Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by TC Pilot »

Guardsman Bass wrote:I've never suffered more eye strain reading my e-ink Kindle than I have from reading any physical book for a long period of time. I've actually read 6-7 hours at a time with my Kindle without eye strain, which is not the case when I've been reading on an LCD screen.
Alyeska wrote:Only LCD can cause eye strain. Its from two factors. Screen refresh, but mostly being backlit. E-ink displays have no actual refresh. It is a true static image on the screen. They also require absolutely no backlight to see. E-ink literally causes no eye strain of any sort. It consumes zero power to display the screen and only consumes power to change the screen (aka turning the page). And because of how it displays it requires absolutely no backlit setup to read. With no backlight, they do not create any eyestrain from the lighting setup either. LCD based E-Readers will cause eye strain (like the iPad or the Nook). E-ink readers will not cause eye strain. There is a small exception where they might have a poor e-ink display that renders text fuzzy, but they are already on the 3rd and 4th generation e-ink devices right now and they are crystal clear. I can honestly say my Kindle is like reading news print or text directly from a book. It looks exactly like your reading off paper. It really does.

Thank you both. You've managed to be more informative unprompted in one post than Stark has, prompted across 4 posts.
If the room is dark, its impossible to read because the device itself provides absolutely no light.
Well, I wouldn't really hold that against it in comparison to books. Besides, it's not as if trying to read off any LCD screen in the dark isn't suicide for my eyes anyway.
As long as we're throwing down anecdotes, I've rarely seen a e-book that was more expensive than a new physical copy from Amazon, and virtually never one that was drastically more expensive than a physical copy unless we're counting used copies sold from a third seller through Amazon Marketplace.
I should probably emphasize that yes, I do buy used books on Amazon, rather than new, so that's why getting digital books would be more expensive for me.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Guardsman Bass »

TC Pilot wrote:I should probably emphasize that yes, I do buy used books on Amazon, rather than new, so that's why getting digital books would be more expensive for me.
That's fine. Although if you got a Kindle (or other e-reader), there are a lot of old books with expired copyrights that you can get online for free.

I'll second Alyeska's point about how it really does look like a book page on my Kindle.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Big Orange »

Hillary wrote:
Dartzap wrote:
Hillary wrote: Yeah, that'll be it. :roll: If in doubt, someone in London must be at fault.

Do you honestly think that rental agent are sitting in their gold armchairs wondering why they can't rent out property outside London? Or that the massive concerns that usually own these buildings (people like L&G and Land Sec) allow useless agents to advertise their properties at stupid rents? The problem is almost certainly down to the lack of any credit-worthy business wanting to take on a lease at a sensible rate. After all, the owner isn't going to let out to any Tom, Dick or Harry - the legal fees required to remove a non-paying lease-holder will probably outweigh any rental income they may get.
Hah, maybe I was knee-jerking there :) Unfortunately alot of the business have closed down recently, and the main cause is often cited as 'rent too high' Normally you would get a reason of 'people arnt buying anything' We have had some town centre shops empty for almost three years now, in the middle of a town that that has tens of thousands of tourists hanging around.
To be fair, that's happening everywhere - you'd think there's a recession going on :P

In my town (Ealing) there are also some shops that have been deserted for years - yet they are in the midst of building a massive residential AND business block and another was refused planning permission. It's a strange market at the moment, that's for sure.
Anecdotal, but on my highstreet two shops that weren't particularily bad businesses (a PC repair shop and second hand game shop) have both suddenly simultaneously closed over the course of this summer and the empty store spaces are now for Let. They obviously couldn't keep in business where they were renting at. Just two stores in a average highstreet, but still pretty bad from my perspective. And many families under 40 can't buy the same kinds of houses their parents bought in many places of the UK. Either way the property prices will have to surely crater.

Anyway it's interesting hearing the stories from Eldart and Gunslinger concerning how Borders, a huge book chain, went down the tubes in recent years and has become yet another failed businesses that used to be big, not unlike Circuit City, Habitat, and Woolworths. All those companies seemed to have gotten arrogant/complacent management, their business models became outmoded by the late 90s/early 00s, and they couldn't adapt to the more overtly Darwinian business landscape created in wake of the '08 Credit Crunch. I wonder how the UK equivalents to Borders - WHSmiths and Waterstones - will cope in the coming years?
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I miss bookstore cats, now that every bookstore has a starbucks in it, and no cats in sight....

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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by FSTargetDrone »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:I miss bookstore cats, now that every bookstore has a starbucks in it, and no cats in sight....
Happily, some still do (I was just here last weekend)...
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Tsyroc »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:I miss bookstore cats, now that every bookstore has a starbucks in it, and no cats in sight....
The comic book store in Berkley I used to go to in the 90's had a cat. I doubt they added a coffee shop in there. There were already plenty of real coffee shops and restaurants in the area. Plus a Barne's & Noble that hadn't added a coffee shop yet.

There was also a creepy fantasy and sci-fi book store further away from the university that had a cat. Hopefully that place is still around because it was pretty unique, with all of it's early "Goth" decor. I mean, all book stores don't have skeletons as part of the stores decorations right? :)

Book store cats are pretty cool. Except when they are lying on the box of comics that you want to look through.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by weemadando »

One of my local second hand places has 3 or 4 bookstore cats who take pleasure in ambushing customers. Pull a book out of a shelf and there's a cat staring back at you from between the stacks.

Mostly though they're just sleeping in the windows.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by fgalkin »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:I miss bookstore cats, now that every bookstore has a starbucks in it, and no cats in sight....
As someone allergic to cats, thank the gods for that, I say. Pets and books should be well separate, IMO.

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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Stofsk »

weemadando wrote:One of my local second hand places has 3 or 4 bookstore cats who take pleasure in ambushing customers. Pull a book out of a shelf and there's a cat staring back at you from between the stacks.

Mostly though they're just sleeping in the windows.
There's a used bookstore like that on Chapel Street.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by weemadando »

Down the Windsor station end?

That's the one I'm thinking of.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Stofsk »

weemadando wrote:Down the Windsor station end?

That's the one I'm thinking of.
As soon as you mentioned the cats I thought it would be it. Funny isn't it, there has to be quite a few used bookstores in Melbourne, but only one with cats as a regular feature. :lol:
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Tsyroc wrote:
There was also a creepy fantasy and sci-fi book store further away from the university that had a cat. Hopefully that place is still around because it was pretty unique, with all of it's early "Goth" decor. I mean, all book stores don't have skeletons as part of the stores decorations right? :)

Do you mean The Other Change of Hobbit? I love that store. I always make sure to buy something there whenever I return to visit Berkeley. I think their original cat died a few years ago, but they seem to have a few new ones now. Also, they moved south to the Ashby BART station instead of being on Shattuck just north of the banks. There's a new comic book store where they used to be...and they probably have a cat, too. It is Berkeley.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I onder if City Lights is still in business it was the bookstore that Ginsburg and Karuak used to read at back in the day, still had readings at nights, and was across the street from more bars, coffee houses, and houses of vice than you could shake a stick at. (definatly found it's niche so to speak)

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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Tsyroc »

Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Do you mean The Other Change of Hobbit? I love that store. I always make sure to buy something there whenever I return to visit Berkeley. I think their original cat died a few years ago, but they seem to have a few new ones now. Also, they moved south to the Ashby BART station instead of being on Shattuck just north of the banks. There's a new comic book store where they used to be...and they probably have a cat, too. It is Berkeley.

I think that is it. I haven't been there in so long I couldn't remember the name or the Bart stop that I used to get off at so I could go to the store. 8)
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Soontir C'boath »

weemadando wrote:One of my local second hand places has 3 or 4 bookstore cats who take pleasure in ambushing customers. Pull a book out of a shelf and there's a cat staring back at you from between the stacks.

Mostly though they're just sleeping in the windows.
That's hilarious. I would go to that bookstore everyday.
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Re: Borders Bookstores to Liquidate

Post by Freefall »

Tsyroc wrote:
The comic book store in Berkley I used to go to in the 90's had a cat. I doubt they added a coffee shop in there. There were already plenty of real coffee shops and restaurants in the area. Plus a Barne's & Noble that hadn't added a coffee shop yet.
Comic Relief? They closed down a few months back. Owner died of cancer, I believe. One of the employees bought the space and turned it into a new comic shop, Fantastic Comics, but there's no cat (well, not that I've seen, though I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it if there was one).

I've got to say, while I like the idea of supporting my local comic store, it's hard to do when you can purchase just about any graphic novel in print from Amazon for around 30% off the cover price, plus no sales tax (nearly 10% now in CA).

The B&N down the street shut down several years ago. Now that I think about it, so did Cody's on Telegraph (which was sad, because that was quite a good bookstore). Black Oak had to relocate and downsize. Fortunately Moe's is still kicking.
TC Pilot wrote: Ok, am I supposed to assume e-ink is the bog-standard now and LCD isn't relevant to the market? If so, why mention it in comparative terms? Why not just say "E-readers are easy on the eyes," instead of couching it in comparative terms that are even less worthwhile than just your say-so?
That's actually pretty much the case. The overwhelming dominance and success of the Kindle means that when people mention "e-readers," that's usually what they're talking about. That or maybe the Nook. I guess it kind of depends on how loose your definition is though. People who are "into" these things tend to think of e-readers as a device that is purpose-built for reading. Something like an ipad or iphone doesn't technically qualify, sort of in the same sense that most people also don't think of an ipad as "an MP3 player." I mean, sure it can play them, but that's not why you buy one.

Of course, as mentioned, an e-ink screen is actually a completely different kind of display technology, whereas the main problem with using an ipad as an mp3 player is that it's just too big.

Anyway, if your friends said they had eyestrain reading an e-book, then they were probably reading it on something that wouldn't necessarily be considered a dedicated e-reader. Of course, there are some LCD e-readers, but their market share is small, so most people won't assume that's what you mean unless you're more specific. The one exception would be the Nook Color though, which is LCD and not completely obscure (vs. the regular Nook which is e-ink). But then again, the Nook Color is more of a purpose-built magazine reader and children's book reader, rather than a straight text reader.

Hope this isn't too confusing.

Anyway, if anecdotes are being accepted here, I will say that the whole reason I bought my Nook in the first place was so that I could comfortably read, for free, material from the public domain. I currently have nearly 500 texts on my Nook, several of which are over 1,000 pages long, virtually all of which were legally free. I think it should be pretty easy to figure that the total cost of the Nook vs. the cost of printing (or purchasing, assuming I could even find them in print; some of these are rather rare and/or obscure) all these texts is not even remotely comparable, and I sure as hell wasn't about to try reading even a good fraction of it on my monitor.

As for Borders, well, I'm not as sad as I thought I would be. Sure, I'll miss their frequent 40% off coupons, but ultimately, what did they really offer that B&N didn't? Not much. And it's not like location was an issue for me, since the local Borders was about a 10 minute walk from the B&N. And kind of like with comics, it is really hard to beat Amazon for price and availability if you already know what you want.
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