since no one is arguing for the ridiculous extremes, you essentially strawmanned everyone in this thread who posses a conscience, and effectively mocked people who suffer from serious issues related to past and/or present trauma. So not only will I not "fuck off", I'd advise you and the rest of your ilk to do the world a favor and find a very high spot overlooking very jagged rocks, and test the theory of gravity. It would make the world a much better place and advance humanity greatly. Cocksucker.
A gay slur? Really, in this thread? :lol:

I posted, in a thread, where the OP was talking about instances of people wanting to not use the word 'violate' and not be taught rape law in Law School. My post was perfectly in line with that context.

YOU not understanding this; is not my problem. So since you refuse to believe me, I'll say it again; with all sincerity, fuck off.
And I'll say it again with all sincerity, do the world a favor and remove yourself from the ranks of the living, you psychopathic cocksucker.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Flagg »

Sigh... I'd like to apologize to Crown. My last 2 posts directed at him were out of line. There's no excuse for them, but I've been running a high fever the past 3 days and am ill with the flu and let my overall aggravation with the situation get the best of me and unfairly took it out on him.

I rightly or wrongly felt like his attitude in this thread is cavalier, and while I still disagree with him in the strongest terms, my behavior was uncalled for, so I will be departing this discussion with apologies to those on both sides as I definitely have lowered the bar, particularly with my last 2 posts.

For the record, I've not been contacted or encouraged by anyone to make this post. It's heartfelt and of my own free will.

So Crown: I'm sorry for losing my shit and taking it out on you, you most definitely did not deserve it, despite my disagreement with your position in this thread.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Purple »

Crown wrote:
aerius wrote:And maybe, if you'd bothered reading my entire post, you'd notice the part where I mentioned having therapists & counselors readily available for those who need them. But I guess it's more convenient to think of me as a heartless bastard like this hilariously bad therapist.
Seriously, aerius get out man. This is the regressive left we're interacting with here. All they have is narrative, if you don't immediately acquiesce to what ever nanny proposition they have, why it must be because you're a;
  • Sociopath with no empathy
  • Psychopath who actively wants to hurt people
  • A cis-gendered (preferably white male) who wants to oppress the disenfranchised
  • Evil
  • Misogynist
  • Racist
  • Anti-social justice
  • Privileged
  • Any combination of the above
  • All of the above
Seriously save yourself the aggro.
That's why I gave up on this thread. It has become abundantly clear that this is not a discussion but shouting at a wall.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

You win. There, I have said it.

Now there is only one thing left to do. Let us see if I can sum up the strength needed to end things once and for all.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Zixinus »

That's why I gave up on this thread. It has become abundantly clear that this is not a discussion but shouting at a wall.
That's pretty much all you can do when the walls plug in their ears and scream to repeat the same simple sentiment over and over again, ignoring any attempt to define a context. As well as the opinion of people that are actually in the situation being discussed and have real-life experience of the people that the problem is about.

It is commendable that you stopped doing that when it was pointed out, but you hardly look like taking the high ground for coming back to pat yourself yourself on shoulder for it.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Purple »

Zixinus wrote:
That's why I gave up on this thread. It has become abundantly clear that this is not a discussion but shouting at a wall.
That's pretty much all you can do when the walls plug in their ears and scream to repeat the same simple sentiment over and over again, ignoring any attempt to define a context. As well as the opinion of people that are actually in the situation being discussed and have real-life experience of the people that the problem is about.

It is commendable that you stopped doing that when it was pointed out, but you hardly look like taking the high ground for coming back to pat yourself yourself on shoulder for it.
The way I see it the situation is simple. The people in question are asking for their psychiatric needs to be accommodated. But they are asking for it to happen not just in settings where it would be reasonable and appropriate but above and beyond that. They seek to do so in places of education (where I and others have plainly explained why this would be a bad idea) as well as in constant day to day human behavior (which is plain ludicrous). When this is pointed out they simply wall up and start repeating the same thing over and over again just in different words.

They fail to understand that at the end of the day ultimately suffering and horrible suffering are things that happen to people on a daily basis. People see loved ones die, are run over by cars, fall down and break their bones, get fired and rendered destitute, lose their life savings on stock market speculation etc. And we as a society are not obliged to constantly work in order to prevent them from experiencing it. And we certainly are not obliged to change the fundamental patters of day to day behavior.

The only thing society should do is prevent willful and purposeful abuse. Not incidental abuse, accidental abuse, abuse through random proximity etc. So when I am telling rape jokes to a person I know is a rape victim I am scum. But if I am doing it in front of a crowd of strangers and there happens to be a rape victim tough luck. Random chance strikes again to fuck you. And thus we all are obliged to avoid #1 but not #2.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

You win. There, I have said it.

Now there is only one thing left to do. Let us see if I can sum up the strength needed to end things once and for all.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by SCRawl »

A report was filed. Here is a moderator response to that report.

After reading this entire thread, the major problems with it seem to boil down to these points:

- Crown posted a South Park video which basically ridiculed the entire concept set of trigger warnings/microagressions/whatever, but limited his direct complaints to the (to be fair, ridiculous) extents to which these concepts are sometimes being used without specifically accepting their utility for legitimate issues. (I limit the meaning of "legitimate" in this case to mean "sincerely felt".)
- Dragon Angel (and others, to lesser extents) failed to read into Crown's objections any level of understanding or acceptance of the utility of the aforementioned concepts, perhaps reading the thesis of the South Park video -- that the whole concept is bullshit -- into Crown's position on the matter, which does not seem to be the case.
- The usual feces-flinging ensued.

These points, when combined with the smarm, the name-calling, etc. caused, well, a fucking trainwreck of a conversation. We can do better. Assuming I'm reading everyone's positions clearly, and I'm willing to admit the possibility that I'm not, Crown could have made his position a little clearer, and others could have asked for a little clarification before going turning up the flames to eleven. Not every debate has to be a flamewar.

As a parting comment, while I'm not amused that Flagg suggested that Crown take his own life, I am impressed that Flagg took it upon himself to own up to his actions and apologize for them. I can confirm that if there was any moderator action to compel or even suggest this apology, it is unknown to me.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Dragon Angel »

I'll be honest and admit that I started to get kind of pissed off when "thought fascism" entered as some kind of a legitimate argument. From my side of the story (I can't speak for anyone else) I've had to deal with several orders of magnitude of idiots who would spout THOUGHT FASCISM or some other Orwellian allusion at any sense of moderation. It's basically become as useless of a phrase to me as Social Justice Warrior is used to deride anyone with vaguely-feminist beliefs. All of that, and the cavalier attitude toward mental health matters which still pervade society, which I deal with on a regular basis from someone I currently live with, and which I've seen friends kill themselves over.

I hope people will forgive me for being just a little bit sensitive to these issues for these reasons.

Also I hope that people will see I've tried to give nuanced outlooks onto this situation, but when someone keeps telling me my position includes outright banning of all vaguely-triggering subjects from every syllabus known to mankind despite me indicating (in my first post) there are those who take these things too far, or some kind of mob rule, or trying to enforce the Leftist Agenda and ensure everyone marches in lockstep with it, I don't react well. It's just putting real dishonest words into my mouth.

Perhaps if Crown didn't open up with the attitude of every MRA or GamerGater I've encountered (with such a disgustingly-smarmy attitude), and was much more clear, I would've been fairer. If that was not your intention to, Crown, then I apologize. Try not to instantly read everything bad with activism with a touch of pomposity in your speech into me, then?

Anyway, that's my take. I'll probably not post as much in this thread now because I've made most of my points and if anyone wants clarity on those, I'll be happy to arrange for it.
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin', while my thoughts were busy hatchin', if I only had a brain!
I would not be just a nothin', my head all full of stuffin', my heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be would be a ding-a-derry, if I only had a brain!"
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Flagg »

SCRawl wrote:A report was filed. Here is a moderator response to that report.

After reading this entire thread, the major problems with it seem to boil down to these points:

- Crown posted a South Park video which basically ridiculed the entire concept set of trigger warnings/microagressions/whatever, but limited his direct complaints to the (to be fair, ridiculous) extents to which these concepts are sometimes being used without specifically accepting their utility for legitimate issues. (I limit the meaning of "legitimate" in this case to mean "sincerely felt".)
- Dragon Angel (and others, to lesser extents) failed to read into Crown's objections any level of understanding or acceptance of the utility of the aforementioned concepts, perhaps reading the thesis of the South Park video -- that the whole concept is bullshit -- into Crown's position on the matter, which does not seem to be the case.
- The usual feces-flinging ensued.

These points, when combined with the smarm, the name-calling, etc. caused, well, a fucking trainwreck of a conversation. We can do better. Assuming I'm reading everyone's positions clearly, and I'm willing to admit the possibility that I'm not, Crown could have made his position a little clearer, and others could have asked for a little clarification before going turning up the flames to eleven. Not every debate has to be a flamewar.

As a parting comment, while I'm not amused that Flagg suggested that Crown take his own life, I am impressed that Flagg took it upon himself to own up to his actions and apologize for them. I can confirm that if there was any moderator action to compel or even suggest this apology, it is unknown to me.
No one, moderator or otherwise, suggested I apologize. I assume it was the Tylenol that reduced my fever for a few hours, rereading my inexcusable last few posts, and wanting to tell the asshole that made them to shut the fuck up, apologize, and leave the thread and I realized the asshole was me.

I don't take full responsibility for the thread going off the rails into shit-fling alley, but I played more than my fair share of a part. TBH, I think it got to the point where a few of us were in the most part agreeing with each other to a degree, but at least for my part, my dander was up on a particularly sore issue and I was posting more from emotion than intellect and was arguing for the sake of argument.

I can't say that will never happen again, but I won't advise people kill themselves because I disagree with them on the Internet. That, aside from being monumentally dumb, is just wrong on every level.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Elfdart »

Exonerate wrote:Arthur Chu of Jeopardy fame wrote a response that I'm partial to.
Arthur Chu is Suey Park, only with bigger tits.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by biostem »

The issue, as I see it, boils down to one question: Where or when should an institution/society accommodate the individual, vs when should the individual learn to adapt and/or cope with said institution/society.

It is one thing, as already mentioned, to include warnings about common and understandably objectionable material, (gore, profanity, etc), vs having to become so exhaustive as to basically include every word in the language, (an exaggeration I know, but you get my point).
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Elfdart »

It's also a matter of what exactly they want the school to do about it. Is a professor of Renaissance art supposed to skip over The Rape of the Sabine Women because one of the students might have been raped? And how exactly is the professor supposed to know if a student is still traumatized by being raped? Shouldn't that be between the student and their counselor or doctor?
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Gandalf »

Elfdart wrote:It's also a matter of what exactly they want the school to do about it. Is a professor of Renaissance art supposed to skip over The Rape of the Sabine Women because one of the students might have been raped? And how exactly is the professor supposed to know if a student is still traumatized by being raped? Shouldn't that be between the student and their counselor or doctor?
Last semester I taught a media unit, of which one of the lessons was on screen violence. I told people about it the week before, outlining the nature of the clips I would show and discuss. It cost thirty seconds of class time and it all worked out.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Civil War Man »

Elfdart wrote:It's also a matter of what exactly they want the school to do about it. Is a professor of Renaissance art supposed to skip over The Rape of the Sabine Women because one of the students might have been raped? And how exactly is the professor supposed to know if a student is still traumatized by being raped? Shouldn't that be between the student and their counselor or doctor?
As many people have pointed out here, the professor doesn't have to skip over it. Just take a few seconds to say "Hey, we'll be covering this topic on this day, so if you have any issues with it, either come prepared or meet with me so we can arrange a way for you to learn the material in a controlled setting."

Ideally, in cases where it's a major enough part of the curriculum, there would also be a warning in the course descriptions for the most common triggers. That way someone who is trying to deal with some kind of past trauma could get enough information to avoid electives or majors that they would not be able to reasonably handle, instead of finding out after the fact and having to waste time and money dropping classes or switching majors.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Joun_Lord »

Elfdart wrote:It's also a matter of what exactly they want the school to do about it. Is a professor of Renaissance art supposed to skip over The Rape of the Sabine Women because one of the students might have been raped? And how exactly is the professor supposed to know if a student is still traumatized by being raped? Shouldn't that be between the student and their counselor or doctor?
Speak about the nature of the course before hand so anyone who is offended/triggered/has actual medical concerns can make the decision to avoid it themselves rather then try to give individual care to 30 or 60 students. Takes very little time and doesn't actually compromise the intergrity of the course though might require the students, probably working with the teacher, to find an alternative to the course material or to come out it with help. Might cause a bit of headache attempting to accommodate the needs of the students who opted to remove themselves from the material but I'm sure a reasonable alternative can be found without causing undue disruption of the educational process. Though most likely the response will just be to fail the person which......I guess I can kinda see the logic behind it even if its a bit heartless.

If one cannot do the course material, if one is taking a history class and has to leave because of something upsetting (which one can argue all of history can be pretty upsetting save the Invasion of Huggable Bunnies in 1492) they are not getting the knowledge needed to pass. And the knowledge one gains from the course is not just boxes to check off to pass but information one would need to do whatever job they are attempting to get based on the education. A history professor who's area of expertise is WWII but doesn't know anything about the Holocaust, comfort women, prisoner execution, medical experiments performed on all sides, and Hitler putting a cap in his own ass after his wife put a cap...sule of cyanide in her mouth because they were all too upsetting is not going to be a very good history professor, not even good enough for a average American community college.

A medical doctor who didn't learn anatomy, surgery or anything icky at all because it was icky is going to be a pretty shit doctor. A lawyer who opts out of criminal law dealing with rape or murder is going to be a very limited lawyer. So on and so forth.

But anyway, as long as the students aren't demanding the course be altered (beyond giving a basic warning about naughty bits being present) to fit them, its probably not a problem.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Ralin »

Civil War Man wrote:
Elfdart wrote:It's also a matter of what exactly they want the school to do about it. Is a professor of Renaissance art supposed to skip over The Rape of the Sabine Women because one of the students might have been raped? And how exactly is the professor supposed to know if a student is still traumatized by being raped? Shouldn't that be between the student and their counselor or doctor?
As many people have pointed out here, the professor doesn't have to skip over it. Just take a few seconds to say "Hey, we'll be covering this topic on this day, so if you have any issues with it, either come prepared or meet with me so we can arrange a way for you to learn the material in a controlled setting."
Indeed. I don't know why this is something so many people have trouble getting. If you give a damned warning to be ready for the week the class discusses Uncle Adolf's Book of Rape and Racism then it's pretty obvious the class is going to fucking cover that.
Ideally, in cases where it's a major enough part of the curriculum, there would also be a warning in the course descriptions for the most common triggers. That way someone who is trying to deal with some kind of past trauma could get enough information to avoid electives or majors that they would not be able to reasonably handle, instead of finding out after the fact and having to waste time and money dropping classes or switching majors.
Yeah, problem is that's the sort of thing that would be on syllabi. Leaving aside how many professors (in my experience) don't finish their syllabi until shortly before the semester starts, it also assumes that students bother to read them. And if that was a safe assumption teachers wouldn't include "Send me an E-mail about this before the second class period and get extra credit" messages at the bottom of syllabi.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Purple »

Ralin wrote:Indeed. I don't know why this is something so many people have trouble getting. If you give a damned warning to be ready for the week the class discusses Uncle Adolf's Book of Rape and Racism then it's pretty obvious the class is going to fucking cover that.
The issue is in what accompanies the warning. And there are only two possible options that can.
1. You have been warned but must attend anyway. Live with it.
2. You have been warned and can skip over it if you feel you can't take it.

#1 Makes the warning it self pointless. Why warn someone that a train is coming when he is tied to the tracks and can't escape? It's a waste of time.
#2 Brings up all the problems others and my self have already pointed out.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Terralthra »

Reading troublesome material privately and doing homework on it may be much more tolerable for those with a bad history than having to sit through a lecture in class and discuss it with acquaintances-at-best.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Ralin »

Purple wrote: The issue is in what accompanies the warning. And there are only two possible options that can.
1. You have been warned but must attend anyway. Live with it.
2. You have been warned and can skip over it if you feel you can't take it.
Terralthra wrote:Reading troublesome material privately and doing homework on it may be much more tolerable for those with a bad history than having to sit through a lecture in class and discuss it with acquaintances-at-best.
As multiple people have said. Most of whom were or are teachers. This is not a difficult concept unless you're determined to make it one.
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Re: The Coddling of the American Mind

Post by Purple »

Ralin wrote:As multiple people have said. Most of whom were or are teachers. This is not a difficult concept unless you're determined to make it one.
And as I've said before it depends on the field. Reading it alone in private works well if it is say history. But if it's a field philosophy where discussion is key to understanding or medicine where practical experience is everything than it does not work so well. And we are back to going around in circles.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

You win. There, I have said it.

Now there is only one thing left to do. Let us see if I can sum up the strength needed to end things once and for all.
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