Hi, I haven't been on the forum for a few months, but I came here to gloat. So with no further ado: (US) America sucks.
Dominus Atheos wrote:You guys are still vastly over-estimating Trump. Hillary Clinton is 90% responsible for this result.
Not sure if Clinton is really that responsible. Trump had the advantage from the beginning. The economy is sluggish, if improving, but a lot of people do not participate. Plus there was a lot on the line for poor white voters. More free trade as advocated by Obama and early Clinton would mean less economic power, and the Clinton coalition around minorities and women would mean less political influence, and would only get worse with a path to citizenship for illegals and more immigrations. A lot of reasons to go out and vote. Clinton would have needed different polices and a different voter coalition to have a chance in the election, like the one Sanders had. But that wouldn't have worked in the democratic primaries.
Ziggy Stardust wrote:There's a lot more than arrogance/complacency involved, and I think it's a bit naive to say otherwise. This WAS a gigantic political upset, in that in winning Trump has utterly destroyed myriad conventions and traditions of our system. It wasn't JUST Hillary supporters saying she'd win, it was scientific analysis of polling data courtesy of Nate Silver, too. There is a very real and deep issue (most likely a demographic one) that, quite simply, nobody saw coming. Sure, there was arrogance/complacency in thinking that Hillary had in the bag, but any reasonable person who saw the numbers before yesterday would have rightly considered her the favorite.
I think we need to downgrade statistics as political science a bit, at least as a predictive science. Trump likely get around 306 electoral votes, that is not a close election like in 2000. I think the issue with these models is that they are good at slicing and dicing the electorate, but bad at detecting changes in party affiliation. Political sciences or economic were better at predicting the outcome (like for example
Ray Fair's model). In his
last post before the election Silver (the one with 71% for Clinton) gives a good explanation why his prediction has a lot of uncertainty.