Purple wrote:Thing is we know exactly how. The western world has done it once already. The last time the west faced an opponent with a similarly toxic ideology that needed destroying it was done. And than they occupied it properly and forced reeducation and other measures upon it to completely and utterly exterminate any trace of the evil they went to war against. And thanks to these efforts Germany has remained a free liberal nation to this day. I say do the same to ISIS.
The political landscape and culture is simply too dissimilar for this analogy to work. Germany already had a history of liberalism and parliamentary democracy before a right-wing anti-Semite hijacked the nation. Plus, Middle Eastern politics are just fucking impossible. The complex network of intertwined sectarian, religious and national agendas make it really difficult to support any one faction without causing sectarian chaos. Actual secular, inspiring political movements, like the Arab spring, tend to get quickly hijacked by sectarian interests. And any Western army that invades the region will soon be seen as an enemy, after the army lingers for a bit, which in turn serves as a rallying point for jihadism and feeds the cycle of sectarian violence. That's obviously why Obama is so adamant about getting the locals to clean this up. And honestly, the only reason I disagree with his position is because in this case, we basically just took a giant shit on Mesopotamia and then left the locals to deal with our mess.
Really, the best hope for the Middle East was the wave of Ba'athist pan-Arab nationalist leaders of the 60s and 70s. Sadly, they either turned into brutal assholes, or made the mistake of aligning with Communists, so the US disrupted their regimes.
That said, I still think it's worth sending a coalition of US/European troops to aid the Kurds and Iraqi army in retaking Mosul. Then we can just let the remnants of ISIS flee Westward, where hopefully Assad and Putin will finish them off.
After that ... bleh... it's another impossible situation. With ISIS gone, and cities like Sinjar and Mosul completely laid waste, it will be an enormously expensive project to stabilize and rebuild Syria and Northern Iraq. Not to mention the endless waves of leftover ISIS fighters (who just don't know when to stop) continuously planting car bombs and kidnapping people...
Plus, many of the survivors completely hate each other. The Kurds, Shia and especially the Yazidis are likely to just be
itching for a very bloody revenge on the Sunni Arabs once the dust settles. They were very badly betrayed, after all, so who can blame them.
Plus there's various other ISIS-like groups festering elsewhere in Syria, although they're unlikely to be anywhere near as successful as ISIS. ISIS pretty much won the political lottery by taking advantage of a simultaneous political vaccum in Syria, weak border control in Iraq, and loads of shiny new US military equipment and intact oil fields left sitting there for the taking. That sort of luck won't happen again.
Anyway, the best solution is probably to just send in a contigent of Western soldiers to help retake Mosul, cutting off ISIS from the oil fields. At that point their only remaining safe haven will be Raqqah, which will eventually fall to advancing Syrian forces with Russian support. But it's unlikely the situation will improve that significantly once ISIS is gone (except for those who were actually living in Raqqah or Mosul...) since either Assad will resume control and return to his usual Saddam-Hussein-lite crackdowns, killing loads of more people, or else he'll lose control again as various factions (perhaps in his own military, like the FSA) take advantage of the situation yet again. I mean how many times is Putin coming to the rescue before this gets stupid?
The other option is to replace him, but like... with who? Some useless Sunni Islamist theocrat? Or another Alawite Ba'athist whom the US is unlikely to approve of, and whom the ~70% Sunni population will hate? (Maybe we should put a Jew on the Syrian throne, just for the laughs. At least it would unite everyone in their disapproval...) I'd prefer a secular leader, like perhaps somebody from the FSA ... except there's no reason to imagine any of these people can manage to keep Syria from falling apart again. The US tried (with minimal competence) to knit together a multi-ethnic government in Baghdad where Kurds, Sunnis and Shia would have an equal part. That basically resulted in a weak Shia bureaucracy that can't even stand up to ISIS, and leans towards oppressing Sunnis anyway.
The point is, getting rid of ISIS is the easy part. After that, the road ahead is entirely unclear, and I don't think anybody on Earth really is capable of putting together a plan that won't in some way falter badly under unpredictable sectarian outbursts. Plus, any Western involvement in the region will quickly become unpopular back home as everyone loses interest, because we forgot about what happened in Paris already ... leading to another early withdrawal from the region, which will promptly be taken advantage of by another ridiculous Jihad factory, etc., etc,., ad infinitum