Major quotations are going to use quote tags. Particular things I want to pick out will use code tags.
The Romulan Republic wrote: ↑2017-08-16 03:59pm
Alyrium Denryle wrote: ↑2017-08-13 06:39pm
ray245 wrote: ↑2017-08-13 06:19pm
Yeah. What I am astounded by is how many Americans in this thread seems to accept political violence as a part of progress.
It is the tradeoff we make for being able to say almost literally anything, and being able to express unpopular (but not rancid) views. The first amendment protects Nazis from interference by the state, but it also protected the formation of a Gay/Straight Alliance at my highschool in 2001, over the protestations of religious conservatives and school administration. There was nothing they could do to stop us legally. If we were to open that up so that the state and its agencies COULD shut Nazis down, there is a good chance whatever legislation enabled that would not be narrowly tailored enough for the task, and other groups would be caught in the backwash.
The tradeoff is that sometimes... the discourse that arises becomes violent, particularly when one side of the "debate" wants to round up their opposition and put them into death camps.
Violence may occur on occasion, but I would not describe it as "necessary" in order to have free speech.
It really should be quite simple to say "You can believe and say whatever you want, as long as you don't call for/threaten/commit violent acts". And when you cross that line, the law comes down on you like the fist of God.
Note: In this post, you end up contradicting yourself. So I am responding to things as I see them, I will deal with the contradiction later in the text.
That would be nice, but that is not how the world works. In the US (and you SHOULD know this, because you are not completely devoid of knowledge of history), it has never been safe to restrict freedom of speech with the law because the minorities WOULD be fucked. Name a time period for me. Name a time period in the history of the US when freedom of speech could be legally restricted without congress writing in a way for them to fuck black people, gay people, or native americans. Do it. Just try. You will not find such a fucking time.
You do this fucking constantly. You bandy about high principle with no regard for that empirical reality or practical application actually look like. You can do this with the US, because you are a straight white boy who lives in British Columbia. There will never be a point when your freedom of speech would be restricted by such legislation. Mine would be.
Between the way our legal system is bound in precedent and the way the enabling constitutional amendment and subsequent legislation would be written, it would fuck over the likes of BLM, to say nothing of Muslims etc etc etc. The republicans have been jerking off at the prospect of annihilating the right to protest since at least the Nixon administration, and if you think it would have been safe to restrict free speech in the post-war period Oh Boy! Does the term "House Un-American Activities Committee" ring any bells in the hollow space that is your brain? Then there is the Sedition Act of 1918.
Even right now in the state in which I live, it is illegal for teachers to say that being gay is acceptable. It has been an uphill battle ever since this country's founding to keep freedom of expression. I would LOVE to have hate-speech laws, and laws prohibiting Nazism, but this is America. I don't get to have nice things.
The alternative is for the population to literally fight it out sometimes. It is the natural consequence of not being politically able to keep the racist
filth off our streets.
The problem with that comes when you have people in positions of political power tacitly (or even explicitly) condoning and supporting the violent extremists. Hence the increased threat of white supremacist violence under a Trump Presidency, for example. Which is why we need to vote out (or preferably impeach) Trump and his allies, and restore a government that works to impose limits on, not provide political cover for, violent extremists. And until then, state and local authorities need to pick up the slack, as much as the law permits them to do so.
See above regarding history of free speech in the united states.
That said, (and I'm addressing this part generally, not to you Alyrium), I am disappointed to see people responding to the terrorism in Charlottsville by saying things like "We need more hate speech laws", or even worse "We need more violent Left-wing militias". Its an understandable response, a predictable response. When something horrible happens people want payback, or they want to do whatever it takes to make sure that it never happens again, whatever the price. But...
When people start calling for restrictions on civil liberties, its usually done in the name of some pressing need. There often is a legitimate concern behind it. But that doesn't make it right.
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You can believe and say whatever you want, as long as you don't call for/threaten/commit violent acts". And when you cross that line, the law comes down on you like the fist of God
That describes a hate-speech law you ignoramus. As it stands in the US, you have to incite imminent violence in order to face legal censure, as in, it is insufficient to say "We must exterminate the jews as a matter of state policy", you have to be like "alright boys, now lets go find us some jews to lynch, who's with me!?". Even permitting the former would require that we amend our constitution, which I do not in principle oppose, but in practice...well... see above regarding the history of free speech in the US.
That leaves dealing with it up to the citizenry, because the government (even under an administration that is not run by Orange Quisling) is powerless, and for other reasons must remain powerless, to crush the nazis like cockroaches (that is an insult to cockroaches, which are noble creatures).
Then there is that last bit
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When something horrible happens people want payback, or they want to do whatever it takes to make sure that it never happens again, whatever the price. But...
You know what, short of ripping up our social contract, yes. We SHOULD do whatever it takes to make sure the fucking holocaust never happens again. I really really don't want to die in a Konzentrationslager, or be forced by a fucking Einsatzkommando to dig my own mass grave. I want to be very clear here TRR, that is what we are talking about. That is what Nazis want to do. They're here. Now. Marching in the streets with--not just the silence of the president--the support of the president. They have been infiltrating law enforcement for years, and whatever we might think of BLM (I tend to like them), conditions are right for Nazis to recruit in local police departments on a large scale rather than just slipping in or converting a random officer here or there. We have what happened with the police in Charlottesville, where the Nazis had a weapons cache sufficient to fight it out with the local police--local police who were not too keen on interfering with Nazis
beating up clergy. You want to know what the antifascists did? They shielded pastors and rabbis with their own bodies and fought back.
So tell me, TRR, at what point is it acceptable for fight back and prevent the Shoah from ever happening again? Do we have to wait until they have taken over Montana or Idaho before we nip that problem in the bud, or would you prefer to wait until they have enough sympathizers (and dupes, to be fair) to get people (Nazis and Nazi Symps) elected to federal office? Oh...wait. That's already happened.
The Nazis have never gone away. This is not a new thing. They have been watched by the feds for decades, but shielded by the nation's fairly uncompromising position on freedom of speech and association. But they were like a dormant virus, waiting for the right conditions. Now they are in an amplification cycle, and we are immunocompromised. The FBI saw Trump slash the programs that were used to track, monitor, and combat them. The internet lets them gather in secret and coordinate between different otherwise isolated Nazi groups. They have allied with the alt-right and KKK (which are almost as bad), and use them as a recruiting pool. Between them all they have murdered 30 people this year that we know about, and caused injury to many more, and they have political power in some measure.
You know how to stop this? You can't let them recruit in peace, you can't let them seem strong in public by letting them achieve operational objectives however small or intimidate local governments and populations, and you have to make life as a Nazi a living hell.
You can't let them march upon an objective and get there unopposed. If they march unopposed they appear strong and any authoritarian-minded shitheel will feel like they can join up and be powerful. You can't let them win that confrontation either (for the same reason), which means you MUST meet violence with violence and break them. A pacifist protest will always lose to one that is willing to use force, so you can't be pacifist. At a bare minimum, you have to be prepared to stand your ground and fight back. Not just with a passively resisting human chain, a Nazi shield wall armed with clubs will crush that like an insect, but to actually fight for your lives because there is a good chance that is exactly what you will end up doing. In Charlottesville, Nazis were prepared--and I do mean literally prepared with weapons caches--to get into an armed shootout with the police and win.
(This isn't like the 1960s Civil Rights Protests where people developed sympathy for the protesters and put pressure on government to change laws and policies and then send in troops to enforce compliance. MLK was very calculated in his approach here, he knowingly and intentionally got children attacked by dogs. There is no constitutional way to change the laws here.
You have to make their lives hell, you have to make them lose their jobs, lose their families, lose their friends, and socially isolate them. They have to be *afraid* to operate, and not feel like they are strong enough to succeed. And they have to be seen as such in order to prevent their efforts to recruit.
This can be done by small groups of independent citizens so long as the groups of Nazis are relatively small. When a Nazi group has 50 people in it, you have options. You can shame them, you can tear down their fliers, throw them out the door of a concert they are passing our fliers in, and yes... you can go after them with mace and brass knuckles when they are charging unarmed hand-holding-and-terrified clergy like they did last week.
If they manage to recruit enough (consider that Trump is still approved of by 35% of the population) and actually unite (which was the title of that rally, if you recall), they can get up to business that we really don't want. Organized voter intimidation, laws or no laws they will engage in it, there are only so many police and the police will only be so willing to stop them. Voting as a block to take over a local government... voting as a block in primary elections where they have influence... If they can get the latter two done, the norms of our democratic process will shield them.
They wont ever have an actual majority of people in their camp. Even Nazi Germany never actually had that. But they CAN get local majorities, and form a potent voting block that, if the tea party is any indication, will be able to affect federal elections and get candidates sympathetic to their agenda into office.
I remember how America reacted after 911. That was a real attack, far worse in terms of destruction and loss of life than Charlottsville, committed by a genuine and continuing threat. But the response was disproportionate, and overly-broad, and ended up doing more harm that good, and sacrificing some of our civil rights in the process. Many people on the Left rightly criticized Republican-backed suppression of civil rights, and acts of pre-emptive war and assassination, in the name of "national security" and fighting terrorism.
How quickly we forget, huh?
Or maybe its okay when our side does it?
Or in this case, the situation is different, and the response is different. We are not talking about abrogating personal privacy (against the government) in exchange for security. We are not talking about a military deployment overseas that kills hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. We are talking about using one of two options:
Hate-speech laws (which I reject because they DO damage our social contract)
Citizen resistance against Nazi aggression. Actual resistance.
These are the only options I can see that do not risk Nazis gaining political power. Your method of "impeaching trump" is going to take years. See above about why that is non-viable.
I despise Nazism. I consider white supremacy and Right-wing extremism potential existential threats to our country, and our democracy. But I am deeply suspicious of anyone who says that we need to suppress free speech in order to fight them. There's always a reason. There's always something terrible that we're told we could prevent, if only we're willing to make a few little sacrifices. But that's a very dangerous road to go down. Part of the price for having a democracy is that people get to say horrible things, just as part of the price for having due process is that sometimes a criminal goes free for lack of evidence or judicial incompetence. Changing that won't make us safe. It will simply make us unsafe in a different way.
Don't forget people's lives.
You know what... I have tried so damn hard to be mostly polite with you... but I'm done. The mod staff has been informed of my intention to pointedly not moderate this thread and unload on you.
You need to check your fucking privilege and listen to yourself talk. You are a straight white gentile dude sitting north of the Canadian border with actual functioning healthcare, sanctimoniously lecturing a person who is literally in the crosshairs of Nazis about the dangers of throwing out all the stops to prevent his own genocide.
Fuck you, you piece of shit pearl-clutching Quislingesque moron.
You know what you do to existential threats? You
destroy them. You can minimize collateral damage and do so from a defensive posture, but you
destroy them. If you seriously thought that Nazis were an existential threat, you would be advocating for something more than passive resistance and hope. But you don't.
Gonna continue in your other piles of rhetorical vomit.
But I oppose the use of violence on the Left, and will continue to do so, because, in addition to whatever moral objections I have, I don't think it would do a damn bit of good.
You think your rag-tag band of Left-wing militiamen will deter Neo-Nazis with assault rifles? It won't. What it will most likely do is lead to a series of bloody shootouts in the street, which will cause more people to sympathize with Trump's "both sides are equally guilty" rhetoric, and possibly even give Trump the excuse he needs to turn the National Guard loose on Left-wing activists.
So... you would prefer that the Nazis simply shoot people who are not shooting back? Because that is how this shit is already going. They want to kill people anyway, and last week they did so.
The less they are resisted (with actual force), the more they think they can get away with. We're not talking about bringing guns to a political rally, that is something the Nazis do. We are talking about hitting them with our fists (and maybe improvised clubs). It would be nice if police themselves would intervene, but they don't. They are all too willing to throw teargas into black protesters, but suddenly Nazis show up with guns and start beating up passively resisting preachers and they are nowhere to be seen. For fuck's sake the police would not even commit to protecting the local synagogue.
So don't worry. If anyone gets killed, it will be jews, people of color, and gay people. You can sleep easy. Your precious optics will be maintained.
I do, as always, respect the right to use force if necessary to defend oneself or others against an attacker. If someone had, for example, pulled a gun on the white supremacists who were caught on video brutally beating a black man, I doubt I'd have objected.
And here you are, objecting to people organizing to do exactly that, and if that Nazi had died... I don't believe you. I am pretty sure you would have objected because it would "throw fuel on the fire".
Let us be perfectly blunt. It almost does not matter who throws the first punch, or whether we organize violence. The Nazis will claim we are bad actors anyway, and Orange Quisling will do so as well.
But there is a difference between self-defence and "I want to form my own militia to go bash in the heads of/shoot the other side." That is not defensive violence. That is retaliatory violence and terrorism. And even if its intended as a purely defensive militia, it will attract people who are looking to start a fight, not prevent one.
That is why I don't believe you.
If you want to disagree with me, that's your right. But if you try to suggest that I am sympathetic to or supportive of Neo-Nazis because I believe in the First Amendment, I will report you for libel. Which is a restriction on free speech I do support.
Oh shut your fucking trap. You just suggested she wanted this:
Or maybe you don't want to deter violence and terrorism, and restore democratic norms and the rule of law. Maybe you just want to throw fuel on the fire, so you can have a civil war and shoot people you think deserve to be shot. A war your side would probably lose.
You know, I have it on good authority that hypocrisy makes great lube. So I have a suggestion for you. Take the pearls you clutch to your chest in outrage over any deviation from your milquetoast sanctimonious excuse for progressive ideals, coat them
liberally (pun intended), then shove them up your ass.
In a sense, principles count for everything. Because without them, democracy and the rule of law are dead regardless of who wins, along with a large number of mostly innocent people. Remember, if you start having shootouts in the street, its not just Nazis who will get shot. And if you start encouraging violent extremism, it won't be just actual Nazis who they end up targeting.
You know, antifascists are nothing new. In the US at least they've never really gone after anyone who is not a fascist in an organized way (mistakes/accidents do get made/happen from time to time because crowd dynamics) that I am aware.
That said, violence is going to happen. It is inevitable. The only difference is that without organized groups of antifascists who have prepared for it, the leftists get crushed like bugs.
Right now, this is blowing up in Trump and the Nazis faces, without the need for Left-wing militias. But you seem to want to escalate the use of force regardless, in a manner that plays into Trump's and the "Alt. Right's" rhetoric.
Just ignore the left-wing militia that did show up and did prevent harm to our people, and how Trump's "both sides are bad" rhetoric is getting him nowhere.
Even if we did not have a left-wing militia, the Nazis and Trump will lie. They will have video evidence of *someone* punching a Nazi in the face, even if they have to use photoshop, even if it is just one person losing their cool or defending themselves against a bunch of Nazis with shields bearing the words "Blood and Soil" slamming into their picket line. Those who are already inclined to believe that Nazis can even existentially be an aggrieved party are going to believe it no matter what happens. The rest of the country has, by and large, concluded that "Nazis have it coming by existing", which is as it should be.
This is a good thing. It means this country is not so far gone that I have to flee to Germany while muttering the definition of Irony under my breath.