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Post by Beowulf »

NapoleonGH wrote:Yes there ARE school age kids who can buy guns and carry them concealed legally, they are called "Seniors" in high school who are over the age of 18, ever heard of them?

Furthermore where do you think the columbine kids got their guns? they bought them from a gun show.
And you still have to be 21 to buy a handgun. And you still have to be 21 to get a Concealed Carry License. The only seniors in high school who can buy a handgun got held back 3 grades. And long guns aren't especially noted for being concealable, being a minimum of 26 inches long or so. And Gun shows still require background checks, just like all other sales by federally licensed dealers.
And I am appaled that the BLATANT bigotry, predjudice, and racism that just was spewed from Sheppard. If that kind of racism doest deserve to go to the hall of shame, i iknow not what does. Anyone who supports such views does not be deserved to be listened to and should be told to f*ck off. Need I remind you that almost every one of the recent news worthy school shootings came from suburban communities, many your precious south
Gee... maybe it's just that gangstas popping other gangstas is so unnotable that it doesn't make the news?
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Hamel »

Napoleon wrote:(ohh and BTW all acid is not that prevelent in at least some affluent suburban areas, it is rare as gold in many and sold at highly inflated prices)
Acid is in high demand in Beavercreek, Ohio, a semi-rich suburban community.
"Right now we can tell you a report was filed by the family of a 12 year old boy yesterday afternoon alleging Mr. Michael Jackson of criminal activity. A search warrant has been filed and that search is currently taking place. Mr. Jackson has not been charged with any crime. We cannot specifically address the content of the police report as it is confidential information at the present time, however, we can confirm that Mr. Jackson forced the boy to listen to the Howard Stern show and watch the movie Private Parts over and over again."
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Ohh acid is in high demand but extremely low supply in north bergen county (we are talking about like 10-12 towns or some such) NJ. Thus my statement that it is apparently rare as gold according to those who would know.

Umm Beowulf, it is 18 to buy a gun and get a permit.

So what you get a background check, many of the school shootings that have already happened have come from previously perfectly law abiding goody two shoes kids who got picked on one too many times and simply refused to take it any more (i would blame it on being so hell bent on not letting smaller expressions of anger to be released such as zero tollerance towards fist fighting, there are plenty of times when as a little kid i was in full right to slug someone and because of the punishment repressed it but maintained a grudge which I and all my friends that I know dont normally do after giving people their just desserts, take what I suffered multiply and remove a degree or two of self control and stability and I most certainly could have been one of those kids at columbine, many could. Every day in the lunchroom I see kids who are just boilers almost ready to explode, what we need to do is allow steam to be vented, not to encourage the pressure to be increased)
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Post by Beowulf »

21 to buy a Handgun. Anything else to too long to be concealable, so a CCL is useless...
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Post by NapoleonGH »

in any state? considering the fact that Utah feels that it is a worth while law to make it legal for students to have concealed guns in schools perhaps you are mistaken. Or perhaps Utah politicians are even dumber than i thought.
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Post by Beowulf »

NapoleonGH wrote:in any state? considering the fact that Utah feels that it is a worth while law to make it legal for students to have concealed guns in schools perhaps you are mistaken. Or perhaps Utah politicians are even dumber than i thought.
Federal law states that you must be 21 to buy a handgun. I don't suppose you'd like to dig up a link to this supposed law, eh?
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Beowulf »

Oh, and apparently crimes with guns is on the rise across the pond, according to this BBC article.

Hmm... a 600% increase in gun crime over 25 years... and 35% increase last year...
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Coyote »

Hamel, have some coffee. You need to wake up.

Do I support the iea of KIDS going to school with guns? No, don't be stupid. But the point of this rant is that 'students' with Concealed Carry permits would be allowed at school, so they have to be at least 18 (maybe it is by state and not Fed) which makes them no longer children even if they are in school.


...gun crime has skyrocketed in England since the ban. Crimnals will always find a way to get guns, you hoser. Look at a map of the US and see where there is strict gun control. You can overlay a map of homicide rates by firearm by and it will be the exact same fuking map. Why are not the gun control zones of Washington DC, LA, and NYC not idyllic havens of brotherly love?

How about a link or post to this "law" that will force teachers to place Kalashnikovs in the hands of 15-year-olds....?

And BTW, Harris and Klebold were not exactly "lwa abiding little darlings who got picked on". Those fucks were blowing up pipe bombs, had gotten ahold of weapons and were displying them to students, and made a home movie about shooting everyone in the school and played the movie for a class months before. The parents refused to intervene saying 'they didn't want to interfere with their son's privacy'.

Univolved fucktard parents (who are 'parents' only becasue they managed to function their genitals together once) and police that never did anythng in nswer to numrous complaint are the problem.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Post by SPOOFE »

Do you support the idea of children taking firearms to school with them?
Yes. Why shouldn't they be allowed to, as long as they act responsibly? Gun clubs used to be quite common at schools. And don't even start with the ROTC...
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Post by SPOOFE »

Well good thing that has been shown to be half bullshit across the pond in the good ole UK.
Untrue. See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2656875.stm

From the article:
As gun crime leaps by 35% in a year, plans are afoot for a further crack down on firearms. Yet what we need is more guns, not fewer, says a US academic.
You are now six times more likely to be mugged in London than New York.
See they made guns illegal right? and in a population a fifth the size of the US they had under 100 people dying by gunshot in any of the recent years, the US = over 10,000. So I think it can be clearly shown that even if the criminals GET the guns, they wont be using them.
Your gun rate statistics prove nothing regarding whether or not criminals will be using guns. In fact, it proves the opposite: The vast majority of those 10,000 (actually, in recent years, it's been closer to 8,000 or so homicides, according to some stats) were guns that were already illegally owned. Gun control sure did a fat lot of good then, didn't it?

And furthermore... it's estimated, according to Gary Kleck's studies in the matter, that there are between 800,000 to 2.5 million instances, in the United States, where a gun is used in a defensive manner to avert harm to the victim (these are called DGU's, for Defensive Gun Uses). This number shows the VAST good that responsible gun ownership can do, easily overshadowing the harm caused by the side effect of irresponsible gun ownership.
Need I remind you that almost every one of the recent news worthy school shootings came from suburban communities, many your precious south
And need I remind YOU that every single one of the "newsworthy" school shootings have been statistically negligible? School shootings are NOT significant problems. More people die each year from their own pillows than from school shootings. You're vastly overstating the case, using appeals to emotion rather than reason.
many of the school shootings that have already happened have come from previously perfectly law abiding goody two shoes kids who got picked on one too many times and simply refused to take it any more
And, again, each and every time that has been a statistical fluke. There have been, what, a few dozen kids shot in schools over the past five or six years? Compared to the forty or fifty thousand people who have been shot at other locations in the same period? Run for the hills! All our precious babies are being mercilessly SLAUGHTERED! Won't someone think of the children?
considering the fact that Utah feels that it is a worth while law to make it legal for students to have concealed guns in schools perhaps you are mistaken. Or perhaps Utah politicians are even dumber than i thought.
Or maybe Utah politicians just know that the guns themselves aren't a problem, as long as the kids who handle them are experienced and responsible.
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Post by Perinquus »

NapoleonGH wrote:in any state? considering the fact that Utah feels that it is a worth while law to make it legal for students to have concealed guns in schools perhaps you are mistaken. Or perhaps Utah politicians are even dumber than i thought.
Goddamn you fucking moron, why don't you try looking this law up? I already suggested it once, just as I already informed you that there is no bill under debate in Utah that proposes to let students have concealed weapons. If there is one thing I can't fucking stand it's someone who repeats an error after it has already been pointed out to him. At that point, it ceases to be a mistake, and it becomes a lie.

Once again, the bill under debate in Utah, which was proposed by Utah State Senate Majority Leader Michael Waddoups, advocates allowing holders of concealed weapons permits to carry guns in schools, reversing the existing law, which makes schools so-called "gun free zones." Since no one under the age of 21 can either legally buy a handgun, or obtain a concealed carry permit, this proposed change to the law does not apply to students. Do you get that? It doesn't apply to students. Since you seem so slow to take it in, let me repeat it one last time: IT DOES NOT APPLY TO STUDENTS!!!

Here's the link so you can read the text of the bill yourself:

http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2003/htmdoc/ ... SB0108.htm

In fact, not only does it not mention anywhere giving students the right to carry guns to school, it threatens suspension or expulsion for any student who is guilty of "the possession, control, or actual threatened use of a real weapon".
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Flamebait and trolling sent to the HOS. I'm not amused.
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Post by Beowulf »

Perinquus wrote:
NapoleonGH wrote:in any state? considering the fact that Utah feels that it is a worth while law to make it legal for students to have concealed guns in schools perhaps you are mistaken. Or perhaps Utah politicians are even dumber than i thought.
Goddamn you fucking moron, why don't you try looking this law up? I already suggested it once, just as I already informed you that there is no bill under debate in Utah that proposes to let students have concealed weapons. If there is one thing I can't fucking stand it's someone who repeats an error after it has already been pointed out to him. At that point, it ceases to be a mistake, and it becomes a lie.

Once again, the bill under debate in Utah, which was proposed by Utah State Senate Majority Leader Michael Waddoups, advocates allowing holders of concealed weapons permits to carry guns in schools, reversing the existing law, which makes schools so-called "gun free zones." Since no one under the age of 21 can either legally buy a handgun, or obtain a concealed carry permit, this proposed change to the law does not apply to students. Do you get that? It doesn't apply to students. Since you seem so slow to take it in, let me repeat it one last time: IT DOES NOT APPLY TO STUDENTS!!!

Here's the link so you can read the text of the bill yourself:

http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2003/htmdoc/ ... SB0108.htm

In fact, not only does it not mention anywhere giving students the right to carry guns to school, it threatens suspension or expulsion for any student who is guilty of "the possession, control, or actual threatened use of a real weapon".
You know Peri... I was going to him dig himself deeper before I brought up that bill...
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Perinquus »

Beowulf wrote: You know Peri... I was going to him dig himself deeper before I brought up that bill...
No need really. He's already managed to make himself look like a consummate donkey, mindlessly parroting flasehoods he's heard from others without making even the slightest effort to check if any of it actually true, and entirely willing, if not actually eager to believe the very worst of his opponents, and impute the basest possible motives to them. I guess it allows him to puff himself up full of moral righteousness and inflate his ego. There are too many idiots like him out there.
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Post by MKSheppard »

NapoleonGH wrote: And I am appaled that the BLATANT bigotry, predjudice, and racism that just was spewed from Sheppard. If that kind of racism doest deserve to go to the hall of shame, i iknow not what does.
Actually, I spewed forth the stuff that a Senator should spew forth.

RE: Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WVA) , former Klansman.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Coyote wrote:...gun crime has skyrocketed in England since the ban. Crimnals will always find a way to get guns, you hoser. Look at a map of the US and see where there is strict gun control. You can overlay a map of homicide rates by firearm by and it will be the exact same fuking map. Why are not the gun control zones of Washington DC, LA, and NYC not idyllic havens of brotherly love?
Because gun control is an ineffective REACTION to rising violent crime rates. Violent crime rises in an area, people react by passing gun laws, the crime rate continues to rise, and the NRA concludes that therefore, gun laws produce crime. False cause fallacies are very popular in politics.
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Post by StimNeuro »

Darth Wong wrote:
Coyote wrote:...gun crime has skyrocketed in England since the ban. Crimnals will always find a way to get guns, you hoser. Look at a map of the US and see where there is strict gun control. You can overlay a map of homicide rates by firearm by and it will be the exact same fuking map. Why are not the gun control zones of Washington DC, LA, and NYC not idyllic havens of brotherly love?
Because gun control is an ineffective REACTION to rising violent crime rates. Violent crime rises in an area, people react by passing gun laws, the crime rate continues to rise, and the NRA concludes that therefore, gun laws produce crime. False cause fallacies are very popular in politics.
Except that in the case of England, the crime rate rose most dramatically after the gun control laws had been implemented.
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Post by NapoleonGH »

and yet you missed his point completely. Good job.

ohh and btw, maybe gun death rates are rising in england, are they still pretty much 2 orders of magnitude lower than our own?

(So my comments lead you to believe that i dont understand that statistics of school shootings? No my comments stated that those who have bothered to kill people in these mass shootings are of a certain group in a certain type of area, something very different from claiming that the number of students killed is statistically significant, nice attempt to place words in my mouth, too bad you gun totin murderers in waiting arent going to get away with it)

ohh and about that law, excuse me for having npr report it to me potentially incorrectly, regardless you are allowing guns into schools, a move which is not a good idea, basically anyone carrying a concealed weapon of any kind is basically a timebomb of a murderer. So now basically we will have trigger happy adults going around in a society where the news teaches adults to be terrified of school age kids especially when in schools, good idea.

Ohh so "guns prevented violent crimes" what you forgot to mention was how many of those crimes that were prevented involved the criminal having a gun. That would be a statistic that would make your break your little factoid.

Furthermore, those guns that are possessed illegally, lets see, I go around carrying an illegal gun, but other people can own them legally, meaning that the sheer fact i have one in my possession doesnt instantly tip people off that it is illegal and should be reported/confiscated. It is like drugs compared to alcohol. someone is underage and drinking since they look close enough to 21 that people arent sure if they are doing so illegally or legally you have a much larger margin for missing the illegal activity, but when you are dealing with say heroin, anyone with it is automatically known to be violating the law.
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Post by Coyote »

NapoleonGH wrote:ohh and btw, maybe gun death rates are rising in england, are they still pretty much 2 orders of magnitude lower than our own?
Ahh, but look at other UK murders, the murder rate overall. More people are killed per capita by beatings from hands and feet in the UK as well. The problem is murder, which is illegal in any book, the fact that in the US it is done more by gun than in the UK where it is done by beating does not make one murder statistic 'more acceptable'... well, unless all you care about is gun control and only use concern for life as a red herring to that end.
NapoleonGH wrote:(...too bad you gun totin murderers in waiting arent going to get away with it)
You are a troll, here only to stir up trouble. This is rhetoric even HCI/VPC is smart enough not to use.
ohh and about that law, excuse me for having npr report it to me potentially incorrectly
This is where you get your news and information? National People's Radio?

, regardless you are allowing guns into schools, a move which is not a good idea, basically anyone carrying a concealed weapon of any kind is basically a timebomb of a murderer. ...

Back that up right now. Prove it or you are nothing but a shit-stirring lying troll. And bear in mind that police all carry concealed weapons too.

Ohh so "guns prevented violent crimes" what you forgot to mention was how many of those crimes that were prevented involved the criminal having a gun. That would be a statistic that would make your break your little factoid.

And a factoid that would break your little head. Guns frequently are used to prevent crime and it makes no damn difference if the criminal has a gun or not-- actually, if the criminal had a gun and the citizen did not, then the crime would have taken place without hinderance to the criminal, and your much touted gun control would have contributed to crime.

...I go around carrying an illegal gun, but other people can own them legally, meaning that the sheer fact i have one in my possession doesnt instantly tip people off that it is illegal and should be reported/confiscated...

Explain to me why it should be illegal. Remember, there are 80 million gun owners in the USA with about 250 million guns. There are 200 million other citizens who do not own guns. If your scenario was correct, with every gun owner a frothing at the mouth raving butchering maniac, then those 200 unarmed people would have been killed, gutted and skinned already. Why hasn't it happened? I'll tell you why-- 'cause your simpleminded supposition and accusations are a bunch of uneducated (but well-indoctrinated!) bullshit.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Post by Beowulf »

NapoleonGH wrote:ohh and btw, maybe gun death rates are rising in england, are they still pretty much 2 orders of magnitude lower than our own?
Difference in culture. Still shows that the crime rate failed to go down. Which means, Ta-da! gun control isn't effective. Note: you are more likely to get mugged in London than New York...
(So my comments lead you to believe that i dont understand that statistics of school shootings? No my comments stated that those who have bothered to kill people in these mass shootings are of a certain group in a certain type of area, something very different from claiming that the number of students killed is statistically significant, nice attempt to place words in my mouth, too bad you gun totin murderers in waiting arent going to get away with it)
Nice appeal to emotion there. "gun totin murderers in waiting" Wow... And situations which are statistically insignificant aren't usually worth the bother of trying to prevent...
ohh and about that law, excuse me for having npr report it to me potentially incorrectly, regardless you are allowing guns into schools, a move which is not a good idea, basically anyone carrying a concealed weapon of any kind is basically a timebomb of a murderer. So now basically we will have trigger happy adults going around in a society where the news teaches adults to be terrified of school age kids especially when in schools, good idea.
Got any proof of the accusation that someone carrying a gun is a "timebomb of a murderer"? I've seen statistics which show that a person with a CCL is 7.5 times LESS likely to get arrested for a violent crime than a person who doesn't... The rest of that is pure appeal to emotion...
Ohh so "guns prevented violent crimes" what you forgot to mention was how many of those crimes that were prevented involved the criminal having a gun. That would be a statistic that would make your break your little factoid.
How would it break it? Guns are statistically more likely to be used to stop a crime than to attempt to commit one.
Furthermore, those guns that are possessed illegally, lets see, I go around carrying an illegal gun, but other people can own them legally, meaning that the sheer fact i have one in my possession doesnt instantly tip people off that it is illegal and should be reported/confiscated. It is like drugs compared to alcohol. someone is underage and drinking since they look close enough to 21 that people arent sure if they are doing so illegally or legally you have a much larger margin for missing the illegal activity, but when you are dealing with say heroin, anyone with it is automatically known to be violating the law.
So you're saying that something should be banned because it makes it easier to tell if someones going to do something bad with it? Ban all baseball bats!
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Beowulf »

Oh, and of the 200,000 concealed carry licensees in Texas, exactly 2 have been convicted of murder and/or manslaughter.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Coyote »

Beowulf wrote:Oh, and of the 200,000 concealed carry licensees in Texas, exactly 2 have been convicted of murder and/or manslaughter.
Holy Cow! That's less than, oy vey, help me out here someone I absolutely suck at math.... less than something like 0.0015% of concealed carry holders?

If only we could get stats like that out of car owners.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Well lets see, if the people who in that factoid were being prevented from engaging in violent crime were carrying guns, if they didnt have guns, that violent crime wouldnt need provention now would it?

Ohh yes and Gun totin potential murderers, well lets see, gun totin is accurate, they carry/tote guns. Potential murderers, you have a gun you have a weapon that is intended to use for killing thus you are now able to kill more easily thus increasing your opportunity to murder, making you a potential murderer. Get it? got it? good.

Well you know what statistically insignificant things that end up with people being dead and could have been prevented without restricting any essential right of the individual should be used because no one should die unnecessarily (and yes owning a gun is not an essential right, and essential right is life, liberty, property so long as your exercise of those rights does no

t restrict anyone else's right to life liberty property, handguns exist for the sole purpose of killing someone thus they exist to restrict someone's right to life, thus they are not an essential right, rather they are in opposition to essential civil liberties. Get rid of all guns, criminal and legal alike, and for those who say "they'll get into the country anyway look at drugs as an example", all i will say is that i dare you to carry a gun past costoms shoved up your ass or sitting in your stomach to shit out later. Clearly these two things wont happen, and most guns being metallic makes them easier to detect than drugs which often can be hidden in any oil based medium from anything other than visual detection.

Timebomb of a murderer is exactly the same thing as the previous statement, you are carrying a weapon whose sole purpose is to kill and main, thus you have a higher availability of murder causing agents, i have no access to any ones that i can carry into a room and kill many specific individuals since i dont own a gun, sure i have a knife, so i can close to melee range and stab what 1 maybe 2 people before im taken out. I have a bomb and I cannot target specific people nearly as well as with a gun. and a timebomb is simple, a timebomb in this sense is a bomb that you dont know when it will go off or if it will whenyouare around. Thus people with this increased ability to murder regardless of whether or not they use said ability, are timebombs people who you never know if they will or will not at any moment pull out their gun and start shooting. It would be alot safer if people werent armed, period, and i mean all people. And it isnt that hard a thing to do either, as i already stated, guns are alot harder to sneak into a country than drugs, and while some certainly will make it in, you can definitely limit that number, like my heroin analogy if you see a gun on someone at least you will KNOW to be scared that they are illegally carying a weapon thus probably intending illegal activity in the near future.

And lying, definitely not. troll, i have not once intentionally and purposefully distorted or misrepresented the truth if anything you should be accusing me of being ignorant to whatever facts you choose to present regardless of whether or not I actually am, that at least is a charge that you could claim without outright lying yourself, definitely not a trolleither, im sorry that stating my views towards people with legitimate lables regardless of their point of view on the subject is somethign you dont enjoy, but i dont come and say "all gun carrying people are murderers" which would be flat out wrong, lying, and would be "shit stirring troll" behavior rather i am saying "anyone with easy access to a gun is a potential murderer" whihc i have now backed up with saying they have the increased ability to murder than someone who is unarmed. If you cannot see the difference then i abandon any attempt to debate with such silly baseless insults. My statements about gun carrying people are actually things that can be debated about, especially now with the clarification as to the meaning, since you obviously misinterpreted what they meant or are just stupid, i cannot be sure just yet but will by the time you post in response to this.

Explain to you why guns should be illegal, fine. A handgun exists for the SOLE purpose of causing bodily harm to a specific individual person at range. It is something that exists to harm other people in society. It has no other useage (beyond Homer Simpson's comical use of a pistol as a beer can opener). That is why it should be illegal.

Once again you grossly misrepresent my views and to call them simpleminded, indoctrinated, or uneducated is an act of defamation of charracter, slander, and clearly misrepresentation of facts. So please, if that is how you will respond to such things fine, go ahead. But please explain to me how you could possibly know that my veiws are based on indoctrination rather than thinking for myself. No seriously, I hearby throw down the gauntlet. COYOTE i challenge you to tell me exactly how you can know that any views held by myself have anything to do with indoctrination rather than individual thinking. Last time i checked i didnt have any person in a black robe telling me "HATE GUNS...HATE GUNS...HATE GUNS", or for that matter parents taking any side in the gun issue, or anyone else of my direct aquaintance expressing anti-gun views in my presence prior to my developing such views.

Beowulf, to answer your last point in the first of your double post the "
So you're saying that something should be banned because it makes it easier to tell if someones going to do something bad with it? Ban all baseball bats!" no im saying it should be banned becuase there IS no legitimate use for a gun other than to kill people thus if we got rid of guns in legal hands, you claim illegal hands would still hold them, but i maintain that by then knowing that they cannot possibly be legal arms, anyone in the vicinity or with knowledge of someone owning a gun would know that they are committing an illegal act and thus intend to probably use it to cause direct harm to another being or to threaten harm to another being at least. Baseball bats have a perfectly legitimate use that is not to kill people, but rather to strike a small inanimate object. If there was no game of baseball and a baseball bat's only obvious/common use was to kill/strike other people i would certainly consider making it illegal, but as the case is, they have a non-life destructive/threatening purpose that is their most common usage. Do you see that difference and why your analogy is clearly a FALSE ANALOGY (a logical fallacy as im sure you are aware)
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Post by MKSheppard »

NapoleonGH wrote:Baseball bats have a perfectly legitimate use that is not to kill people, but rather to strike a small inanimate object.
And guns have a perfectly legal use, not to kill people, but to kill small animal
for food and put holes into pieces of paper at target shooting tournaments.

Try again, pusnut
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Umm you notice the change in terms dont you sheppard, i said Legitimate, not legal. yes handguns have currently legal uses, but i claim not legitimate uses. Their sole purpose is to restrict other people of their right to life, and yes they can be used to restrict someone else's right to life while protecting yours, but i dont claim that to be a legitimate use, you can disagree with that all you'd like, but that doesnt mean that I am claiming guns to be lacking in a currently legal use however much you wish I was that poor in my knowledge base.
Festina Lente
My shoes are too tight and I've forgotten how to dance
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